So who is getting a nokia 925

Well yeah. The 925 is dated now in terms of mobile technology. So if you are the type who wants the latest cutting edge technology then you should wait for whatever comes next. Be mindful that Microsoft are about to take over Nokias devices business so I wouldn't expect the same level of innovation from MS that we've had from Nokia.
The 925 is still a great device with a fantastic camera.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Its hard for us who have our first JUMP upgrade in January on Tmobile though );
After much deliberation I finally decided to upgrade from L820 to L925. I'll be receiving it tomorrow! I haven't ordered a case it necessary? What do the experienced people think?
Soon I am going to purchase. Sad part is I have to carry my iphone5 all the time as WP8 still lacks with calling software's like mossip and others which work in my country of residence.
Which color of 925 most of them have here ? I prefer to go for white.
Just got one a couple days ago. Upgraded from a Lumia 521 that I had only for a couple weeks after upgrading from a Lumia 710. I love the 925, it feels amazing. Got a case for it but it's very minimal, happy with it so far!
gonna buy it tomorrow, but as there is two versions of 925, one rm892 global version one rm910 asia version that dont support LTE, any one knows how can i know its version just by the lable on box?
today went to the store n looked at boxes, all devices had same labling without mention of lte/4g bands on them ( seller told me the phones support 4g! but im going to buy it online and the online seller dont know about it untill i explain how lable/code should be!)
im certainly sure there is 2 versions in my country, i know one friend who bought the asia version and there isnt 4g speed in the settings of him.
I have the 925 16GB from TMo US with LTE. I love it and its fantastic. It's the slimmest Nokia phone because it doesn't have the wireless charger built in. I thought it would be a bad thing missing that feature but I haven't missed it. The snap on wireless charger I plan to get doubles as a protective case. Currently I have a minimalist case for it. I love the aluminum build of this phone and I have to say, it feels fantastic. I don't miss the 1020 I had planned to get instead of this.
I have the 925 16GB from TMo US with LTE. I love it and its fantastic. It's the slimmest Nokia phone because it doesn't have the wireless charger built in. I thought it would be a bad thing missing that feature but I haven't missed it. The snap on wireless charger I plan to get doubles as a protective case. Currently I have a minimalist case for it. I love the aluminum build of this phone and I have to say, it feels fantastic. I don't miss the 1020 I had planned to get instead of this.

Cool. I have to admit that the snap on case is a perfect solution. I have one for my 1020 and love the option of being able to take it off at will. This is miles better than having wireless charging built in that I had on my 920.
I personally think that wireless charging shouldn't be built in but made an option via a charging shell.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
I heard a lot about heat problems, freezings, blue screen and people getting a replacement in 2~3 months. Do you guys think I should buy a 925 anyway?
I have been using my Lumia 925 from last 14 days now, so far loving it.
Good points about Lumia 925- Screen , resolution, live tiles etc.
Little disappointed on battery front, initially few days it was worst. Then now over the time gradually it has increased a bit.
I have discovered something by suing inside application is that when I am on wifi where my signals shows 100% it is consuming more battery about 4-5% in an hour with idle state.
If I keep the wifi off and running on 3 G it reduces to 2-3 % per hour with 2 g it's only 1% per hour.

Have you views on battery consumption of 925.
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In answer to the original topic, I am! Just ordered a 925 from NewEgg yesterday for slightly more than half the price that T-Mobile is selling it! :grin:
925 on the way to replace a 521. Updated my profile now or I would probably forget.

Now to find a home for the 521. I have already given 4 of them as gifts. I have a sister who has an old feature phone and also carries a digital camera at all times for pics. Her phone plan is so archaic she has text turned off because they are so expensive. What's the most effective drink to spill on a feature phone to total it? LoL
I just converted my sister to WP I made her change her iPhone 4 for a Lumia 925. It was easy, she loved my 925. She complains a bit about the lack of some apps, but other than that, she is very happy with her new phone.
Finally after using this mobile after almost 1 month. I would say that I have not done any mistake switching from iphone5 & S3.

Initially I had serious concerns related to battery, pathetic more than ios7.

Gradually after 1-2 weeks of usgae with 3-4 full battery drain out and recharges its rock solid now.

It just lack with some apps but I am okie with that, most of the apps I used to have on ios7 is present here.

When I leave home for office @7:20 100% , full day in office @wifi with heavy usage if what Sapp , little bit of browsing normally 2-3 calls a day.
By the time I come back its 60-50% still left. Easily with all the time on 3g or WiFi I am getting almost 20 hours approx.

If not using 3g or WiFi I think it can cross esily 24 hours.What else u want more.

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