I am a big follower of the band and have been since the first one came out. I have noticed a lot of improvements on their website as well as the start of a health blog over the last couple years. But I have noticed that they have stopped updating anything on the website and they haven't posted to the health blog in 3 months. They used to put up a workout every Friday but that has now stopped. They also had endorsements from some big names in the health blogosphere and that have stopped also. Is this the sign of a new band? Or are they just trying to figure out if it's worth continuing in this field in the future?
Anyone else have thoughts on this or been paying attention to the Microsoft health website? This has me a little worried
Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Anyone else have thoughts on this or been paying attention to the Microsoft health website? This has me a little worried
Posted via the Windows Central App for Android