should I switch to wp7 Mango


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Sep 21, 2011
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I haven't been able to find specifics on reasoning for me to start using wp7. I currently use an iPhone4 as my work and play device. My work is going to purchase a phone for me and I'm considering a wp7 Mango device.

I'll be mostly interested in using Office (email, documents) and listening to audio books (currently use audible). Does the audible player work on wp7?

The questions I have are:

1. Does audible work with wp7?
2. How well does wp7 integrate with your PC? (can I easily transfer documents?)
3. Any general comments on why I should take the time to learn a new mobile OS.
4. What rumors are there regarding wp7 and Windows8 integration?

Not sure I put this in the right Discussion, if it's in the wrong place let me know and I'll start a thread in the appropriate place (I thought about putting this in iOS). It's hard to find good comparison info on the web since it usually amounts to huge bias in iOS favor and I wanted to hear the wp7 side of things :)


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Nov 14, 2008
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I haven't been able to find specifics on reasoning for me to start using wp7. I currently use an iPhone4 as my work and play device. My work is going to purchase a phone for me and I'm considering a wp7 Mango device.

I'll be mostly interested in using Office (email, documents) and listening to audio books (currently use audible). Does the audible player work on wp7?

The questions I have are:

1. Does audible work with wp7?
2. How well does wp7 integrate with your PC? (can I easily transfer documents?)
3. Any general comments on why I should take the time to learn a new mobile OS.
4. What rumors are there regarding wp7 and Windows8 integration?

Not sure I put this in the right Discussion, if it's in the wrong place let me know and I'll start a thread in the appropriate place (I thought about putting this in iOS). It's hard to find good comparison info on the web since it usually amounts to huge bias in iOS favor and I wanted to hear the wp7 side of things :)

1st off, the only reason to use WP7 is if you like it. Try it first and see. To answer your questions:

1. No audible player for WP7 at the moment.
2. You can transfer media directly via your pc or music downloads via zune OTA. Docs (in Mango) can be stored on your free Skydrive storage and accessed via the Office hub.
3. Its fast, fluid, stable, has a unique, beautiful design. Good (and will get better) integration with MS services. Trying it for yourself though is the only way to know for sure.
4. Cross platform play via Xbox Live is the only thing I remember distinctly from build.



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Jan 9, 2011
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Wireless sync
Should have integration with Xbox kinetic too. it's been demoed already. So hopefully it'll come soon.
I'm going to have to butt in here 1jaxstate1, that's twice i've seen you call it that, i had to take drugs to calm me down last time. It's Kinect. ;)

Taking slow breaths now!, There i'm fine now! :)

Have to agree with 1jaxstate1, Wireless sync is awesome. :)


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Aug 14, 2011
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I'm going to have to butt in here 1jaxstate1, that's twice i've seen you call it that, i had to take drugs to calm me down last time. It's Kinect. ;)

Taking slow breaths now!, There i'm fine now! :)

Have to agree with 1jaxstate1, Wireless sync is awesome. :)

Probably spell check changing it on him. lol. Try counting to'll help you calm down.


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Dec 6, 2010
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Haha, yeah, I keep doing that. LOL. You've set me straight though, won't happen again.
I'm going to have to butt in here 1jaxstate1, that's twice i've seen you call it that, i had to take drugs to calm me down last time. It's Kinect. ;)

Taking slow breaths now!, There i'm fine now! :)

Have to agree with 1jaxstate1, Wireless sync is awesome. :)


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Mar 20, 2011
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Didn't see a carrier mentioned, but I will assume At&t, and if that's the case, then YES! You have some excellent phones to choose from, and Windows Phone with Mango onboard is a real contender now.


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Sep 21, 2011
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I hope they come up with an audible app, because without it I lose a lot of years worth of audio books. That could actually be a deal breaker to me since it makes the commute to work much more bearable.

@tiny - yes, the carrier I'll be using is AT&T.

@gerrymad - honestly I am very unfamiliar with Windows Phone and didn't know how long it would take me to get used to using it, so Apple actually has a hold on me because I've never used another smartphone platform. I look at it from the perspective of switching from windows to a Mac and that is something I am really not going to do because I live in a windows world... except my phone. I'm not thrilled with my iPhone, but I don't hate it either. Being a tech person I can't tell you the number of times I've hated trying to get something off my iPhone and having to cobble it through iTunes... usually I just email whatever to myself.

@1jaxstate1 - the wireless sync definitely sounds awesome.

@theefman - thanks for your answers to the initial questions :)


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Feb 23, 2011
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The Mango update adds the ability for 3rd party apps to output audio while running in the background. So it's very possible they will come out with an Audible app now. Before Mango it was impossible.

Anyway, AT&T is the place to be if you're interested in WP7. They're getting the Focus S (same screen as the Galaxy S2), and the Titan. I'm jealous.


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Aug 1, 2011
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I recommend watching some YouTube videos and reading as many reviews as you can, then go to the store and try some out. The os is simple to learn and very slick and smooth.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express


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Aug 25, 2011
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I'd also recommend a move to WP7, and the $0-Samsung Focus, in particular.

On Audible: An Audible app, as such, is probably not necessary, though it may be the best solution. I have audible books automatically downloaded through the PC Audible Manager program to my ZuneHD without an Audible app. I've been expecting that an audio book capability w/could just be added with Mango and then have audio books -listed in our WP7 Zune app content, along with Music, Videos, Podcasts, etc. like on the ZuneHD. (YET, there is a Kindle app for WP7) ;)

Enjoy the shopping and good luck with your eventual choice.


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I came from IP4, and haven't looked back. WP7 is pretty cool and very intuitive. It was a pretty easy os to learn, and I now like it much better.

Wp7 has pretty much squelched any interest ive had in iPhone 5.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express


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Sep 7, 2011
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I realize this is a pretty sleazy solution, but maybe you could still use your iP4 as your audio book player until the app comes to WP7. It'll still be able to connect to WiFi, where you could continue to buy and download your new books. I'd understand not wanting to carry around two devices, but it'd also save your phone's battery during your commute. Just a thought.

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