Should I return my SP4?


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Dec 13, 2015
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To be honest, I really only do see some light bleed in the upper left corner during boot. Once the system is up and running I really don't notice any light bleed so I don't know if seeing light bleed during boot is a big deal or not. I would not accept under any other circumstances however.


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Jan 18, 2016
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I bought the i7 sp4 lot#1549 two weeks ago and returned it as screen had light bleed issue and multiple instances of BSOD see the attached pic . Also the battery charge was around during 4 hours of normal use.

So I returned it and got i5 model lot #1548 with 8 gb ram. There is some light bleed but much better then before. I have not seen BSOD so far with one week of use and there is a noticeable increase playtime on battery to 6 hours of normal usage. Few thing stood out, that colors on the i7 screen were better than this i5 model. However, I see some stuttering on the edge browser when I scroll long Web pages very fast up and down or large pdf files. Also, when I zoom in and out the text fast, the text becomes blurry for a second and then become sharp. I never tried to notice these on my previous i7 model perhaps I knew I had the fastest model. Is i5 supposed to be like this? Is it normal? Or may be I am just thinking too much and taking this downgrade to i5 too seriously.

Thanks for your input.


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Dec 13, 2015
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With the latest SP4 that I have, I did have a few BSODs, seemed to be during update processes but since none so far, though an occasional BSOD or other anomaly can and should be expected from a computer. But performance issues with my i5, 256, 8, i can say I am not having the experience you describe.


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Jun 13, 2014
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I have that model and it has been very good. Sometimes the wake from sleep has been finicky, but that was solved by turning it to hibernate and to turn off quick boot (on by default) and everything has bee great since. I would get it replaced while you still can


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Dec 13, 2015
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Of the three SP4s that I purchased, one of the latest two I purchased, just stopped working. Battery fully charged, but just does not power up and it also did have I noticed, some speaker popping that it was not frequent. Now the other one of the two latest purchased while it is still working, I have decided I might as well return that one along with the one that has totally failed. I will stick with owning one of the par premium devices. And I do very much like the SP4 devices, but quality control just is not there. All have some light bleed, but as some have said not really noticeable but I figure better to only own one of these devices with acceptable amount of light bleed than 3. Hopefully by the time I try to buy another surface, SP5 will be out with much better quality control process.


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Dec 13, 2015
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i send it back for a replacement because of screen was losed on middle up on camera zone on middle down, first was lot 1545 and few thin light bleed on the buttom, not annoying. i hope the new one will not be more than the older one.


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Dec 13, 2015
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i send it back for a replacement because of screen was losed on middle up on camera zone on middle down, first was lot 1545 and few thin light bleed on the buttom, not annoying. i hope the new one will not be more than the older one.

I would say your hopes are reasonable but for Microsoft your expectations might be too high. It is a shame Microsoft damages their own reputation and worse is getting me all excited about what should be a premium product but it is not.


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Dec 9, 2015
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I exchanged my m3 for a i5/256. (This is my 3rd exchange ) The Lot number is 1550. All of the others were in the 1540's.. I'm not sure if that even makes a difference BUT so far, this is the best one yet! No issues at all so far... I really think all the issues are a combination of bad hardware and software bugs. When the hardware is bad it just compounds the issues and overall user experience. Maybe not in all cases but as rushed as this product was its to be expected. Not making an excuse for MS either. Just my opinion.

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Dec 13, 2015
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I exchanged my m3 for a i5/256. (This is my 3rd exchange ) The Lot number is 1550. All of the others were in the 1540's.. I'm not sure if that even makes a difference BUT so far, this is the best one yet! No issues at all so far... I really think all the issues are a combination of bad hardware and software bugs. When the hardware is bad it just compounds the issues and overall user experience. Maybe not in all cases but as rushed as this product was its to be expected. Not making an excuse for MS either. Just my opinion.

The last two I purchased were from lot 1550. But can you tell me how bad the light bleed is on yours?

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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Dec 13, 2015
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I have an appointment Saturday January 30 at a Microsoft Store. Microsoft support referred me to the store rather than going back to Best Buy. I was told that the MS Store can get me a SP4 free of light bleed which is what I am interested in seeing if they can do. MS Support emphasized to me again that they have SP4s without light bleed, you just have to find one


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May 29, 2014
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Beware the scenario that if ultimately you are not happy with the device, taking bestbuy out of the loop (exchanging at MS store), you will not be able to get a refund.


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Jan 22, 2016
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Beware the scenario that if ultimately you are not happy with the device, taking bestbuy out of the loop (exchanging at MS store), you will not be able to get a refund.

What does this mean ? If you purchased it from best buy, you can then take it to MS for an exchange, but once exchanged, you can't get a refund from best buy, or MS ?


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Nov 7, 2014
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What does this mean ? If you purchased it from best buy, you can then take it to MS for an exchange, but once exchanged, you can't get a refund from best buy, or MS ?

Exactly. You are no longer returning the device you bought. You're returning an exchanged device, which is no longer the same. You see? You take it to the MS store after your return grace period is up. Until then, return and exchange for a new one.


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Dec 13, 2015
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Exactly. You are no longer returning the device you bought. You're returning an exchanged device, which is no longer the same. You see? You take it to the MS store after your return grace period is up. Until then, return and exchange for a new one.

But sooner or later Best Buy may refuse a return if you return too many


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Dec 13, 2015
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That's silly... You have every right to return a product you're not happy with.... I'd file a complaint....

I agree that it is silly. However, Best Buy has refused a return for me in the distant past. It was for a radar detector my wife bought. The first failure, returned without issue, very polite, and got a replacement. Now the second RD failed in exactly the same manner, took it back and no problem, Best Buy let us return it and gave my wife a new RD. Now some time goes by and what do you know the replacement fails n same manner. Won't go into details as to what the failure was, but it was no fault of ours. We took the replacement back to get it replaced, and we were refused and to go through the manufacturer for a resolution. We were well within the 45 day return policy as we are elite plus status at Best Buy. So yes, I agree with you, silly but they can refuse a return, it is in the fine print too which I never knew until our first time to be rejected a return.


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Jan 27, 2016
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Hey guys, so I love my Surface but cant take the constant screen flickering any longer. I've updated to the latest firmware, disabled hyper-v, installed all the latest Windows updates and even tried the new video drivers direct from Intel (topic should be a few posts down). I'm ok waiting if firmware will fix this, I'm just afraid that it could be hardware and I'll be stuck outside of return policy....

see attached picture

Let me know your thoughts please



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Jan 28, 2015
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What limitations did your Ipad have that you didn't know about in advance?

I'm pretty sure most of the world knows an ipad doesn't work the same as a desktop computer and is in the same camp as an android tablet.

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