SkyDrive app


New member
Dec 9, 2010
When you open a document, it first very quickly starts to open an IE window, then opens the document. If you then open IE, it has left that tab intact. It's especially bad if you have the open each link in a new tab option selected. Very sloppy...

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Yes, it does.

If you select a music file it opens it in a music player.

EDIT: If it Mango had the ability to take screenshots i'd show you ;)
The marketplace needs to get better... if I type 'SkyDrive', Microsoft's app should be the first to pop up!
I agree with you but i do think that if they did that then you would have people screaming that MS is doctoring search results to promote its products above competitors.
I agree with you but i do think that if they did that then you would have people screaming that MS is doctoring search results to promote its products above competitors.
Their point would make no sense... People typing 'SkyDrive' will be looking for the Microsoft app 99.9% of the time, I'm sure.
I think it's good that the higher rated apps get bumped to the top of the list when searching. Though you have a point that if you type the exact title then any apps with that exact title should probably be at the top.
I think it's good that the higher rated apps get bumped to the top of the list when searching. Though you have a point that if you type the exact title then any apps with that exact title should probably be at the top.
It's not as bad as Android though, but geez... lol.
I like the app, finally I can erase unwanted camera roll photos from SkyDrive.

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I tried to use it to organize stuff and it just wasn't useful for that. I could create a folder but I couldn't move photos/videos to that folder. And there's no setting on WP7 to change what skydrive folder my pics and vids get uploaded to. So the new folder is useless unless I'm doing the organizing from their website. This makes the app utterly useless to me except for having the ability to delete Skydrive photos, a feature which should be integrated into the pictures hub anyway. I'm disappointed. :-(
Well I just saw that you can upload music to skydrive and play it via the skydrive app. At least that's something, although still one song at a time. I would still trade the whole app for the delete feature to be integrated into the pictures hub.
Well I just saw that you can upload music to skydrive and play it via the skydrive app. At least that's something, although still one song at a time. I would still trade the whole app for the delete feature to be integrated into the pictures hub.

A real problem I have with playing streaming music via the skydrive app is it won't play in the background. Of course, I still don't understand why anyone would want to stream music, especially on this phone. I'm a huge fan of the Zune Pass.
A real problem I have with playing streaming music via the skydrive app is it won't play in the background. Of course, I still don't understand why anyone would want to stream music, especially on this phone. I'm a huge fan of the Zune Pass.

Zune Pass was the primary selling point for me
I tried to use it to organize stuff and it just wasn't useful for that. I could create a folder but I couldn't move photos/videos to that folder. And there's no setting on WP7 to change what skydrive folder my pics and vids get uploaded to. So the new folder is useless unless I'm doing the organizing from their website. This makes the app utterly useless to me except for having the ability to delete Skydrive photos, a feature which should be integrated into the pictures hub anyway. I'm disappointed. :-(

i'm not very satisfied either. you can only add photos from your phone. pretty useless.
also, i got an email with a document attached (PDF). I cant save it to skydrive from my phone. It sucks.
Can you access more than one skydrive in the app? I have a personal and business skydrive that I would like to have access to on my Titan. What's the easiest way to do this?


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