Smartwatches that are compatible with Windows Phone?

Bind mi Band, unofficial Mi Band application for Windows Phone updated to new version 1.12

The main improvement: now it's possible to upgrade the firmware of Mi Band with our app. This works for all the versions of Mi Band. We won't be necessary having the latest firmware from Mi Fit, but the version, which we'll have in Bind Mi Band, is guaranteed to be 99% working. Many people complained about issues related to alarms and heart rate measuring. Now this improvement should help them. This feature still can be unstable, but it shouldn't cause issues with your Mi Band in the case of failure. If firmware upgrade permanently crashes for you, try to reboot your band. On the device page, in the bottom menu, you will also find new item: "reboot", which will allow you to restart your Mi Band. But be careful: it will vanish all data from your band. So use it only when your band is malfunctioning.

Now in the app you will be able to see the model of your Mi Band. Here's a small reminder: only Mi Band 1S has a support of heart rate measuring. And only Mi Band 1.0 has different colors of LEDs.

Additional small tweaks, fixes, and layout changes were made, which you may notice. We hope that you will like them.

This release was more technical but very important for many users. Further, we will continue working on the new features and hope to get back to you next time already in this month.

See you!

Developer page
Bind Mi Band: Release 1.12 with Firmware Upgrading

Store page
Hi to everyone.

Some days ago I tried the Huawei TalkBand B2 in a store. I could paired it via Bluetooth with my Lumia 640 on WP8.1 and everything was fine answering calls on it, but it didn't show notifications for sms (maybe W10M works better with this limitation?). It isn't an official app for this gadget, of course, but I'm curious if another third party app could work with it to use the rest of the fitness functions.
I fell in love with and couldn't resist the Gear s3 Frontier. Naturally the pairing fails so I am using it in Stand Alone Mode. As they have an iOS app in beta, I am hopeful that a W10M version is in the works. I contacted Samsung with offer to assist with testing/development. More interest is better so it couldn't hurt if others contacted them as well
I believe the Garmin stuff and the Vector are the brands, but the Vector is a 2015 watch and I wouldn't want to get something that will be outdated. I would love something like a Moto but I don't care much for Android phones to get one.
I just bought one to pair with my L950 and sync is hit or miss. Consistent Connect IQ problems where none of my apps will show up to manage even when I install them on mobile. I can get watch faces to install via PC but some apps (SmartThings) wants me to open the app in Connect IQ on Garmin Connect. It came in today. Going to contact tech support even though I am sure I will just be returning the device since it's not being supported like I thought it was a few months ago. It's a shame, this device seems to be awesome and aesthetically, the app looks great. But with no sync, it goes back to Garmin.

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