It is amusing that after all this time, SiriusXM still does not exist for Windows Phone. If someone else wasn't paying for it for me, I would have canceled my account simply for this (and I am a share holder). I am always finding myself mobile, and the one device I *always* have on me at all times, is my Windows Phone. Sadly, during these times, I don't always have something else on me just so that I can accomplish Sat radio. Because of this, I have lost of the rest of my hair
(ok...maybe the hair has to do with genetics, but still...). I am a solid believer in Sirius (else I wouldn't have bought into so many shares as I did)...but I am surprised that I am still waiting for them to do something mind boggling to enhance their position in the market. If they can't even do something as small as a Windows app.....I don't think they have much hope.
I have so many wonderful ideas for them circling my brain that would take their company to new heights. I never contact them to offer it to them since I'd never see anything out of it (outside of a bump in stock value). However, I keep assuming that I can't be the only one thinking of such concepts and any day now.................any else is going to think of it there. What are they dragging their feet for? My ideas aren't as simple as a Windows app (that is just small icing on a cake), but if they can't do something are they going to accomplish something big.
When Windows 10 launches to the public, there darn well better be a SiriusXM app or I am going to visit SiriusXM and demand a sit down with someone the next time I am in town there. I can get pretty vocal about my needs at times