The defender has a screen protector. I thought you didn't like the idea of screen protectors?
Thanks for the reassurance. Managing the size might be an issue as I usually keep my phone in my pocket... Maybe I can get a belt clip thing or something.. Hmmm
What about cases? I want Otterbox Defender protection without Otterbox ugly lol..
Hey you know what would be cool? If the 1520 got here and had 8.1 installed out of the box! lol
Yeah, I'm currently in the dev preview on the broken 1020. Still kinda bummed out about breaking another one... That makes one 920, and two 1020s that I've dropped and shattered the glass on... I WILL be purchasing a case for this 1520!
Any recommendations?
I don't... Really.... And I don't like the idea of a case on a beautiful Nokia.. But since I can't seem to hold onto these dang things, I'm gonna have to get one.
I'd like a case that protects the whole phone from falls (cracking the screen) a screen protector is optional.. As long as the case protects the screen from getting cracked, I'd prefer the screen naked/exposed for sensitivity and touch/feel reasons. Idk.. I just can't break another one!
Thanks for the suggestions. Hmmm a "glass" screen protector? Interesting... Got a link to those?The incipio dualpro protects really well. I know a couple people who has it (for a different phone, non Lumia) and one of them dropped a couple times, once face down and another time flat on the back. Nothing broken at all. Though both has screen protectors, one glass and one urethane. The one who has the urethane screen protector plans to go back to glass screen protector but my point is that the case protects really well.
My Wife's 1020 screen got shattered too recently and we didn't have any insurance on that.
So I found the screen with the digitizer on ebay for $130
- found a toolkit @ Amazon : 16-piece Precision Screwdriver Set Repair Tool Kit for iPad, iPhone, & Other Devices - Star Drive Screwdrivers -
- and replaced the screen myself by following this video:
Nokia Lumia 1020 Digitizer Touch Screen Replacement + Battery Pull Reset - YouTube.
Its super easy and it took me 15 min to replace the whole thing.
Of course this is always an option. The DIY method always comes at some risk though, like no warranty (the insurance replacement has a 12 month). And how long till you have the parts, and the tools, and have it all back together good as new?