Screen protectors--wet or dry easier to apply bubble free?


I don't want scratches on the screen. Screen protectors are cheaper than new screens. Maybe some people are lucky and don't get any damage without screen protectors or cases, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

What is the point of a screen protector these days, if I may ask? I honestly want to know. A lot of people make a big deal of it but I don't understand why it is necessary.

Gorilla Glass 3 has a Moh hardness of 7; this means it is harder than most common metal objects like keys, coins etc. The only common substance that is harder is silica, i.e. sand, so as long as you don't have any sand in your pockets it should be fine. I got my first large-screened (not touch screen though) phone (a Motorola ZN5) in 2009 and hated the screen protector I had on it. Then I got my first touchscreen phone (the awesome Nokia 5230) and decided to forgo a protector and just be careful with it. From then, through six smartphones in 5 years, not one has ever had even a tiny scratch on it. The only thing to be careful about is to never keep anything else in the same pocket as the phone.

The point is to protect the screen. And certainly some people like yourself are luckier than others. I feel there are too many variables in everyday life to leave it to chance.

What is the point of a screen protector these days, if I may ask? I honestly want to know. A lot of people make a big deal of it but I don't understand why it is necessary.

I don't normally use screen protectors on devices that I actually use. I put one on my iPhone 5 because I was planning to sell it, and I put one on the back of my Nexus 4 because the glass back was very slippery. I'm very careful with my devices and I haven't scratched a screen yet. I generally don't put anything at all in the same pocket as my phone, not even paper.

The way that's worked the best for me is to run a shower as hit possible to get the room full of steam.

It will cause the dust particles to fall, and, BOOM! No bubbles when you put the protector on.

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I use a hair dryer to speed up the drying out process, versus waiting 24 hours. It helps a lot.

For me, I like using screen protector that require a wet installation because it is alot easier to move around and align. After it dries up, the screen is bubble free. :)

Illumishield , less than 8 bucks for 3, with a lifetime replacement guarantee. Prefect fit dry application even with the curved edges of the screen.

I've done several warranty replacements and they are hassle free.

Built several hotrod motors, re-roofed houses, poured and finished yards of concrete, replaced jet/turbofan/turboprop engines on a number of F-111's F16's A-10's C-130's...and I can't get a measly screen protector on!

Tried a Skinomi protector on a 521 last week.
Ended up with debris under the shield and damaged it too :angry:

Thing is I think I wrecked the display when I yanked it off.
(Don't tell Nokia...they have the phone as we speak repairing shhhh)

I ended up giving up on installation. I know someone at the AT&T store, and I had him install the screen protector for me. He did a bubble free installation.

Ok I think I made a mistake and ordered the zagg invisible shield dry installation for a Nokia Lumia 925 I just ordered from At&t...Any tips or techniques on how to make a solution water so I can do a wet installation which seems easier?

Sent from Seattle

Ok I think I made a mistake and ordered the zagg invisible shield dry installation for a Nokia Lumia 925 I just ordered from At&t...Any tips or techniques on how to make a solution water so I can do a wet installation which seems easier?

Sent from Seattle

When I've ordered screen protectors from AT&T, I've just taken them to the local AT&T store and had an employee install them. They always did the installation free of charge if it was something I purchased from their online store.

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