So I bought an HTC Arrive today.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Being a large WebOS fan, and still loving that platform, however being a Sprint user it doesn't look like I will have a choice. And even if I do, more and more it looks like a later release and not a early summer. So I started looking into Android and Windows Phone 7. Android more and more seems fragmented at best. Some phones powered by Android are not so great and others are very good. And then you have to wait for updates because each OEM has some sort of customization to it. Windows Phone 7 is very organized and fast. It allows you to get your info quick.

Any apps I should try? Is there other browser choices? Any tips? And how do you guys like the phone so far?
Note: I haven't actually got the phone yet! Just letting you know! I been playing with it at the Sprint store, but I buy my phones online for free activation so I have to wait which is fine by me! Anyway ... just wanted to make that clear :D
There are other browsers, but they all work on top of the IE shell. Actually IE is pretty good. Do a Bimg search for Bing Windows Phone App and select Bing Visual Search. You can view the top 100 downloads and get an idea of what apps are available. Have had my Surround since launch day, 11/8, and I still love it. Former WinMobile user.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
There are other browsers, but they all work on top of the IE shell. Actually IE is pretty good. Do a Bimg search for Bing Windows Phone App and select Bing Visual Search. You can view the top 100 downloads and get an idea of what apps are available. Have had my Surround since launch day, 11/8, and I still love it. Former WinMobile user.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express

Nice and thanks! Will do that now! :D
I just did the same thing. I currently have a Pixi. I went from WM to Pre- to Pixi- to Evo back to Pixi- and now to WP7. I ordered an Arrive from Amazon Mobile. I just can't stand looking at a card pulsing as it loads to do something simple like view a text that I already read in the notification.

I know I'll love the Arrive. I already love my ZuneHD and Xbox Live. Now I get it all in one. And when the update with cards -- sorry, "task view" -- comes out, I won't miss WebOS.
I just did the same thing. I currently have a Pixi. I went from WM to Pre- to Pixi- to Evo back to Pixi- and now to WP7. I ordered an Arrive from Amazon Mobile. I just can't stand looking at a card pulsing as it loads to do something simple like view a text that I already read in the notification.

I know I'll love the Arrive. I already love my ZuneHD and Xbox Live. Now I get it all in one. And when the update with cards -- sorry, "task view" -- comes out, I won't miss WebOS.

I can't wait till that update comes. I hope the Arrive gets the update!
So can we not play a third party music radio app in the background? That is not cool1

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