Screen Uniformity

????? The specs are the same, the panel isn't. Neither is the mobile chipset or the digitizer. Tell me what you want: the 930 has a crappy, cheap panel.

The chipset is indeed the same; the differences listed in the site (boiling down to "MSM8974") accounts for the different modem used to communicate with different radio technology (cdma for the Icon vs. gsm/umts for the 930).

As for your certainty, I say I've yet to see a side-by-side screen comparison between Icon and 930.
What we have is based on written descriptions. No two people agree on the concept of "true black" or "dark gray", etc.

Also I'll say that my issue is diffrerent from that of the OP. In addition to having a disuniform gray, I also seem to be unable to make my phone show a perfectly black picture, i.e. with OLEDs off. If I display a black picture while at max brightness, I see a dark gray background as if it was an LCD. This is probably software-related.

To substantiate the claim that the screen be the same as Samsung S4, let's wait for a review by gsmarena where they usually point a microscope at the screen to see the pixel patterns. If it is the same, we can be almost certain the whole panel is the same.
Or wait for an ifixit teardown!
Finally I come around posting an image of my screen. Excuse the blown exposure but I had to give the idea.
Phone is on the brightness setting screen with manual setting and max brightness.
Notice the "backlight" effect, very reminiscent of an LCD.

Do you guys think that it is hardware or software? Even when tinkering with the colour to remove most of the purple the blacks still have the effect of light bleeding. Not sure whether to swap it or wait for an update. Very noticeable compared to my 820 which is pitch black black colours.
Do you guys think that it is hardware or software? Even when tinkering with the colour to remove most of the purple the blacks still have the effect of light bleeding. Not sure whether to swap it or wait for an update. Very noticeable compared to my 820 which is pitch black black colours.

I'm contemplating the same thing. Keep it and hope an update solves it or swap it out and risk getting a device that has a similar trait or some other defect.

The thing is now that I know it's there I can see it most of the time. Even on white backgrounds there is a slight colour change from left to right.

What to do......?
I'm contemplating the same thing. Keep it and hope an update solves it or swap it out and risk getting a device that has a similar trait or some other defect.

The thing is now that I know it's there I can see it most of the time. Even on white backgrounds there is a slight colour change from left to right.

What to do......?

If you do swap it let me know if your problem is fixed because then ill probably do the swap as well.
I'm afraid it's hardly a software issue as my screen has the top darker than the bottom - so top - down rather than left - right. Seems more like a fault in the glass or the filter layer that has been applied to it. If it were a software issue all screens should probably misbehave in a similar fashion.

Overall I'm not really happy with the phone. The screen darker on top, heats up while browsing the web - haven't even tried gaming on it yet - battery life is not really good and the weight combined with the excess heat makes it rather uncomfortable to hold for longer periods.

If you rotate your phone slightly, you will notice that the whites become colder (bluish) at a pretty small angle.
The thing you notice - I also have it but - may be a byproduct of this.

The "black bleeding" is most probably a unrelated, software issue that will be fixed by Nokia in the future.

I wouldn't ask for a swap, mainly because I don't know how long it would take.
If you rotate your phone slightly, you will notice that the whites become colder (bluish) at a pretty small angle.
The thing you notice - I also have it but - may be a byproduct of this.

I wish it was that simple but no. The hue shift when looking at the screen from an angle is a different issue. The brightness / darkness difference between top and bottom parts of the screen visible on every solid color except black. For example, a solid gray color appears as having a slight gradient running from top down - in fact that's what I first thought it was. And it's the same no matter which angel you look at the screen from.

It wouldn't be the first time issues like these pop up when a device is moved into global mass manufacturing - the requirements for quality control get lowered in order to keep the price down and max out the production rate. At the time the Samsung GS2 came out I went through four different units - each of them had different displays - ranging from perfect to way too dark and the ones with wave like effect in brightness or uneven colors.

Sucks to get a 'faulty' one.
I do hope these "faults" are a minority. Looks like I'll need to check the device out when I buy in store to make sure its good.
I wish it was that simple but no. The hue shift when looking at the screen from an angle is a different issue. The brightness / darkness difference between top and bottom parts of the screen visible on every solid color except black. For example, a solid gray color appears as having a slight gradient running from top down - in fact that's what I first thought it was. And it's the same no matter which angel you look at the screen from.
The only thing I would love to know, now, is who makes our oled display.
I'll probably keep the phone as this is the only issue in having.

Some people are reporting very hot phones, tap/swipe problems and very poor battery.

Thankfully I don't seem to have any of those (battery isn't great but it gets me through the day)

So although I see my problem I think I could probably live with it as its only really noticeable on greyish colours.

I don't want to swap it for one that is similar or worse.
Sent from my RM-1045_1011 using Tapatalk
I'll probably keep the phone as this is the only issue in having.

Some people are reporting very hot phones, tap/swipe problems and very poor battery.

Thankfully I don't seem to have any of those (battery isn't great but it gets me through the day)

So although I see my problem I think I could probably live with it as its only really noticeable on greyish colours.

I don't want to swap it for one that is similar or worse.
Sent from my RM-1045_1011 using Tapatalk

So you're happy to spend nearly ?500 for a phone that not up to standards?
I have decided to send the phone back to and re-ordered a new one through phones 4 u - got the phone for the similar price I paid with amazon plus I get the added bonus of a charge plate included in the box and the wireless bundle worth around ?150 (made the decision a lot easier).

I'll report back next week when I have the new phone if it has a similar screen issue (hopefully not)
I have the EXACT same issue. The boot screens are perfectly black, but as soon as it loads the start screen, I have a washed black (almost %40-%50 gray) at the bottom, fading gradually to the top.

So I have 2 issues right now: Purple tint AND $hitty blacks. Speaking of the first one, that color profile "fix" merely makes it tolerable, it's not a perfect solution no matter how fine you tune the settings.
I made a video showing the issue. Compare the dead-black boot screens versus the blacks in notification center.

Two pics as well:


About the purple hue, I have it on the top of my display. First one is a white PNG (255,255,255) and the second is %50 gray (128,128,128). It's visible on the right side of the images:

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Had same problem as this will wait for fix I think... Got year warentee so give it few weeks others wise take it back as not fit for purpose.
sent from my lumia 930....

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