Slacker Radio Giveaway Contest

George Ponder

Dec 28, 2001
Now that Slacker has officially come to Windows Mobile, we thought we would take the opportunity to entice readers to tell us what you think. To help sweeten the pot, Slacker has been kind enough to provide a few complimentary subscriptions.

What you'll need to do is install Slacker to your Windows Phone, sign up for the Free Account, give it a test drive and tell us what you think. Could it be better? What do you like or dislike?

Once you've gathered your thoughts, post them over on the forums in this discussion. And please, try to post more than the easy two word thoughts (e.g. love it, hate it, it sucks, etc.). We will randomly draw two grand prize winners who will receive a one year subscription to Slacker and three runner's up will be selected to receive a three month subscription.

Posts must be submitted by April 3, 2010 at 5:00pm CST. You'll also need to be registered to participate and that painless process can be found here.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Slacker Radio was one of the few apps I missed when I went from BlackBerry to WM. So I was thrilled when the app was released. It really is a great music service.

One thing that I noticed missing (or maybe I'm just not seeing it?) that the BlackBerry version had was the ability to cache stations. On my old EDGE Curve it was necessary just to listen to station much of the time. Now I'm on 3G it would be nice to have for times when I don't have a signal (like on an airplane).


New member
Mar 27, 2010
I have given Slacker radio a trial run and I'm blown away by the variety in the library and music genres. The music selection is extremely good and by customising I can mostly hear all the songs that i like. Streaming bitrate is excellent and better than most others alternatives eg Pandora radio. Slacker radio is really the only choice for me & what i have been missing on my HTC HD mobile phone.
I would be happy to win a license & enjoy the cool streaming music. Thanks.


New member
Mar 27, 2010
Pandora on Windows Mobile

I've been using the Pandora client on my Tilt 2 for a while, but I've been disappointed in the rather basic UI and limitation of streaming only in 96K which doesn't sound good. Slacker comes with a beautiful, hi-res UI and much higher quality streaming, with more advanced search features and controls.

Downsides: advertising in the free version, which is much more prevalent than I would like. Also, why is it only available to WVGA users? My brother has a Fuze and he can't use it because it's only VGA. Ideally it should run on most of the popular resolutions (WVGA, VGA, HVGA, QVGA).


New member
Mar 27, 2010
I've signed up, downloaded and tried the Slacker Radio last night.
I was pleasantly surprise how well it works on my HTC Touch Diamond2.
I thought the sound will be choppy but it was pretty smooth.
The UI is very responsive too.
It has a lot of the songs I like.
I'll keep listening to Slacker.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Well I am not eligible to win but as always I have something to say. I first tried Slacker when I had my BB8330 that was for the 2 weeks that I could stand using a BB sorry crackberrykevin I'm not hating on BB just not for me. When I switched back to WinMo Slacked is the one things I missed from my short Black Berry experience. When Slacker was available a few weeks ago for one day I was so happy then it was gone again. I for one am very glad to see this program finally available for us WinMo lovers and its about time. As for the program its self it is exactly what I was used to with the Black Berry lots of choices all my favorites and it work very well on Sprints network.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
I downloaded slacker radio a couple days ago, and have been really very pleased with it, streams really well quality over AT&T Tilt 2. The adds aren't even that noticeable really and don't interfere with the function of the app. The full lyrics option in the subscribed version is really cool though, something that Pandora lacks. Speaking of Pandora I've been waiting for an official WM Pandora app to satisfy my music streaming needs, and now with Slacker radio those needs are being taken care of nicely. Wonderful app, would definitely recommend it.


New member
Nov 5, 2007
Love the application it does what its supposed and does it well and even work son winmo 6.1 Touch Pro


Active member
Nov 14, 2008
Strangly enough I had heard of Slacker Radio, along with other streaming software including Pandora and was never inclined to try it. However when I got my HD2 I tried it and was impressed right away with the interface but even more so with the music. I jumped into my favourite genre and was reminded of how much I have missed a decent radio station that plays the kind of music I like rather than the normal stations that cater to the commercial material. A few bugs, like songs just stopping and favourites not working but still a very good produce. Only thing I would ask for is a way to use this in my car so I dont have to be without it.


New member
Oct 12, 2008
I Just installed it on my Tilt2 & tried a few stations. At quick glance, each has a good selection of music & better than average audio.

To put things in perspective, I worked as a broadcast dj, back in the day. And I love music, almost all types. I already have Pandora & Grooveshark apps on my phone, along with subscriptions to XM online & live365. So, those things are what I'll be comparing Slacker to.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
So far im loving the Slacker Radio App. every new ROM i go too i have to have my Slacker!
I like the interface of it! its certainly pleasing to look at, sometimes it pauses randomly, im guessing thats due to it being Internet streamed, I dont think i could be any happier with the application. It suits my pleasure!


New member
Mar 28, 2010
I think Slacker is a great application that I have found to be a replacement for the handful that I have been using. Now it and Sirius are the only things I will be using in the future.

