So torn! I love it and I don't love it

jaja are u kidding me? Android is more of an iOS wannabe than anything, they have also took some elements from WP and put it into ICS so please realize how ludicrous ur point is.

Everyone takes ideas from others. That's how they all benefit.

You think Microsoft came out with everything on their own?

And by wannabe I meant in the way Microsoft has restrictions on the OS and ties the OS to Zune. Nothing bad or anything.
And by wannabe I meant in the way Microsoft has restrictions on the OS and ties the OS to Zune. Nothing bad or anything.

By that standard, iOS is the biggest wannabe of them all. That is not what wannabe means man. Not trying to pick on you, just not seeing the connection.

As for Siri, it is really good technology. It's just not as useful as advertising would have you believe. It is certainly not something I would scoff at either. Everything will become more AI like going forward. Just imagine what something like Siri, combined with a Kinect, would be capable of. This tech will happen.
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I think the main concept of Metro, at least, is fresh. The bigger reason why I like it now, is before I like vertical scrolling better than horizontal... I feel horizontal scrolling is so unnattural, though I'm sure there is a way to modify that in android, lol.

EDIT: IMO, WP7 live tiles (though calendar/Mango are really changing that :)) are no more useful than iOS App Icon badges. I wish for a double wide email tile that has either the ability to show (linked) per inbox email count, or maybe a double sided, double wide, that can show the subjects of some recent "unviewed" emails.
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and it wasn't invented by apple.

Never said it was. SRI international created it with 40 years of DARPA research help. Apple does not invent anything. Everyone knows that. They do implement stuff better than just about anyone though and that would be nearly impossible to convince me otherwise.

I think the main concept of Metro, at least, is fresh. The bigger reason why I like it now, is before I like vertical scrolling better than horizontal... I feel horizontal scrolling is so unnattural, though I'm sure there is a way to modify that in android, lol.

That is why I like it and am switching. Its new and different. All phones do basically the same thing for me and I will not be limited by app count.
i love windows phone 7, well certain bits of it, in particular Zune music Pass! I was about to sell because lack of functions, but now i discovered zune pass, I now will keep but some basic features that are missing is too annoying..

1. copy paste phone number to dialer.

2. cant turn off auto-rotate (very annoying when relaxing in bed and browsing)

3. send contacts without a damm app.

4. a quick way to change brightness, wifi, mobile data, toggle. - make use of dead black space on the side?? hint hint. or a drag down curtain android/ios

5. get on board with a headphone manufacturer and make decent headphones with mic/volume/music control/change tracks/pause etc - a must for any music freak.

6. screen capture capability

7. ringtones without needing a pHD to make

8. This is one of my major gripes -> bing maps/bing search integration. not sure what its like in America, but here in Australia, i want to search for say "Kmart Liverpool" it comes up with some wierd results.

for android, I google "Kmart liverpool" the first result will be the address with link to open navigation, a phone number where if i tap it will open dialer, etc.

do it properly or give us google maps/google integration. why are we in Australia treated like 2nd class citizens?

9. have the ability to change the list view to a grid icon view. sick of scrolling through hundreds of apps. ok i can pick the letter, but sometimes i can't remember what the name of the app starts with. sometimes the name is inconsitant. such as "free GPS" ...i would look for "G" not "F" ... results in frustration. more efficint to look at a 4x5 grid. also muscle memory is better with grids than a long list.

10. want the tiles to be 3 wide. 2 wide is just too damm big.

11. have the ability to "flick" close the open apps. dont worry i dont think HP wil sue. everyone has ripped it off now LOL

12. with vibrate activated.

why cant we have a complete silence option even when we have vibrate on?

can be very simple to implement toggle. silent, silent +vibrate, or normal volume. its just one more option come on cant be that hard is it?

13. why do we need the dead space? all for a small arrow? why cant we just swipe from right to left to see the app list? if we have this dead space, at least use it for sometime more meaningful than a arrow which rotated from left to right.

