Seems MS has forgotten to flip the switch for Lumia devices without denim??

...the ball is in Microsoft's hand....

Exactly. I'm sure it is not forgotten. They have not just dropped it. It will come when it does.

And here's a word of wisdom from a user you probably agree with: "the ball is in Microsoft's hand." No other's. Surely posting wants and demands in this forum will not force that hand.

So in the end, what is the point of threads like this? To try and somehow belittle the process and "shame" Microsoft into "giving in" and releasing the update? It's not being withheld from some users as a punishment or as blackmail or as hostage taking of some sort...

So, again, what is the point?

To have a bit of rant? OK. Then why are none of the other threads good enough to rant in? Why make more? Why bombard the forum with daily attempts to "magically" make it happen with a post or two?

No reason. People have reasons, but this gets unreasonable in its monotony and repetition.

To above users.

My point is that their was time when no Android phone can beat any WP phone in terms of update speed.
But now few Android phone already beating all WP phones in terms of update speed.
and WP updates are getting slower and slower compare to previous time.

Android updates are much complicated than WP yet few phone still able to beat them.

Apple provide fastest updates
WP comes second in this
and Android considered to worst among them.

Instead of becoming fast WP is getting slower and you guys are choose Worst standard for update speed instead of best. This is itself an example that WP updates standard are going down.

Sir, no matter how many updates WP users get but till now we only got one major update and Android devices already got two major updates.
GDR updates are minor updates and their are almost nothing in them other than 1 and 2 features which nobody notices or remember.

an last thing stop predicting Moto future. I remember last time when Moto G 2013 got 4.4 update even then every WP users were saying that it won't get next update and even if it get will will be very slow but instead it got update faster than any WP device.
You and I or anyone else don't know future so, it will be better to stop commenting them.
It seems to me that we are glorifying updates for the idea of getting an update. The point of an update is to get new features and/or bug fixes, not to simply get an update. Arguing updates on the premise of how fast they're coming is flawed.

We should instead be asking, "What features is (my platform) missing, and what bugs need to be fixed?" If one platform has a feature that another one is missing, and the platform that's missing the feature receives an update adding it, we tend to praise that platform because "We just got an update!!!!!" In reality, it was behind and just caught up.

I know that this is oversimplified, but I did that on purpose to clarify my point.
It's confusing really, on their website they say denim is now available to all Lumia devices but nothing comes up when I try to update my L1520. Can't use Lumia camera update coz it requires denim update. When I try to update phone says firmware is up-to-date????
I'm personally not bothered when or how often updates occur, as long as they are updated when improvements are made.
But, a very big but, when Microsoft, or anyone else for that matter, heralds an update and gives a time slot for it to be applied I expect them to keep to that time slot, or give the public a good reason for the delay. Otherwise I get, at the very least cynical ( are they delaying to try to boost new phones?).
It's no different to any other statement of intent. Once you say you are going to do it, you better do it or give the reason why not.
I'm not bothered if Google update their OS weekly, or Apple send a nightly build OTA.
But if there are improvement to be made and these have been given a delivery date they need to be delivered. That goes for Microsoft and anyone else.
Fair enough, but a 3 month bracket ought to be enough. It wasn't exactly a narrow target.
And even now, trickling out updates in some unspecified sequence.........
Fair enough, but a 3 month bracket ought to be enough. It wasn't exactly a narrow target.
And even now, trickling out updates in some unspecified sequence.........

Carriers, carriers, carriers. The ball is decidedly NOT in Microsoft's court. Is that concept so difficult to grasp? Verizon held 822 and 928 users hostage forever and it turns out they were the first in the US to release Denim, completely bypassing Cyan. None of us know what the process for carrier certification is so let's stop all the bellyaching and wait. If you intend to stay on WP, there's no other option. Thread after thread, whining and moaning ain't gonna make it happen any sooner. As RumoredNow said, it's getting monotonous and boring.
How do you explain about the Country Variant phones, please give us you insight on what's holding the delay?

I have no idea what you're talking about. I can't speak intelligently on what's happening in other countries. Besides, I don't respond well to condescension. I don't have Denim yet, that's my cross to bear. If you don't have it either, tough.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I can't speak intelligently on what's happening in other countries. Besides, I don't respond well to condescension. I don't have Denim yet, that's my cross to bear. If you don't have it either, tough.

You are saying that Carriers are the one holding on to the ball delaying the release of the Denim firmware, not Microsoft.

So who is holding on to the ball for those Country Variant phone, not Microsoft either???
I have Cyan when it first release.
And got denim at early release too.

I don't think MS would delay the release. It must have something to do with regulatory and legal stuff
You are saying that Carriers are the one holding on to the ball delaying the release of the Denim firmware, not Microsoft.

So who is holding on to the ball for those Country Variant phone, not Microsoft either???

Which part are you having the most difficult time comprehending? I don't know what's happening in other countries.
Which part are you having the most difficult time comprehending? I don't know what's happening in other countries.

I have no problem comprehending anything, I am just asking you to share your insight since you're the one trying to talk sense or talk your way out of everything.

1. On Carrier holding Microsoft back in their effort to push the Denim firmware out,
2. There is no one stopping Microsoft on those Country Variant phones, so why isn't Microsoft doing so on more that 90% of those CV high end phones (820/930/1520) in other countries?

The firmware was announced to be released on these high end devices first, before the end of 2014. Yet things are working the other way now, on low end devices where they practically receives no improvements. Maybe this is Microsoft's way to pacify the consumers on the delay while they work to iron out any issues.
Which part are you having the most difficult time comprehending? I don't know what's happening in other countries.

Country Variant basically means it is not reliant on a carrier so any updates should in theory come direct from Microsoft.

I myself have a UK CV Lumia 930 but I'm on the EE network. I know that EE have not yet released Denim for the 930 so to me this assumes that I will still have to wait on the carrier I am using instead of Microsoft.
Country Variant basically means it is not reliant on a carrier so any updates should in theory come direct from Microsoft.

I myself have a UK CV Lumia 930 but I'm on the EE network. I know that EE have not yet released Denim for the 930 so to me this assumes that I will still have to wait on the carrier I am using instead of Microsoft.

You don't wait for EE.. I have a Hong Kong CV 1020 but flashed a UK ROM, we're are waiting on Microsoft.
I have a 1520 and 930 that are both UK CV. I would rather wait a little longer to receive a bug free Denim update than get an early update that cripples my phones in some way. Patience is a virtue. :)
I have a 1520 and 930 that are both UK CV. I would rather wait a little longer to receive a bug free Denim update than get an early update that cripples my phones in some way. Patience is a virtue. :)
I echo that! Far better to sit and wait for your regions denim update to come OTA by normal means, though many appear to be asking how long?
How longs a piece of'll come when it's

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