Screen protectors--wet or dry easier to apply bubble free?

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
I have the worst luck with screen protectors. I always have issues with bubbles.

Is it easier to apply wet or dry screen protector and be bubble free?

What other tricks get rid of bubbles? I push the credit card so hard I almost snap it in two, yet I still don't get the bubbles out of the screen protectors.

I've had better luck with wet apply screen protectors. I used them on a Nexus 4 and an iPhone 5. You need to be very careful not to get water in the speakers & microphone, but otherwise I found wet apply ones easier to install. And once they dry, the bubbles are gone!

well what I try to do is using the tape method and it works every for me and I recently changed my screen protector for my 822 and I got no bubbles using this method :) and I know its a iPhone but it still works ;)

May I know which screen protector u r currently using ?What are the application steps u followed?
If u can afford some bucks I recommend u to get a gadgetshieldz wet screen protector as when u follow the instructions carefully then there is no question of getting the damn bubbles on your lumia phone...

Awww...I'm horrible at this ... tried everything with several protectors!
I just know I'll die with bubbles and dawg hair under any protector I'd attempt to put on.

May I know which screen protector u r currently using ?What are the application steps u followed?
If u can afford some bucks I recommend u to get a gadgetshieldz wet screen protector as when u follow the instructions carefully then there is no question of getting the damn bubbles on your lumia phone...
I tried this one dry apply. It also can be applied wet.

I have the worst luck with screen protectors. I always have issues with bubbles.

Is it easier to apply wet or dry screen protector and be bubble free?

What other tricks get rid of bubbles? I push the credit card so hard I almost snap it in two, yet I still don't get the bubbles out of the screen protectors.

Try Skinomi wet screen protectors. They're quite easy to apply and very reliable. Just avoid spraying their application fluid directly at the earpiece. Also if your device has curving edges, take extra care to make sure the protector remains stuck to it. Once set Skinomis are awesome.

I tried this one dry apply. It also can be applied wet.
So U tried the above screen protector using wet method and u r unsuccessful with it...right?
Here are the steps that I followed when applying gadgetshieldz (Maximum Protection with Matt Body) screen protector..
1)Wash your hands and clean the device's surface thoroughly of all the dirt and facial oils with a lint-free cloth. You can wet the cloth slightly before cleaning..
2)Assuming U r using a soap solution or gel for application.... wet all your fingers with the soap solution and starting from a corner,
slowly and carefully remove one of the shields(in your case its BodyGuardz UltraTough Clear ScreenGuardz) without stretching it.
3)Dip the removed piece(shield) into the soap solution completely, take it out and remove all the excess solution by sliding your fingers along the shield.
4)Dont worry about the fingerprints u can avoid them by keeping your fingers wet whenever handling the shield..
5)With the sticky side facing down, place the shield on your device as closely aligned as possible by equally spacing out any cut-outs in the shield around the ports (holes) on the device.
Glide it into the correct position with minor adjustments using your fingers if required.
6)Absorb the excess solution using the lint-free cloth whenever required. If the shield is moving from its perfectly aligned position, slide it back into place and let it sit for 5-10 minutes and
then gently start squeezing again. After squeezing out the excess solution, start pressing down all the side flaps with enough pressure so that they stick down on the device.
7)Once all the portions are installed, keep your device SWITCHED OFF for a period of 12-24 hrs to let the film set and all the left over moisture to dry out....
8)Immediately after the installation, you may see micro-bubbles under your screen and the device might look hazy.Don't panic over the wet appearance of the shield as this is perfectly normal...
As the shield starts to set onto your device, it will start to clear up..
9)Alright wet screen protector installation on your lumia is finished...

If u follow these steps thorroughly u can succeed..

I didn't try wet method. Dry method resulted in bubbles. I still have another screen protector, since 2 were in the package. I'm debating whether to try wet method using second one or just getting a friend to try, since I'm terrible at this.

I didn't try wet method. Dry method resulted in bubbles. I still have another screen protector, since 2 were in the package. I'm debating whether to try wet method using second one or just getting a friend to try, since I'm terrible at this.
Dude wet method is so simple give it a try.....

Last time I got my tablet a screen protector, the person at best buy used some spray that came with the protector to clean the surface and then after cleaning she used the spray to make the screen wet for the protector to be applied. There were bubbles but then she used a card that came with the protector for taking the bubbles out, a credit card or something like that would be fine too I guess. For phones in the past, I've never seen anyone applying a wet screen protector though. But even after applying a wet protector on the tablet I remember I still had one or two really tiny bubbles, in the end I just took the protector off the screen and threw it in the garbage lol.

Dude wet method is so simple give it a try.....

Just saying that she's a lady.

@Laura, Conan is right it's actually quite simple just avoid directing the liquid into buttons or other openings and wait out the entire 24 hours (to ensure its dry) and you should be fine. Good luck!

Posted via the WPC App for Android!