Things that need improvement:
I think the speed of which the application connects needs to be worked on. At times, I find that it can take some time trying to connect to the stream before it starts playing. This isn't always true since there are times it connects swiftly. The other apps that I have used usually connect within a few seconds any time I am using it. This is a small level of importance since it only happens once in awhile so I am guessing that is due to traffic.

Things I like:
I think the general interface is awesome. Easy to the touch and nice on the eyes. Getting from point A to point B is pretty obvious and requires very little learning curve. There is a very nice selection of categories, all tracks played are good,and so far I haven't hit a wall in finding something good to listen to. The sound quality is superb compared to a lot of the apps I have used. Image quality of album art is also very good.

Other than that, the only thing I could point out is that it needs a few more stations in a couple of the folders but I can't include that as "needs improvement" since its a new service, so this is expected.

Overall, I give this application a rating of awesome! So far I have gotten a LOT of use out of it :thumbsup: :)

In case it helps, I have a TP2 through AT&T (Tilt 2)
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New member
Mar 29, 2010
O.K i never heard of "Slacker Radio" untill today. I have a TP2 on the Sprint network and i've been using the hacked Pandora app. As many winmo users know the mobile version of Pandora we have to use is crap compared the supported version that is available for the blackberry, i phone, etc.

So it was with great anticipation that i downloaded this app and signed up for a free account online. After loading the app and seeing it launched i have to say "WOW!" visually it is amazing The album art is wonderful. While in portrait mode you can see and use the controls, play/pause, skip, favorite. I also find that they actually took the effort to show the elapsed time / total playing time for each track that is playing. They even provided the feature of seeing what song/track is coming up next.

As for the station content I saw and expected your everyday common stations or genre you expect R&B, Hip Hop, Rock, etc I was surprised to see "Comedy". This stuck out to me as being a different offering (compared to Pandora) and i had to listen to it. I found myself laughing at the clips that they played from various comedians. I can see myself listening to this station while at work to break up any monotony in my day.

The audio quality was pretty good it didn't sound as if i was listeing through a tin can with a string.

The only issues i can find are sometimes it will hang when transitioning from one song to the next. Also when you slide the keyboard out and the screen goes to Landscape you will not see the bottom of the screen and lose the on screen controls. To that i say 'MEH' it's 1,000X better than the Pandora app i've been using. Hell I may even subscribe.

Thank you slacker radio, thank you for not living up to you name and
actually took the effort to provide a fabulous app for us winmo users.
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New member
Mar 29, 2010
I was introduced to Slacker last October when I purchased Sony Walkman X Series MP3 Player. Ever since then, Slacker app has always provided me the right music. It always seemed to play the music I would love to hear in cafe, for example, when I chose 'Contemporary Jazz.' I always wanted to see Slacker on Windows Mobile device and I'm very glad that it is here at last. It's installed on my desktop, Windows Mobile phone, and Sony Walkman. I hope to win the subscription to fully enjoy the features!


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Slacker Radio is Awesome

i'm in outside sales and on the road every other week for a week at a time. i put in a lot of windshield time and I love having music that I want to listen to at all times. i have been using Pandora religiously (and putting up with the unformated resolution for my Touch Pro2 for about 6 months). Slacker Radio's Windows Mobile app is a Cadillac in comparison. i like being able to see what the next track is and also being able to see how many skips I have left. one suggestion would be to add the ability to turn off the screen on my phone without the music turning off. otherwise, i think it's great and I'm a convert!


New member
Oct 12, 2008
My initial take on Slacker Radio is that it's a winner all the way! Here's why:

1) Almost all online internet radio stations have some volume variance between tracks, simply because the songs come from different sources & are recorded differently. Slacker has a little of that, but seems to have more consistent volume levels on the stations I've listened to.

2) I have a diverse taste in music. XM radio (online & otherwise) mostly sticks to known stuff, but that varies from channel to channel. Repetition can be once every several days or every 24 hours or less, depending on the genre.

The internet radio sites seem to have a wider variety of choices, ranging from the well known tracks to stations with pretty much totally unknown stuff. Most of the stations are niche stations (oldies, latin jazz, chill, latin chill, etc.). The more unusual stations tend to repeat their playlist within 24 hours because of the limited number of songs they can fit into the format. The others tend to take longer to do that, with the exception of some of the more popular tunes on Top whatever or Oldies stations.

This seems to be where Slacker finds a good balance, although the Chill stations seem to be playing a lot of things I haven't heard elsewhere. So, that's a discovery process. I haven't been using Slacker long enough to see what the repetition is like, yet. More on that, later.

3) XM online is consistent with audio quality. Internet radio, not so much. But, if you use multistation sites like Live365 & Shoutcast, at least you can select both the type of music & the bit rate. I tend to stick with 64k & up. Slacker seems to be a little better than both of the others, tried through a bluetooth headset that includes stereo capability, a decent set of earbuds & a component 5.1 surround sound system.

