So what keeps YOU around?

Mostly, I think we stick around because we all have impeccable taste.

(This is a fan site. We can be completely cocky if we want.)
My smartphone experience started off with Nokia's Symbian OS. At the time it was pretty amazing, but email and PIM syncing was unreliable at best. I then moved to Android, which provided far superior reliability as far as email/PIM was concerned. I also loved the customizability of the OS.

When WP came out, in time, I was intrigued by the UI. As much as I was happy with Android, I ended up putting a WP7 skin over it. What made me switch over to the Lumia 900 was:

1. It was a Nokia (where I started my smartphone journey)
2. Although I used a WP7 skin on Android, the OS was laggy and not very fluid (this was true without the WP7 skin)

When I made the switch, I was more than pleased. The email/PIM syncing was even more reliable than on Android. I had a True Metro UI. The Hubs (people, media, office, and pictures) makes things SO much easier. WP is just plain fluid and easy to use. I find WP has increased my productivity on a device. I love the "get in there and get things done and get on with your life" feel.

The only real serious complaints I have (but have learned to live with) is the dependancy on Zune and no expandable memory card. Other than these, my Lumia 900 has been a joy to use and to be perfectly honest, I don't really see any need to switch back to Android or even Symbian for that matter, much less make a move to iOS.
I bought an ecosystem, not a phone. Within that ecosystem I have choices (unlike a certain popular competitor). That's enough choice for me. Are there certain features or apps unavailable to me as a result. Probably, but so what. Are they life changing kinds of differences. No.

Call me stubborn or pig headed, but I am not going to change ecosystems because I can't swipe a notification away or get a particular app. Windows 8 is going to bring everything within Microsoft's ecosystem together, finally. Will things outside the ecosystem work. Sure they will, just not as well.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro

You can swipe notifications away in WP7.
I just love the OS. My coworkers are all iphoners. While the IOS is rock solid, it is just so boring at this point. I have no interest in an iphone.

At work, I just received a Samsung Nexus S Android phone on Verizon 4G. That phone is the biggest piece of junk ever. I think I'd rather not have a smartphone than that thing. The battery life is horrid. The radio just drops signal to nothing constantly. Verizon isn't bad in my building, a few of my coworker's iphone is on verizon, and never a glitch like that. The browser is junk. Why Android isn't running a mobile version of Chrome like our phone does with IE is beyond me. And the OS is ICS by the way, Verizon is apparently dragging its feet on the JB update.

But in the end, it's not just disinterest in other platforms, I just really like the way that WP works. The tiles are bright and alive, the browser is good, the keyboard is excellent. My nerdy side is making me excited for the options of WP8, but to be honest, I am completely satisfied with the features and functions of WP7.5.
What's keeping me around is finding out what the new WP8 phones will be like as well as a list of all features WP8 will have out of the gate. Once I know that, I can make a decision during the holidays to stay with WP or jump to iOS.
Another thing is...I want my phone to match my new Windows 8 RT tablet later this year. Vain, I know. But it's gonna look cool.
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I wanted to be apart of a different crowd that had the same phones. Everyone has iPhones or Androids and I wanted to be separated from all that. I mean, my whole family has iPhones, I get the whole grid part, but when my sisters boyfriend said my phone was "too hard? too many options?" I was confused at that. I felt glad that I thought outside of the box, everyone is raging about iOS and Android. Everyone needs to know about WP. I try my best to show people on my facebook and twitter. "Hey here is my phone, look how pretty it is, look at these cool options.... etc etc." Not everyone will like it, but I find it much better than iOS. I have an iPad, but I mainly use it for websites that don't work on my Phone.

I love the Live tiles, to think about how long it's going to take iOS to get a live icon people have been begging for that Weather icon to change to actual current temperature. Look at all the great apps in WP that give you actual Live weather updates. I use AmazingWeather, I love that app. How long do you think it takes for people to find out if there is traffic or not on the way home? You have to go onto your Maps wait for it to load and it takes forever. With Nokia Drive you have a Live tile telling you Watch out! there is traffic! I don't know, I know there is plenty of more opportunities for WP to succeed. We just need more air time. I just love being different and love not having a phone that everyone has.
With all the options out there, what keeps you with Windows Phone? Or even if you wield a second device, what is it about Windows Phone that draws you back in?

;) Hi. My name is pwaikon and I'm an addict. For Nokia Mix Radio. First I tough that Mix Radio sounded like cool service and I would use it as I use my all other mobile music apps: every now and then when I feel like listening some music. But when I got my Lumia 800 everything changed from the first play: When I realized how much FREE music the service includes I was hooked. I listen Nokia Mix Radio every single day many hours as I live my life and I cannot stand a tough without it anymore. I even bought a Nokia Play 360 speaker to awesomise my Mix Radio experience :cool: So, as long as Nokia includes Mix Radio in their WP OS I keep using Windows Phones :D

Phew, I feel SO much better after that confession :P :giggle:
Fluid Simplicity

Like many before me have said, it simply works. It is simple yet still manages to have a beautiful elegance to it.

