Should Edge spilt from Major releases?

I think having a version of Edge for the most popular version of windows would have helped market share. Having it only on Windows 10 is what killed it. People running Windows 7 were forced to switch to another browser as IE was ignored. Since people were using chrome at work and on their androids, might was well install it on the home PC with Windows 10...

Having Edge in the store or part of the OS is irrelevant. They can send patches on any timeline for OS or store. They just need to work more aggressively for more frequent updates, but that doesn't solve the Windows 7 trap where most Windows users today are unable to install Edge.
if it helps with faster bugfixes and maintenace yes, otherwise no. I like the integrative holistic exprience with windows and other apps over the wild west see what you get in terms of performance and stability experience. I don't understand why performance, security and stability, possibly feature updates for Edge can't happen over more regular windows updates, much like what happens with security updates (what seems to happen almost every other day). The browser, next to productivity apps, is likely the most used app anyway. Even maps have their own regular updates outside of the microsoft store!

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