4) Choice. You don't get any with XM or internet radio. Grooveshark seems to be best for finding more of the same artist, Pandora leans more toward finding similar music. Slacker's "like" button gives the listener the choice of getting to hear favorites more often, while still having a good variety of music.

Overall, Slacker Radio seems to have it all: consistent volume, good selection of music so you get to hear things you like & discover new ones, good audio quality, & easy input of what things you'd like to hear more often.

One question. I had Slacker Radio streaming on my PC, last night. I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I had a screen asking me if I was still listening &, apparently after no response, had logged me out. Does the paid version do that, as well? XM online stops streaming automatically after a "period of inactivity". &, I think, so does the unpaid version of Live365. But the paid version of Live365 keeps streaming till you terminate the stream.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
signed up for a trial today

I like the software provided for the computer, so I don't have to use the web browser. The WinMo app is a bonus, too bad my diamond doesn't have a headphone jack :(.

I think slacker will be one of those things that just make sense and fits the lifestyle well.

Creating a station was too easy, I was surprised.

What I would like to see is less time between songs (crossfade), a full screen version for the PC software (with some kind of motion for my plasma:)) and I've had one or two Interludes/Skits on my playlist.. I know I can ban them but does anyone want to hear it? Maybe slacker can also suggest new artists from time to time (maybe monthly).


New member
Jul 8, 2009

I think Slacker is a very good application that I have found to be a an addition to another streaming app, SPB TV, that I also like a lot.

In terms of looks and audio quality it is the very best for WM phone and believe me I tried all radio streaming apps available for WM platform.

Features to be added that I can suggest:
Ability to add your own stations:
Ability to record now playing in MP3 format
Ability to download album and artist info, lyrics, art.
Add time off option so that people can use it in bed
An option to pause music and provide weather forecast at some time intervals.

If these features are implemented this app will join the same league as Google Maps, Bing


New member
Mar 28, 2010
I think Slacker is a very good application that I have found to be a an addition to another streaming app, SPB TV, that I also like a lot.

In terms of looks and audio quality it is the very best for WM phone and believe me I tried all radio streaming apps available for WM platform.

Features to be added that I can suggest:
Ability to add your own stations:
Ability to record now playing in MP3 format
Ability to download album and artist info, lyrics, art.
Add time off option so that people can use it in bed
An option to pause music and provide weather forecast at some time intervals.

If these features are implemented this app will join the same league as Google Maps, Bing

I don't think they will ever allow you to record the tracks. That would be the same thing as downloading them, therefore they would get hit for pirating. However, they could allow direct links to purchase the "now playing" track on itunes or something.

Tim Ferrill

New member
Feb 11, 2008
My initial take on Slacker Radio is that it's a winner all the way! Here's why:

1) Almost all online internet radio stations have some volume variance between tracks, simply because the songs come from different sources & are recorded differently. Slacker has a little of that, but seems to have more consistent volume levels on the stations I've listened to.

2) I have a diverse taste in music. XM radio (online & otherwise) mostly sticks to known stuff, but that varies from channel to channel. Repetition can be once every several days or every 24 hours or less, depending on the genre.

The internet radio sites seem to have a wider variety of choices, ranging from the well known tracks to stations with pretty much totally unknown stuff. Most of the stations are niche stations (oldies, latin jazz, chill, latin chill, etc.). The more unusual stations tend to repeat their playlist within 24 hours because of the limited number of songs they can fit into the format. The others tend to take longer to do that, with the exception of some of the more popular tunes on Top whatever or Oldies stations.

This seems to be where Slacker finds a good balance, although the Chill stations seem to be playing a lot of things I haven't heard elsewhere. So, that's a discovery process. I haven't been using Slacker long enough to see what the repetition is like, yet. More on that, later.

3) XM online is consistent with audio quality. Internet radio, not so much. But, if you use multistation sites like Live365 & Shoutcast, at least you can select both the type of music & the bit rate. I tend to stick with 64k & up. Slacker seems to be a little better than both of the others, tried through a bluetooth headset that includes stereo capability, a decent set of earbuds & a component 5.1 surround sound system.

4) Choice. You don't get any with XM or internet radio. Grooveshark seems to be best for finding more of the same artist, Pandora leans more toward finding similar music. Slacker's "like" button gives the listener the choice of getting to hear favorites more often, while still having a good variety of music.

Overall, Slacker Radio seems to have it all: consistent volume, good selection of music so you get to hear things you like & discover new ones, good audio quality, & easy input of what things you'd like to hear more often.

One question. I had Slacker Radio streaming on my PC, last night. I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I had a screen asking me if I was still listening &, apparently after no response, had logged me out. Does the paid version do that, as well? XM online stops streaming automatically after a "period of inactivity". &, I think, so does the unpaid version of Live365. But the paid version of Live365 keeps streaming till you terminate the stream.

Pandora does this as well. Slacker has to pay for every song that is played, so if they think they're playing to an empty room it wants to make sure someone is actually using the stream instead of it playing to no one. I don't think this is something that goes away with the upgrade, but I could be wrong.

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