Sign of things to come? I had two WP7 sightings


New member
Jun 20, 2011
I saw two people in one day with Windows Phones. Both were the Samsung Focus. I didn't get to speak to the first guy I saw at Costco but I did with the guy at Trader Joe's. My principal interest is to find out if he was dropping calls on AT&T. But we did chat about his phone and he said, he loves it. W00t.

BTW, no dropped calls. W00t
Yo tech. Vegas here. My wife has a Focus and I have a Surround on ATT. No drop calls. Roomate has a Sony Ericsson Android on ATT and his is always dropping calls.
Yo tech. Vegas here. My wife has a Focus and I have a Surround on ATT. No drop calls. Roomate has a Sony Ericsson Android on ATT and his is always dropping calls.

It might have been a good idea to simply ask here about AT&T and dropped calls. I'm leaving Sprint to head to AT&T to get my Samsung Focus. The only issue I had was the history I have with them in the past was the dropped calls. So if you are not dropping them, I'll be in good shape.
I know this isn't saying much since I've only had my Focus for a little over a week, but in the time I have had it I've had a solid signal just about everywhere I've gone and the call quality has been great. And I use voice quite a bit as my wife is in Oregon until we close on our house here in Texas. Speaking of which, she also has a Focus that I sent her and the area of Oregon we live in is not optimal AT&T territory but I haven't heard her complain yet.
This is one of my big questions. I really like the Samsung focus S, but I will have to move from sprint. In NYC, how good or bad is the reception with a wp7 device?
This is one of my big questions. I really like the Samsung focus S, but I will have to move from sprint. In NYC, how good or bad is the reception with a wp7 device?

You should really check with other ATT users in NYC. Most of the ATT dropped call complaints I see online seem to be coming from NYC.
I live in Vegas as well. I am using an att iPhone 4 for now until my Venue Pro gets here tomorrow. Without exageration, my ip4 drops 75% of my calls, and takes FOREVER to update maps, facebook, twitter, MLB at bat, and other various apps. I hate my ip4, atleast here in Vegas. Im not sure if it's my phone, or att. I did read that atts worst city is Vegas and SF. I can vouch for Vegas being it's worst. So many times I wanted to throw it against the wall. Can't wait to retire it tomorrow.
I live in Vegas as well. I am using an att iPhone 4 for now until my Venue Pro gets here tomorrow. Without exageration, my ip4 drops 75% of my calls, and takes FOREVER to update maps, facebook, twitter, MLB at bat, and other various apps. I hate my ip4, atleast here in Vegas. Im not sure if it's my phone, or att. I did read that atts worst city is Vegas and SF. I can vouch for Vegas being it's worst. So many times I wanted to throw it against the wall. Can't wait to retire it tomorrow.
I can confirm iP4 drops calls in Vegas. My uncle has an iP4 and always complains about dropped calls or "underwater" voice, especially when we driving down 95 around Eastern exit area.

EDIT: Oh and the Fashion Show Mall is anti-ATT. It has a forcefield or something that blocks out every single bar from any ATT phone. Connecting to either of the 2 Starbucks free wifi isn't much help either.
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I'm in Vegas as well on T-mobile. T-mo is great everywhere in Vegas but sucks whenever you leave town. The wife and I were talking about going to sprint but now I'm all worried about dropped calls. I had an iphone 3G on ATT and hated the phone and their customer service but from what I hear, the problems are only with the iphones. My problem is I want a focus S so bad I can taste it.

It's starting to sound like Verizon is the way to go though and I'm not sure if they'll get anything on par :(

Too bad all they have is the Trophy.
I just came back to AT&T about a year ago after a long absence. I had switched to T-Mobile for a while.

In Chicago, prior to the release of the iPhone, they had a lot of dead spots in the Chicagoland area. I took a couple of road trips with my wife and ended up with roaming charges on my bill. I called on the roaming charges several times and they said they would correct the bill. They corrected a couple of them, but not all of them. I finally got tired of calling them and dumped them.

Once the iPhone came out, AT&T did a lot of work upgrading their network in the Chicago area. I actually knew a couple of technicians that worked for a contractor who did a lot of the upgrading for AT&T in Chicago. Once they were done, the technicians told me that the AT&T network in Chicago was real solid now in Chicago.

I switched back to AT&T about a year ago and I haven't had any issues at all in Chicago, or on any trips with my wife.
I saw another person using a HTC Mozart for the first time the other day... was a 13-year-old schoolgirl. Clearly I need a more manly phone! When's the Titan out in the UK again? :) was a 13-year-old schoolgirl. Clearly I need a more manly phone! When's the Titan out in the UK again? :)


Ive seen 5 Samsung FOCUS ( shopping center , Metro(subway) , random stores ) i haven’t seen an other model yet ( being used by a consumer )

i even saw some one illegally talking on his Samsung Focus in the car....
I waved at him with my middle finger doh cause he almost took me out… even doh he had a WP….

hey atlease i waved... hello **** **** *** ;)
I know a couple of people who took the plunge a while back. Someone in my football (read "soccer" for our US folk) team here (Uruguay) has a Samsung Focus and a friend of mine back home in Scotland has a HTC HD7. Heard no complaints from them about their devices.
I haven't seen anyone so far with a WP7, and i've been looking since October, it's nearly October again! LOL :)
You could end that with 'and a Partridge in a pear tree' at Christmas jkercado! :)


Let me tell you, one of us (my boss btw) has an iPhone, some Android thing, and the WP7. Guess which one he loves? Yup, the WP7 unit (Focus). He has used them all extensively, and he's convinced that WP7 provides the ultimate mobile experience.
Everyone i've shown my Omnia to absolutely loves it, wow that's so easy to see and use is the response but the usual problem exists THEY DIDN'T KNOW WP7 EXISTED TILL I TOLD THEM!

Are you listening Microsoft ? Get the message out to everyone!

Calming down now, i get so annoyed lol

(I've converted 5 users so far so I'm doing my bit) :)

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