Windows Central Question
sharing photos from gallery collection on 950xl
the problem i have is, when i use the photo gallery to share, the photo goes off and then comes back. it will not take me to the apps like whatsapp, Facebook or instagram section to share. i have to open the app & share the photo from there. it all used to work fine. checked my dads 950 and his works fine. just installed the 10.0.10586.494 and thats not fixed it. any ideas.
the problem i have is, when i use the photo gallery to share, the photo goes off and then comes back. it will not take me to the apps like whatsapp, Facebook or instagram section to share. i have to open the app & share the photo from there. it all used to work fine. checked my dads 950 and his works fine. just installed the 10.0.10586.494 and thats not fixed it. any ideas.