14. when we do a search in marketplace the results should indicate which apps we have already installed or we have already previously paid for it.

the only way we know is that we have to click on the app and instead of saying "buy/try" it says "share". this results in unecessary clicks, we should know before we go into the app if we already have it installed.

also have a way to view all previously bought/paid for apps.

yes i know some of these things are my personal opinion, especially the design aspects and i suppose will never get done, but some of these features are just no brainers really and need to get done ASAP!
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Sounds Windows Phone is still not ready for "prime time", too many essential features missing compared to iOS 5 and Android ICS.
Sounds Windows Phone is still not ready for "prime time", too many essential features missing compared to iOS 5 and Android ICS.

I don't think it's missing anything essential at all. Essential for a smartphone would be:

Web browser
Address book

Literally everything else is personal need/preference/convenience. This isn't to say I wouldn't like to see changes to WP7 - I'd love a toggles shortcut for one thing and full cut & paste. But it's now no more or less quirky in what it leaves out/has in than any other major phone platform. It can hold its own quite happily.
i love windows phone 7, well certain bits of it, in particular Zune music Pass! I was about to sell because lack of functions, but now i discovered zune pass, I now will keep but some basic features that are missing is too annoying..

1. copy paste phone number to dialer.

2. cant turn off auto-rotate (very annoying when relaxing in bed and browsing)

3. send contacts without a damm app.

4. a quick way to change brightness, wifi, mobile data, toggle. - make use of dead black space on the side?? hint hint

5. get on board with a headphone manufacturer and make decent headphones with mic/volume/music control/change tracks/pause etc - a must for any music freak.

6. screen capture capability

7. ringtones without needing a pHD to make

8. This is one of my major gripes -> bing maps/bing search integration. not sure what its like in America, but here in Australia, i want to search for say "Kmart Liverpool" it comes up with some wierd results.

for android, I google "Kmart liverpool" the first result will be the address with link to open navigation, a phone number where if i tap it will open dialer, etc.

do it properly or give us google maps/google integration. why are we in Australia treated like 2nd class citizens?

9. have the ability to change the list view to a grid icon view. sick of scrolling through hundreds of apps. ok i can pick the letter, but sometimes i can't remember what the name of the app starts with. sometimes the name is inconsitant. such as "free GPS" ...i would look for "G" not "F" ... results in frustration. more efficint to look at a 4x5 grid. also muscle memory is better with grids than a long list.

10. want the tiles to be 3 wide. 2 wide is just too damm big.

11. have the ability to "flick" close the open apps. dont worry i dont think HP wil sue. everyone has ripped it off now LOL

12. with vibrate activated.

why cant we have a complete silence option even when we have vibrate on?

can be very simple to implement toggle. silent, silent +vibrate, or normal volume. its just one more option come on cant be that hard is it?

13. why do we need the dead space? all for a small arrow? why cant we just swipe from right to left to see the app list? if we have this dead space, at least use it for sometime more meaningful than a arrow which rotated from left to right.

Any of these things you truly think are "dewalbrakers" have yo made these sggesions or voted for them in the ms voting site for thngs to inclkude in the next/future update(s)????????? If not why not do i now? Help those of who are saying and/or dont considere these as a major issu improive the os. Apple did not have everything it has now at day 1 oir after yar1 ye some people think that it sould have beenrelased day one on par with apple os 4.0 and the ( fill in the blankj) iteration of android. To borrow a phgrae from a MS ad seies REALLY?
Any of these things you truly think are "dewalbrakers" have yo made these sggesions or voted for them in the ms voting site for thngs to inclkude in the next/future update(s)????????? If not why not do i now? Help those of who are saying and/or dont considere these as a major issu improive the os. Apple did not have everything it has now at day 1 oir after yar1 ye some people think that it sould have beenrelased day one on par with apple os 4.0 and the ( fill in the blankj) iteration of android. To borrow a phgrae from a MS ad seies REALLY?

dealbreakers? individually no, cumulatively yes.

vote? yes i have - there are 1000's of suggestions, to date i have not seen any of them implemented

ios was released in 2006 or whenever, yes they have time to improve it, but MS has had time to see what features are good and not and do there thing too. in some cases have gone backwards from wimo6 to wp7... copy/paste cough cough.

what is inexcusable is when things such as sending contacts is not available in 2011 when it was available in my nokia in 2000, then thats no excuse. you cant tell me doing something like sending contacts is not essential. yes there is app for that. but isn't that going against the MS ethos?

