Share your W10M Start Screens and Backgrounds!

Hey Deepak, I was wondering how you make those headers? I have looked at several apps that offer text tiles, but cannot seem to find one that looks quite as awesome as yours! Thanks.

Pretty sure he's using headertiles. It can make the same type he's using and has tons of options.

It's actually Group Tiles. I doubt if Headertiles lets you add the sub-captions also. I had used both of them and finally uninstalled the Headertiles.
It's actually Group Tiles. I doubt if Headertiles lets you add the sub-captions also. I had used both of them and finally uninstalled the Headertiles.

Gonna check that one out too, thanks Deepak. Headertiles does allow sub captions, btw. Was going to send a pic of my headers as they are near identical to yours but for some odd reason none of my new screenshots or pictures will show up in the photos app...
Somebody at Arstechnica showed off a bunch of screenshots from here... It inspired me, and I went ahead with my own minimalist start screen :)


Ive had basically every windows phone possible (Titan, Focus S, Titan 2, 920, 1520 (x3, damn screens), 640, 950xl) and it's damn refreshing to finally have good customization options. Live tiles were getting a bit stale but now it feels like a completely new OS with windows 10. With the new look and my leather mozo back I'm going to have the snazziest phone on the planet.
View attachment 118742

Ive had basically every windows phone possible (Titan, Focus S, Titan 2, 920, 1520 (x3, damn screens), 640, 950xl) and it's damn refreshing to finally have good customization options. Live tiles were getting a bit stale but now it feels like a completely new OS with windows 10. With the new look and my leather mozo back I'm going to have the snazziest phone on the planet.

Could you share the awesome wallpaper

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