Should I buy 1520?


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Aug 1, 2014
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Remember whatever successor (if there will be any) that the 1520 get - it will be very expensive. The 1520 is now about half of the initial price when it was released.
Just make sure you don't get it from the cheapest retailer causing you headache when there is a fault. I strongly recommend amazon etc. so you can get it replaced and not deal with crappy warranty repairs or unreliable dealers.


May 15, 2013
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If your in the US get the 1520.3 unless your tied to Verizon or not in the US, the 1520 is a phone that keeps on giving and it is only going to get better with the new updates.

Get it and you will not regret it, unless the size becomes a issue which may grow on you over time :p.


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Jul 10, 2012
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I would suggest skipping the 1520 because of the numerous screen sensitivity complaints. If you really want a Windows Phone and a tablet, get a mint 92x and buy a Dell Venue 8 Pro. I don't have anything against the 1520, just don't want you to regret your choice later if you end up getting the screen sensitivity bug that's causing headaches for most of the owners. In fact, the tablet + phone would cost you less than the 1520 altogether. If you can wait, then see what's coming up in the holidays from Microsoft Mobile, for now you can settle with a slightly cheaper WP


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Jul 10, 2014
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Screen sensitivity is something you can control; just need to relearn how you swipe and tap. You need longer distance to swipe. Otherwise, the system will sense it as a tap.


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Sep 16, 2014
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I have L1520 and i could not be happier with it. I was a bit hesitant at first when i saw that huge screen. i remember standing in the shop holding this 1520 and some 5" screen phone and decided to take a risk. After a week or so the size of the screen stopped being an issue. I love that huge screen.

As for WP9, if 1520 will not get it, than no other available phone is getting it for sure.
Jan 30, 2014
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Hi guys!!!
I had Lumia 620 but few months ago, my Lumia dies. :-(
So I am looking for new phone. I donť want Android or iOS (i really donť want it :-D ) because i love WinPhone.
And i don't have tablet (and now i don't have even SmartPhone, because i have Nokia C6-00 and it isn't smart :-D ) So i was looking for some Lumia phablets. I found Lumia 1320 and 1520. I chose 1520 because of perfect display, awesome camera and so!
But i hesitate, if i should wait for new Lumia phablets, maybe for 1530. Because i am little bit afraid, if will be possible to upload Windows Phone 9 to this "old phones".
So, should i buy Lumia 1520? :)
Thank you very much!

P.S. I am from Czech Republic and my english isn't so good. So I apologize for the mistakes.

It's a nice phone if you're contented with what WP offers. I consider is perhaps the best one due to the big display. Your only risk is to spend a lot of money and then see a much more advanced device in few months (let's say around Xmas maybe, not sure) or when Threshold comes in final version.
If you don't get scared at these two issues, buy it. It's indeed one of the best WP devices around if not the best.


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May 28, 2013
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Remember whatever successor (if there will be any) that the 1520 get - it will be very expensive. The 1520 is now about half of the initial price when it was released.
Just make sure you don't get it from the cheapest retailer causing you headache when there is a fault
Cheap prices don't equate to bad service. I bought my 1520.3 from B&H who had and still has (I believe) the cheapest price. When it started acting up at the 5 week point, they took it back and shipped me a brand new one. Cheap can also mean a business does things efficiently and has high volume because they have great service.


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Jul 10, 2012
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​92x is now falling behind re: sensorcore and 1520 is riding into the future.

You're right, but the 92x was only meant as a place holder for the OP till a new phone is released. Secondly the screen issues. Personally if the 1520 didn't have these screen issues I would've bought it by now


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Nov 19, 2012
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The 1520 is a great phone. Sure, the first few times you pick it up it feels huge, but after 2 or 3 days you won't notice the extra size of the phone, and you will love that huge screen.


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Dec 11, 2013
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Wow there's always one - this phone sucks, because I got frustrated with it & threw mine against a wall

scratch that off the potential remedies - throwing it against a wall was not very effective in fixing the issue you had ...

There is. While I have no excuse for my methods of handling a very frustrating experience, I have the means to buy the next phone I fancy. A fool and his money are soon parted indeed. Regardless, after much technical assessment and adjustment and months of updates and tweaks, it just wouldn't fix. That's really unfortunate, because I did like the phone. So to reply to your statement "No" it was not an effective remedy. Although it helped with my frustration, and I'll put value into that.Since I am out of the country several months out of the year I relied on that phone, and the circumstances as they were, didn't allow me to take it or send it to a Microsoft Store or Nokia Store. My 1520 was a piece of......but that doesn't mean all are or will be. It's a gamble like anything else. Unfortunately that is why Apple seems appealing, their hardware plain and simply works, antennagate not withstanding, but I am still not ready for that jump. I am ready for HTC and AT&T to make an announcement though. That One M8 is a gem and I want it but Microsoft keeps playing these exclusivity games to gain traction. One step forward and two steps back...its unfortunate really! So if your response made you feel better about my response good!, it might just be as satisfying as throwing a phone into a wall that won't work no matter how much of yourself you pour into it! Food for thought.....


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Oct 17, 2013
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So if your response made you feel better about my response good!, it might just be as satisfying as throwing a phone into a wall that won't work no matter how much of yourself you pour into it! Food for thought.....

... 'cept my response didn't cost me a NEW phone ! :cool::grin:

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