should we be worried about the future of the Microsoft band?


New member
May 17, 2013
I am a big follower of the band and have been since the first one came out. I have noticed a lot of improvements on their website as well as the start of a health blog over the last couple years. But I have noticed that they have stopped updating anything on the website and they haven't posted to the health blog in 3 months. They used to put up a workout every Friday but that has now stopped. They also had endorsements from some big names in the health blogosphere and that have stopped also. Is this the sign of a new band? Or are they just trying to figure out if it's worth continuing in this field in the future?

Anyone else have thoughts on this or been paying attention to the Microsoft health website? This has me a little worried

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Unfortunately, based on MS's track record, I'd say that a Band 3 has a low probability of seeing daylight. I have no hard evidence of that. But, there is no evidence to contradict me, either. While, I love my Band 2, I really wish they'd release an all out smartwatch with all of the Band 2 functionality included. I've been using an LG Watch for the past six months or so, and it really is an extension of my phone. The Band 1/2 just can't compete with Android Wear as far as phone interaction is concerned. Combining the health functionality of the Band with the productivity functionality of a smartwatch would be an awesome device.
Yeah, unfortunately Microsoft are getting a reputation for starting devices/services and then stopping them after a few years.

Could go either way I think.

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Although there have been problems with the Band 2's build quality, I think the device itself was very well received, as was the online service.

I am confident there will be a Band 3, and I think it will be launched alongside the next Surface device.

I dont see Microsoft going with a full smartwatch, but expanding the current band with developed fitness, and more Cortana. I wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of Hello feature linking to other devices.
Yeah, unfortunately Microsoft are getting a reputation for starting devices/services and then stopping them after a few years.

I seem to recall when it first came out, it was supposed to be a demo device and to entice others to license their technology. Well, they threw a party and no one came. While sucessful, it's not really "Microsoft-scale sucessful". I'm not sure how long they'll go on alone. If it's not going to lead MS to "the next big thing", it's going to get dropped.
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My wife and I are tired of sending ours back every few months due to problems. I quit wearing mine and it sits at home with a broken strap since MS will not repair it anymore.
The Band 1/2 just can't compete with Android Wear as far as phone interaction is concerned. Combining the health functionality of the Band with the productivity functionality of a smartwatch would be an awesome device.

Can you expand on this more? With all of the notifications the Band offers, I just can't see anything else offering the same level AND still have the integration to Windows Phone.
Can you expand on this more? With all of the notifications the Band offers, I just can't see anything else offering the same level AND still have the integration to Windows Phone.
Well, it really goes back to the apps. I can interact with almost all of the apps on my phone using my LG Watch. The apps have been specifically tweaked to work with the watch. For example, I can create a shopping list using Google Keep, open it on my watch, and tick the check boxes on the watch face as I put each item into the shopping cart. I use another app to help me keep track of how much water I drink every day. Open it on the watch and add ounces all day without opening the app on my phone. On my Band 2, I can do a few things like send texts, read emails, and use Cortana. However, there is very little interaction with individual apps. I see the Band 2 as a top of the line fitness tracker with notification functions, and the Android Wear smartwatch as device that lets you interact with your phone in a productive and easy manner.
I think its on a life-support and the plug is just about ready to be pulled......

There are too many alternatives (e.g., Garman to Samsung to new Fitbits). I also read this week that Xbox's fate maybe in jeopardy too....

The best thing MS can do is to either sell or spin off the HW business (like IBM did years ago).
I have a very good friend that works at a Microsoft Store in the area. He's one of the biggest enthusiasts there and we often bounce ideas and thoughts of MS' products and decisions off each other.

I bought a Band 2 a little over a month ago when they could be found for under $150 at Best Buy. This was replacing my Band 1. Even before I pulled the trigger, he kept telling me it wasn't a good idea and suggested I wait. Well, I ignored him and then I was met with constant advice to return it. I did, reluctantly, after about a week, mainly due to the infamous issues with it and my 950XL but also partly because his advice has never led me down the wrong path. He has been informed of *something* but always stops short of going into specifics. Some would be irritated by his behavior, but I think it's good, as he's doing his job and not spilling information he shouldn't. Just offering enough carrot behind his line.

In short, Band 3 very likely exists, and he makes it sound like it's going to be sooner than later. I know this doesn't sound like much coming from a random person on here, but like I said before, he's always had good intentions in our conversations. Hope this info helps!
Yes, I would be concerned.
MS gets into new markets but drops them quickly when the cease to be hot.

Windows Phone is a good example. Yammer, what are they doing with that?

Skype stalled for a while, but they are back at it.

But MS is cash rich. If watches get hot again - they will be back at it.

I really hope to see a Band3. Big fan of the Band2 and WP - they work well together. Also, I want my health data collected in an MS cloud - maybe I can release to my doctor, or for further study. Toss in their analytics - could be neat!
Yes, I would be concerned.
MS gets into new markets but drops them quickly when the cease to be hot.
But MS is cash rich. If watches get hot again - they will be back at it.

Yes, even before it became a catch phrase, MS understood "disruptive technology" and used their cash to make sure they were a part of the "next one" and not left behind. They were the disrupter for companies like IBM and they didn't want to get stuck in the past and get "Microsofted" themselves.

The only thing that might save the Band now is that everyone belives that wearables will be a big thing, but even Apple is falling short of making it "killer". So MS may stay at it until they think the market as solitified and main players established. Right now, there might stlll be room for someone to find the "magic sauce" to make it a hit.

Or, they might keep at it as long as they have any hope of Windows moble. iOS has the Apple Watch, Android has Android Wear, if MS drops the Band, then Windows phone will have nothing. That might be the final nail.

I have a hard time beliving that XBox is in trouble. It's a "Tier 1" player in gaming. I can't say the same about Band.
If there was a MS BAND X, that would store and play my music over BT; as well as: allow me to log reminders on Cortana, and sync automatically to all my devices; track my run activities, etc., I would buy one today. But without play music over BT, I don't have a real need for one, at this time.
The band 2 was a big improvement over the original. One can only hope that MS will keep going with it....but they do have a helluva reputation for just walking away from both hardware and software lines at a moment's notice
Band 3 without the battery bulge on the wrong side and sideways like the Samsung Gear fit 2 would hit the spot.
I've noticed that Microsoft never comes straight out and says they're discontinuing something. I guess just in case it causes outright panic among the population and their stock crashes? :grin:
I can't imagine the amount of time and resources they are putting into repairing all of the band 2s. This alone is probably reason for them to question the future of band.

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