I want Wp7 to suceed but I think customer have voted with there wallets. Keep doing what there doing and I foresee it go down the WebOS path when HTC, samsung desert the platform. Sadly it may result in the death of Nokia.
I don't think it's missing anything essential at all. Essential for a smartphone would be:

an essential of a car is 4 wheels, a steering wheel, a chassis, and an engine. i.e u can get around in a go cart if you want.

the essentials of a car that people actually determins whether they buy the car are: comfortable seats, lots of leg room, excellent sound system, low road noise, etc etc

u get my point
Yep - the point being exactly the one I made. They're not essentials, they're matters of choice and/or luxury based on what you can afford. I'd love a car with electrically heated seats, but it isn't a dealbreaker for me that my car doesn't have them. That doesn't make them essential though.

I'd love it if WP7 was set up exactly the way I wanted it, but it isn't a dealbreaker for me that it isn't. Ditto my iPad with iOS. No one nails it for everyone all the time, because no one makes bespoke OSs. But to suggest WP7 isn't up there with the rest and is missing a function so core that it's essentially broken is just wrong, because it isn't. People might not buy it because it doesn't suit them - but then plenty of people don't buy android or iOS phones because they don't suit them either.
It depends how you look at it I bought WP because of the phone and socialising features + its fast lets see maybe Tango will add the little features mentioned above it would be nice if the guys at MS gave us little hints of what they are planning to do.
Never said it was. SRI international created it with 40 years of DARPA research help. Apple does not invent anything. Everyone knows that. They do implement stuff better than just about anyone though and that would be nearly impossible to convince me otherwise.

That is why I like it and am switching. Its new and different. All phones do basically the same thing for me and I will not be limited by app count.
sounds like you're still a hardcore iOS ******.
Sounds Windows Phone is still not ready for "prime time", too many essential features missing compared to iOS 5 and Android ICS.

how do u figure?
i love windows phone 7, well certain bits of it, in particular Zune music Pass! I was about to sell because lack of functions, but now i discovered zune pass, I now will keep but some basic features that are missing is too annoying..

1. copy paste phone number to dialer.

2. cant turn off auto-rotate (very annoying when relaxing in bed and browsing)

3. send contacts without a damm app.

4. a quick way to change brightness, wifi, mobile data, toggle. - make use of dead black space on the side?? hint hint. or a drag down curtain android/ios

5. get on board with a headphone manufacturer and make decent headphones with mic/volume/music control/change tracks/pause etc - a must for any music freak.

6. screen capture capability

7. ringtones without needing a pHD to make

8. This is one of my major gripes -> bing maps/bing search integration. not sure what its like in America, but here in Australia, i want to search for say "Kmart Liverpool" it comes up with some wierd results.

for android, I google "Kmart liverpool" the first result will be the address with link to open navigation, a phone number where if i tap it will open dialer, etc.

do it properly or give us google maps/google integration. why are we in Australia treated like 2nd class citizens?

9. have the ability to change the list view to a grid icon view. sick of scrolling through hundreds of apps. ok i can pick the letter, but sometimes i can't remember what the name of the app starts with. sometimes the name is inconsitant. such as "free GPS" ...i would look for "G" not "F" ... results in frustration. more efficint to look at a 4x5 grid. also muscle memory is better with grids than a long list.

10. want the tiles to be 3 wide. 2 wide is just too damm big.

