Seriously considering jumping ship.......HELP?!

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it all comes down to, what is the best device for my every day use?????

Windows phone for me is OK but since I'm taking flying lesson this year, now, that windows phone is not good enough because of the one app I could use, only found on IPhone and android.
Is it? I guess that might be my question. They certainly have nicer hardware over on the other side, but I'm not sold on the OS.

Can't stand Android - takes like 50 pokes to get things done and the security issues they experience is terrible. Went with iOS and you do get high quality apps. Still takes 50 pokes to get anything done. Came back to the 950XL after over a year (for a couple reasons) and it was a little slow going at first. With all the updates, I'm loving it again. I'm unable to use a couple apps, but all in all it has worked well for me and Continuum is interesting.

No one can tell you if you're going to be happy staying. My suggestion is to order one of the new phones from MS Store and run it for a couple weeks. If it isn't working out, you can get a full refund.
I wouldn't dream of of switching! I just love my aging Nokia 920!
Windows Phones are also the most secure of the two, which is a big factor for me.
Windows Phone - nothing else compares!
Can't stand Android - takes like 50 pokes to get things done

Not trying to start a war here but I'd like to hear exactly what takes you "50-pokes" to get the job done on Android/iOS because, from my standpoint none of them (including WP) are that excessively bad, unless you are using ancient devices running a much outdated operating system. With W10M my 830 requires more steps to get the job done than my LG G4/S7 but it?s not just the OS creating the issues here, hardware now has become a big factor although many stated WP wouldn?t succumb to that fate nearly as much, beg to differ there.

Reverting back to 8.1 brings back a spark in regards to my once loved OS but then we are left in the past and been that way for quite some time, as a matter of fact my phone wasn?t even a year old before it became redundant.

Getting back to the OP question? At this point I see little reason to stay unless living on the edge dealing w/uncertainty is your cup of tea, WPs past and present history speaks for itself IMO, if you are fine with that stay. I jumped ship because WP wasn?t up to the challenges I stowed upon it and W10M was nowhere near at a point to fulfill those needs, still isn?t from my standpoint, not to mention my wants for ?flagship? devices, the thing is, if I want the latest and greatest from the Android/iOS camps not a problem (many sources where I live), WP has ?never? been that free with certain devices only available in specific markets or select outlets.
I feel sorry for people that are stuck with Verizon.

The number one reason: signal.

But wait... Check with people on AT&T or T-Mo who live and work where you do. Maybe coverage has improved. I feel like the old truism that Verizon covers more areas is gradually fading. I traveled all over the western US last year on an AT&T mvno and did not notice any connection issues. You might not be beholden to big red anymore.
Both my wife and brother use zero apps, but both upgraded to the new iPhone because they just didn't even try the Windows Phone, even though it would have cost them nothing. They are just brainwashed even the carriers to avoid Windows Mobile

So you as the husband/ the "other" brother couldn't convince them otherwise? In reality I'd say WPs status in the market place and history has a whole heck of a lot more to do with it than anyone being brainwashed, not to mention W10Ms dismal evolving and handset availability to name a few, if that weren’t the case then BlackBerry wouldn't be in their predicament either because some similarities abound but with one major difference, BBs handsets are readily available to me in multiple outlets.
If you couldn't stand Android a couple of years ago, then you won't like it now either. Buying a shiny new device is pointless if you don't like the system that operates it.

So, there's no way for you to switch to a carrier that supports Windows?

A couple of years is a fairly long time in the mobile world and things do change, for some platforms, OP might find Android a totally different experience especially now where hardware is concerned.

Don't agree w/switching carriers to gain support because that alone throws up a red flag especially in the WP camp. OP needs to look at the ?BIG? picture before making a conscious decision as to the direction they want to pursue, we already know he likes the platform but has reservations due the lack of hardware, obviously what is now available or soon-to-be hasn?t been enough of an enticement otherwise the question wouldn?t have been raised.