Using a Lumia 820 with no G Glass I learnt the hard way about not using screen protectors.

I bought el cheapo screen protectors off ebay (10 for $5) and they worked great for me. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality and durability.

For me I found that difficult bubbles are caused by particle/s of dirt trapped in between. So no matter how hard you push it will never disappear if there is dirt trapped underneath. Pushing on the bubbles to force em to the edges works but only if there is no dust trapped to begin with

Steps I use when applying.

1. Clean screen. Use lint free cloth to final wipe surface and try to operate in a dust free environment. If you have some compressed air give the screen a blast to clear off any micro bits.
2. Apply protector as quickly as possible. Minimize time from pulling off the backing until application of the protector to reduce chance of dust stickin to the adhesive.
Pick a corner to align and roll it down the screen working out the bubbles as you apply it.

If theres no dirt trapped between protector and screen, pushing any lil bubbles to the edge is a blast.

I have cans of compressed air for the odd PC clean out and it works a treat at making it easier to apply a protector.

Hope this helps

My fool proof method is to carefully get in the car and drive over to my local Verizon store. I have someone there that I have developed a friendship with and she is great at putting on bubble free screen protectors. While I lazily walk around the store she performs her miracle. I then very carefully get back into my car and drive home.

This method has worked for me since I got my first smartphone.
My fool proof method is to carefully get in the car and drive over to my local Verizon store. I have someone there that I have developed a friendship with and she is great at putting on bubble free screen protectors. While I lazily walk around the store she performs her miracle. I then very carefully get back into my car and drive home.

This method has worked for me since I got my first smartphone.
Well I guess this works too! At my local mall there's a kiosk where the proprietor installs wet apply screen protectors. He does an excellent job, and does it while you wait. It's not cheap though...

Just saying that she's a lady.

@Laura, Conan is right it's actually quite simple just avoid directing the liquid into buttons or other openings and wait out the entire 24 hours (to ensure its dry) and you should be fine. Good luck!

Posted via the WPC App for Android!

Oops...I didn't have a look at her name...@Laura sry...and @rcazador thanks for the tip...

My fool proof method is to carefully get in the car and drive over to my local Verizon store. I have someone there that I have developed a friendship with and she is great at putting on bubble free screen protectors. While I lazily walk around the store she performs her miracle. I then very carefully get back into my car and drive home.

This method has worked for me since I got my first smartphone.

There ya go!

So U tried the above screen protector using wet method and u r unsuccessful with it...right?
Here are the steps that I followed when applying gadgetshieldz (Maximum Protection with Matt Body) screen protector..
1)Wash your hands and clean the device's surface thoroughly of all the dirt and facial oils with a lint-free cloth. You can wet the cloth slightly before cleaning..
2)Assuming U r using a soap solution or gel for application.... wet all your fingers with the soap solution and starting from a corner,
slowly and carefully remove one of the shields(in your case its BodyGuardz UltraTough Clear ScreenGuardz) without stretching it.
3)Dip the removed piece(shield) into the soap solution completely, take it out and remove all the excess solution by sliding your fingers along the shield.
4)Dont worry about the fingerprints u can avoid them by keeping your fingers wet whenever handling the shield..
5)With the sticky side facing down, place the shield on your device as closely aligned as possible by equally spacing out any cut-outs in the shield around the ports (holes) on the device.
Glide it into the correct position with minor adjustments using your fingers if required.
6)Absorb the excess solution using the lint-free cloth whenever required. If the shield is moving from its perfectly aligned position, slide it back into place and let it sit for 5-10 minutes and
then gently start squeezing again. After squeezing out the excess solution, start pressing down all the side flaps with enough pressure so that they stick down on the device.
7)Once all the portions are installed, keep your device SWITCHED OFF for a period of 12-24 hrs to let the film set and all the left over moisture to dry out....
8)Immediately after the installation, you may see micro-bubbles under your screen and the device might look hazy.Don't panic over the wet appearance of the shield as this is perfectly normal...
As the shield starts to set onto your device, it will start to clear up..
9)Alright wet screen protector installation on your lumia is finished...

If u follow these steps thorroughly u can succeed..

It worked! I got a bubble free screen protector! :smile: Thanks for your advice.

What is the point of a screen protector these days, if I may ask? I honestly want to know. A lot of people make a big deal of it but I don't understand why it is necessary.

Gorilla Glass 3 has a Moh hardness of 7; this means it is harder than most common metal objects like keys, coins etc. The only common substance that is harder is silica, i.e. sand, so as long as you don't have any sand in your pockets it should be fine. I got my first large-screened (not touch screen though) phone (a Motorola ZN5) in 2009 and hated the screen protector I had on it. Then I got my first touchscreen phone (the awesome Nokia 5230) and decided to forgo a protector and just be careful with it. From then, through six smartphones in 5 years, not one has ever had even a tiny scratch on it. The only thing to be careful about is to never keep anything else in the same pocket as the phone.

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