SMS backup


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Nov 15, 2010
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I know that this is not likely the right place, but I wanted a constructive converstation about this. WP7 doesn't support this, and I just don't get it why someone NEEDs them backed up. They are just Simple Messages. If you have someones # in one, add it to a contact or something else. SMS in my mind is volital memory. Lost oh well. I don't think it was ever intended to be something more than that. I have been using SMS for years and have never needed to backup my text messages because 99% of them are "hey I here", "where are you", "where are we going for dinner", etc.. type of messages. And everyone that I know is the same way.


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Dec 25, 2009
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My response would be that some of us have plenty of messages that AREN'T the simple "Hey I'm here" kind of thing. Many times I have a lot of really good conversations with friends via text messages - email is better and cheaper, but it happens - that I'd really like to save. Microsoft seemingly acknowledged the potential importance and value of saving one's text messages when they created the MyPhone cloud program, and while text messages may have been originally INTENDED for nothing more than random quick notes, that hasn't always been how people have USED them. After all, phones were originally INTENDED to just make calls. And have wires.

But I do agree with your point on a larger scale, which is this: now that a seemingly exponential number of people are using smartphones, and thus emailing each other with their phones for both long and short messages, why have text messages AT ALL? To be honest, I'm not so sure there there?


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Nov 9, 2010
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SMS is what I use in place of email for anything that's less than a sentence or two. In that sense, to me at least, it's just as important as email when it comes to backup up and archiving SMS messages. It's a lot faster than email since a lot of people still don't have or use push on their phones..


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Nov 22, 2010
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The only reason I ever saved a text was when i was 16 and my girlfriend and me talked LOL that was the only corny time i needed to save them. but realistically. I agree with the original poster. I see no use for SMS backup in a grown adult world. If its a business thing or an important address, Information, etc... you can just foward it to your email. or copy and paste it into your notes (this is why copy and paste is NEEDED in WP7)


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Nov 9, 2010
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I send 100+ texts a day.. Even if there was copy and paste, I shouldn't be required to copy them into an email just for general backup and archival purposes. PS - I work in a "grown, adult world" and SMS is just as important as email.

Us sitting around making excuses as to why Microsoft shouldn't already have this available isn't going to help the pain go away.. hahah.


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Nov 15, 2010
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I was just looking for a constructive converstation about it. reading some of the posts so far make it look like there should be something and I bet that microsoft does have it on their radair. but honistly, I don't see why it would be a show stopper for anyone. Just my opinion and that is fine. I talked to a friend of mine that does 100+ as well and after a lengthly chat, we both came up with "it would be great if it was there, but since it is not there, something we both can live without".


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Nov 1, 2010
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my phone app for windows 6 im sure will be added to the features of windows live phone
like they have find my phone now and lock my phone and sync pictures i'm sure sms sync will be coming but it also could have something to do with bandwith with all the new cellphone plans...


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Dec 25, 2009
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I was just looking for a constructive converstation about it. reading some of the posts so far make it look like there should be something and I bet that microsoft does have it on their radair. but honistly, I don't see why it would be a show stopper for anyone. Just my opinion and that is fine. I talked to a friend of mine that does 100+ as well and after a lengthly chat, we both came up with "it would be great if it was there, but since it is not there, something we both can live without".

And I would completely agree with the consensus that you guys came to 100%. I will not die if I can't save my texts, but, just as photos and videos are great to look back on, so are text messages, with some of the conversations I've had with people using these phones.

But in general, it is always a major pain when switching to a new phone - making sure I have everything saved to my pc, figuring out how to send what data to what phone using what software/method/whatever.

Windows should definitely look into streamlining and simplifying the consumer's transition from one phone to the next.


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Oct 12, 2009
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Guess you could throw me in the couldn't care less category. I save any pics sent and delete all texts about once a week. Never backed them up on myphone either.


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Nov 15, 2010
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sms thoughts...


I've always put my SMS in the same category as pictures. I'm in the ~100txt/day range and much of it is conversation with friends and family. Being a reader, the written word has as much impact on me as an image. Re-reading conversations, jokes and even trivial interaction is no less nostalgic than looking a a picture from a past Christmas. Often more so because language can convey subtlety of emotion more efficiently than picture. Will I die if I can't save my SMS? Of course not - but I won't die if I can't take pictures with my phone, I'll just be a bit more sad. Is it safe to assume that "no camera" is also not a show stopper for those who struggle to imagine why someone would desire to save their memories in written word, rather than captured image? I realize I'm different than most, but given the choice of being able to save conversations or images, I'll opt for the words every time, they simply have more meaning to me than images. I'd prefer to save them.


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