Share your W10M Start Screens and Backgrounds!

4th time posting here! :P
Now on my daily driver 730.. (works great!)
What I see in almost all the screenshots from post build 10049 era, transparency/opacity slider was badly needed by many! :)

Also props to the guy with the 2 cyrcles-like startscreen :D on page 11 created by poopyfinger(!)..

Just been doing some slightly dodgy repainting to parts of this Sachin Teng image. The original cuts off at the elbow, the fingers, the back of the snake and the waist so I had to paint those parts in (vaguely in the style of the original). Works alright though.

The background is not quite white, and is in fact a slightly green off-white. I don't know if that looks strange to you or not, but I think it's a bit better - less glaring.


Better in pink, I think (had to blur out part of one tile to obscure my phone number!)


Here's the desktop file, if you want to use it (click through until you hit the 1287x2300 size):

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Here's my current windows 10 mobile start screen!


  • wp_ss_20150712_0003.jpg
    119.7 KB · Views: 27
Dude, that's a sick wallpaper and whoever the female is has a gorgeous body! But as usual, companies like facebook, weather bug, and the others don't offer a transparent option. I think all apps should have a transparent option....after all, it's not the color of the tile that let us know who the company is, it's the logo.
This is what I love about windows phone, it's beautiful. I don't care what the nay Sayers in the tech world believe. These are some of the things Microsoft should be advertising...what users can do with this OS. Show everyday users doing this kind of thing.
I really wanted to update with this build but now that I see what the start screens look like honestly I'm sorry but a lot of these just look like crappy android 3.5 or son old android version themes too me. Even the basic ones look like a complete step backwards in design compared to what I have on my 8.1 currently. So this saddens me, I'm sure that's the opposite of all if you since you are using it and probably wont like my comment but, I think it is worth noting now that I've seen users using it. They should add the ability for people to use the original start screen, that's what drew so many people to our O.S. And why i use it. Is that possible now, or no?
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You can have solid color backgrounds just like in 8.1 just go to settings, personalization, start, select tiled or none, then go to color and select whatever solid color you like. In the future, please research the OS before commenting, it makes you seem very un-informed like many average consumers who have nothing to say be negative things the hear from cellular salespeople who use other platforms and don't learn about all of the platforms they're supposed to be selling.
Cani post an album of it instead? I have do many lol
You would like to pin album? Not possible with current Groove build but you can do it with a 3rd party music player, as a matter of fact I'm facing lot of issues with app and using 3rd party soft for now..
How to get the larger tiles?
If you are talking about horizontal tiles and other big sized solutions that were spotted around I'm afraid you'll be dissapointed as it is not possible to use any of them within the current build but it is quite possible that we'll see something similar in future...
My lumia 730 has problem with 10166 version . In this version i cant change start background battery consumed very and cortana also not working properly

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