I loved the platform prior to 2015 but slowly the cons began to outweigh the pros, prior to jumping ship we analyzed the platforms history going back to 2010 along with its progression at the time, wasn?t a very comforting site from my perspective which resulted in my position today. Don?t fault anyone for staying if they so choose but to base it off one or two entities or ?only? by what some say is just fooling one?s self, it is up to the individual to do their homework thoroughly and base it off that along with their intended usage.
I agree. I was considering trying Android again. However, when I asked myself the reason I want to try that ecosystem, I only had one answer: Pokemon Go. And yeah, that's a very ****ty reason so still sticking to W10M.

And I'm really hoping Ms would revive the W10M hype (with new hardware and new OS features)
If you want to try something new and don't mind the upfront cost, try something else and return it if you don't like it after a week. Since they are different operating systems, there will be some adjusting required. But just like some things are nicer in Windows, some things are nicer in Android and iOS.
it is a trivial reason you are right, but in one way its a legitimate reason too, i say that because i have recently found myself using periscope, and there is no working client on windows phone - i am nearly at the point where i am going to find myself having to go to apple over ONE app, which is a damn shame considering most of my mobile ownership has been lumias and 99.9% of the time that phone/ecosystem is fine.

I agree. I was considering trying Android again. However, when I asked myself the reason I want to try that ecosystem, I only had one answer: Pokemon Go. And yeah, that's a very ****ty reason so still sticking to W10M.

And I'm really hoping Ms would revive the W10M hype (with new hardware and new OS features)
To the OP...
I use both Windows and Android. I must confess, however, that my Nexus 6P is what I use most often. I really like W10M. It would be my first choice if it were up to me, but the school where I teach has taken the plunge into the Android pool, so I have to have something that allows me smooth access to those services. Also, the app situation is killing the W10M experience for me, at the moment. So, Android it is.
As it appears from you original post, you're asking us to help you stay with W10M. If you're having to ask other people to give you reasons to stay with Windows, it sounds like you've hit the Windows 10 Mobile wall, already. Ha ha
Just go with the OS that best meets your needs is about the best advice anyone can offer in my opinion. Good luck.
Just stay with either Android or iPhone. Do not waste your hard earned cash on this platform.
I've been an extremely loyal WinPhone user since WP7 and my Samsung Focus. I've used a Lumia 920, 925, and most recently 950, and can say that I just jumped ship a week ago to a Note 7 and I'm not looking back. I'm so much happier with the Note.

I've been so loyal to the platform, stuck by it, defended it, and went without apps because the phone worked better, but as soon as I got that email from Amazon saying they were dropping support, I was done with the platform. I use Amazon a lot, so if I can't even do that, then what good is it to me? I can honestly say that I am so much happier since getting rid of my WinPhone. While I like metro on the phone, I don't even care at this point. I'm just happy that I can actually subscribe to my car alarm and use their app, I can actually use Google apps to talk with friends all day, I can actually use Kakaotalk without it crashing after every message, and I can finally play Pokemon Go!

OP, take things into consideration of what you use your phone for. The grass may not always be greener on the other side, but for me it was a lush tropical paradise with hula dancers and all the gin & tonics in the world waiting for me.
I guess what MS needs to do is to push the devs of "famous" or "mainstream" harder into embracing the platform (although I don't really know how). Yes, most of us would be contented with the current selection in the Store (mostly I use my phone for music, camera, FB'ing only) and would not mind not having those mainstream Android and iOS apps on the Store. But some people really want those apps on the platform. If MS really wanted to succeed on this segment, then they have to provide what its customers really want. It's a bit saddening to hear other people jumping ship because they feel "unloved" by MS. And I don't really blame them.
My answer is not original but... If you want swap to Android Do it
In my case after first very positive impression of android phone I started missing Windows interface Windows settings and I changed again phone to Lumia 950 and later 950xl

But I understand your frustration Today morning I sold one item at eBay I tried check my PayPal via apps - app doesn't work I tried send message to buyer there is no option in app

There is problem Poor quality of apps I also was very close to think about change phone I'll keep Lumia yet but ... If situation won't change in 3 months...
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