11. have the ability to "flick" close the open apps. dont worry i dont think HP wil sue. everyone has ripped it off now LOL

12. with vibrate activated.

why cant we have a complete silence option even when we have vibrate on?

can be very simple to implement toggle. silent, silent +vibrate, or normal volume. its just one more option come on cant be that hard is it?

13. why do we need the dead space? all for a small arrow? why cant we just swipe from right to left to see the app list? if we have this dead space, at least use it for sometime more meaningful than a arrow which rotated from left to right.

14. when we do a search in marketplace the results should indicate which apps we have already installed or we have already previously paid for it.

the only way we know is that we have to click on the app and instead of saying "buy/try" it says "share". this results in unecessary clicks, we should know before we go into the app if we already have it installed.

also have a way to view all previously bought/paid for apps.

yes i know some of these things are my personal opinion, especially the design aspects and i suppose will never get done, but some of these features are just no brainers really and need to get done ASAP!

1: i am a little surprise that they dint add this in IE mango: phone number being highlighted in blue * click to dial *

2: I honestly dont mind this .. all my old smart phones couldn’t turn it off any ways. i guess it can be a little annoying but not as annoying as trying to unlock your Iphone 4s for 20min .. LOL ...

3:sending contacts , never had to do this in 10 year, i dont see a reason to do it. ( unless i have a contact for myself and i send that to people to prevent them from working )w/e i guess it useful for some .... dunno how it is , but it must be.

4: yeah that would be nice , personally i dotn care lossing 2sec to go into setting , but i see how some people do.

( considering we really on our cell phones to do everything for us, hence why human race = lazy and dumb .. remember the day you knew ALL your contacts by heart? i know i do. now i cant even remember my home phone number. lol )

5:earphones? you can use any head phones in any phone.... you like your Iphone earphones? then use does.( well don’t use does cause they suck lol ).. that’s not even a good reason .. no one has good earphones. Samsung Android or Samsung WP = SAME EARPHONEs , I suggest doing what I did and buying a real pair for 200$+++

6: pay 9`99$ for chev unlock and you got yourself a screen capture.

7: you dont need a PHD , just an IQ of over 50 points. but seriously , we have apps that do it ,
just like ALL other OS , the APi to be able to amek custom ringtones has been out sints mango ( 1month ) give it one more month and a Competent dev will make a good one. ( we alredy have a phew )

8: bing works AMAZING here in Canada WAY better then google. maybe you guys just have bad support.

9: that’s just a personal choice , you know Iphone uses GRID right? im sure apple would love more Ifans. Or MS could add grids then get sued by apple.. whatever floats your boat.

10: **want the tiles to be 3 wide. 2 wide is just too damm big**.

i have no idea what that means.

11:abillity to flick close apps? why? Closing apps is a thing of the past . just wish people would relies how much better multy task really is on WP compare to other OS.

when apps are in the *background* they dont actually use any memory or battery , closing apps on wp7= no need.

the fact that you have to do it on Android + webos = sucks and I can consider them to be behind cause of it. just like you consider WP to be behind when in reality it actually has a better system . lol

12:whats point of silent + vibrate? when my phone vibrate its pretty silent... unless you’re counting the noise of the vibrating engine in your phone.

13: the *dead space is just part of the UI (who knows maybe its for WP8 feature) , and you can swipe to the right to go to apps . the arrow is just to show you you can swipe. i haven’t click on the arrow once sints i got my phone last year i swipe....

14: it does in ZUNE....

honestly not one of your points would be a deal breaker for ME and don’t affect me at all , and some of your points that you find negative (like closing apps ) is actually a GOOD THING. LOL
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10. want the tiles to be 3 wide. 2 wide is just too damm big.

13. why do we need the dead space? all for a small arrow? why cant we just swipe from right to left to see the app list? if we have this dead space, at least use it for sometime more meaningful than a arrow which rotated from left to right.