Probably the primary reason it really caught my eye, is for once in the mobile market I felt something truly new and fresh had emerged. Microsoft built this phone from the bottom up and even Apple has admitted it's something completely different from the iPhone. It's gutsy and bold instead of a copy of another phone OS.
Fluid interface
Minimalistic design
Major one is full Office integration
"Sleekiness" (Sleek UI)
Live Tiles
Integration with social networks
My addiction to Microsofts' stuff

And many more..
Amazing UI and OS concept in general. Only Drawback is IE9 HTML5 rendering.

The mail client is great, on par with BlackBerry plus the actual bonus feature that You can turn off mail retrieval (set to manual sync) during holidays etc.

Design and choice of materials is outstanding on my Lumia 800, beats the fragile Apples on durabillity and the plasticky samsungs/HTC on sturdyiness and feel. (I know that that only relates to Nokia and not WP in general, but the Lumia design was a big factor for me in giving up the Blackberries)

With the BB's i felt hmmmm. And then, great, it works! (and it really was a great performer)
With the iPhone it was just, hmmm, nice, but how do I do that? (then I found an app for it)
With the Android I thought, hey this can do do everything, but it did it kind of half hearted, always the feeling of "unfinished-ness". Spent more times in settings than actually using the thing.

With WP and the Lumia i'm just Amazed - Every day!

(guess it just fits my needs)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
My reasons for still having my WP - in no particular order:

- My 2 year's contract :cool:
- I still like the gui (When I chose it, I tried a WP, an Andriod and an iPhone and I liked the WP - best. I still do.) It's just so uncomplicated to use and I get things done so quickly. I especially learnt to appreciate this when things at work became bad and with my WP, I had a simple tool to help me quickly checking important emails, remind me of important tasks and so on.
- I must admit I sometimes enjoy having smart answers to dumb questions like "... why didn't you just get an iPhone? Everyone has one".
- My WP hasn't triggered the I-throw-you-out-of-the-windows reaction yet. :lol:
- Wordament. I'm addicted.
- Nokia Music to give me a change in my music routine every now and then.
- Internet browsing. I experienced browsing on a symbian, on two androids and on WP, and I liked the WP experience best. Heck, it makes me want to have a windows tablet. Well done, MS.

I must admit, though, that there is one or another thing about my Lumia 800 that I find slightly irritating, for example the sometimes weird task behaviour (notably when the audible app is involved) plus the camera (I'm cheating on it with the Nokia 808 sometimes and when I go back to the lumia, I'm irritated by the missing lossless zoom). But those are small quirks compared to the things my former phone wanted me to do (like throwing it out of the window). In a way, I feel like someone who has removed her rose-tinted glasses, sees her partner as he really is and finds out that he might be flawed, but he's good person and he's worth staying with.

So, I'll wait till my contract expires, afterwards, I might get a WP9 with pureview :D. (and I want all 41 megapixels. I won't compromise.)
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Well, actually I just got here - I really don't bounce around from phone to phone and I'm pretty loyal to my o/s.

Like everyone else, I love the fluidity of the o/s - sometimes I scroll through my app list just to watch it spin. And it feels good to be with Nokia again as my first cell was a Nokia.

One of the weird reasons I'm here is because by owning a Windows device I feel a little like an outsider. Like a fringe user. I like the screwed up looks I get when I tell people what I run with.
Have you ever wondered what it takes for a sports team to win a championship? Lets take football. Imagine all the long hours, grueling practices, and hard fought games a team must go through before they can win the Super Bowl. As a fan, you may imagine that your influence is minimal. After all, you're not the one sweating on the field. If anything, it's up to the team to do all the hard work by themselves. Not true. A football team is very dependent on their fans. Foregoing the any-given-Sunday rule, a team needs talented players to win a Super Bowl and talent doesn't come cheap. Teams are highly dependent on selling stadium tickets, jerseys, advertisements and other memorabilia so they can pay for a player's (outrageous) salary. More support = More money generated = Better team. That's my reason for supporting Windows Phone.

It does not, in any way, shape or form, benefit me to play the "waiting game." The more I support WP, and the more people that supports WP, the faster the platform grows. That's pretty standard for any product on the market. Some products catch on faster than others and some teams win Super Bowls before others. But you can't make something better by pushing people to other platforms, much in the same way you can't help your football team by selling tickets for the opposing team.

That doesn't mean that Microsoft gets a free pass. They still has to put in a lot of hard work and grueling hours. There's nothing wrong with pointing out the good and the bad, though some people are so fixated on the bad that you wonder if they like anything at all. There's a lot of fair-weather fans that think that things will get better by them sitting on the couch being a negative Nancy. Trust me, they'll be quick to take credit if/when the platform takes off because they were the "honest" ones...
Wish I could add my story to this. :(
Feel like an outsider. I have a RaZr and dying to get my hands on my next WP8.

I just posted 3 instances on how much time it took for me to do 3 simple tasks.

1. Finding a calculator
2. Taking notes
3. Turning on the flash (emergency situation)

All 3 times, I had to scroll through pages and pages of icons to finally locate what I want.
You can argue, why didn't I have it on the homescreen?

I already have Taptalk, Twitter, Flipboard, HTC Flip clock, root explorer along with the dock bar full of calls, message, browser.

Cluttered? I think so too. :D

Sent from my RaZr Nexus.
fyi, a contract does not mean you have to stick with that phone. You have options

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