If I'm understanding what you mean in point 10, then I think the two of these kinda go together, and I totally agree with you. Lose the arrow on the start screen, and make the tiles just a bit smaller, and we could have tiles going 3 across instead of just 2.
3:sending contacts , never had to do this in 10 year, i dont see a reason to do it. ( unless i have a contact for myself and i send that to people to prevent them from working )w/e i guess it useful for some .... dunno how it is , but it must be.

i think many people would beg to differ. its integrated on EVERY os i know of. i have people very regularly ask me "do you the phone number of...?"
12:whats point of silent + vibrate? when my phone vibrate its pretty silent... unless you’re counting the noise of the vibrating engine in your phone.

so vibrating in a meeting or presenting a speech is ok? rhetorical question. no need to answer i'm sure you'll so no.

14: it does in ZUNE....

you miss the point. i dont want to go in zune to see paid apps. when i am not at the computer, i search for an app, it shows every app available, so now which of those are already on your phone? yeah it doesnt tell you.

9: that’s just a personal choice , you know Iphone uses GRID right? im sure apple would love more Ifans. Or MS could add grids then get sued by apple.. whatever floats your boat.

apple never invented the grid. tiles are fine in the home page, but the apps tray needs to be more compact. i dont need 80% of the screen occupied by text. give me grids anytime, they could fit 20 apps on the one screen instead of the endless scrolling we do now.

i wont respond to the rest, really there MY opinions of what can make a nice solid platform to be a GREAT platform. and in all honesty it isnt far away.

MS have that suggestions page, but has made no indication if they are even considering it or not.
i think many people would beg to differ. its integrated on EVERY os i know of. i have people very regularly ask me "do you the phone number of...?"

so vibrating in a meeting or presenting a speech is ok? rhetorical question. no need to answer i'm sure you'll so no.

you miss the point. i dont want to go in zune to see paid apps. when i am not at the computer, i search for an app, it shows every app available, so now which of those are already on your phone? yeah it doesnt tell you.

apple never invented the grid. tiles are fine in the home page, but the apps tray needs to be more compact. i dont need 80% of the screen occupied by text. give me grids anytime, they could fit 20 apps on the one screen instead of the endless scrolling we do now.

i wont respond to the rest, really there MY opinions of what can make a nice solid platform to be a GREAT platform. and in all honesty it isnt far away.

MS have that suggestions page, but has made no indication if they are even considering it or not.

i respect your opining i was just responding with mine :) hehe

honestly , i jus like it the way it is, most of the points you mention ( aside from the random features missing, i will never say *its a bad idea to add more* .. more is always better :P ) it all remains a personal preference.

as for MS taking in does suggestions , they do .. they really do . more then any other ... the fact that they have 500000000000000000000 different request makes it hard. they basically take at heart the TOP suggestions , the suggestions that people vote the more for.

beside , im sure this OS is FAAAAAR from being done growing , its only a 1 year old baby ... it blew out his first candle a phew weeks ago!!!
(after all we did get 500 features in mango :) )

2 words and numbers: Windows Phone 8,(9,10,11,12,13,14...)

i think many people would beg to differ. its integrated on EVERY os i know of. i have people very regularly ask me "do you the phone number of...?"

so vibrating in a meeting or presenting a speech is ok? rhetorical question. no need to answer i'm sure you'll so no.

you miss the point. i dont want to go in zune to see paid apps. when i am not at the computer, i search for an app, it shows every app available, so now which of those are already on your phone? yeah it doesnt tell you.

apple never invented the grid. tiles are fine in the home page, but the apps tray needs to be more compact. i dont need 80% of the screen occupied by text. give me grids anytime, they could fit 20 apps on the one screen instead of the endless scrolling we do now.

i wont respond to the rest, really there MY opinions of what can make a nice solid platform to be a GREAT platform. and in all honesty it isnt far away.

MS have that suggestions page, but has made no indication if they are even considering it or not.

your counter argument makes absolutely no sense at all. Sorry to break that to u homes.

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