So who still thinks Microsoft shouldnt have been advertising WP7 more?

How about a Windows Phone advertisement that actually demonstrates to people that broad capabilities of the phone? The latest advertisements are cheesy, mediocre, semi-witty acting that leave a consumer barely informed about the phone capability. Someone in Microsoft marketing needs to get fired!
Agreed, because herein lies the problem. If an ad only peaks your interest in a WP phone, when you go to a retailer to find out more they either; won't have it for you to see, or will tell you Windows Mobile (duh) is crap. So you really need to understand and WANT a WP before setting out to find one. Feeling and touching should be the final step, not the first.

Maybe do some of those sponsor a 1 hour show things with a 3-4 minute infomercial at the 30 Monte mark. Retail is not going to sell these phones till there is a real demand.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
Maybe this will fix something next year:

The relationship between Nokia and Microsoft can become even closer in 2012 by making the Windows 8 tablets. According to French newspaper Les Echos , Amsullem Paul, who is in charge of Nokia France, for an interview with the newspaper says that in June 2012 Nokia tablets work on Windows 8...

Seems interesting huh? :)
I don't know about you, but I've seen a lot of Radar commercials lately. **** all over the internet too. Not so much with the Focus and Flash though...

Those little flash ads on webpages are not going to get people in stores to buy WP7 devices. And for something like the Titan, you'd expect SOMETHING to be said on its release day, not just trickling the handset into some stores.
Anyone else see the irony i that they are using the web Flash Ads to advertise, when the phones themselves don't support it?

As for their regular advertising, I'm holding out hope that the manufacturers ads will help push new users to the platform. The only ad in the last few months that even sticks with me is the one showing the guy coaching soccer(or some other little league sport) and the kids running around him while he's checking his twitter or something. Even that one is so far gone that I don't even remember the details. What I do remember is the cool Droid ads with people jumping out of planes, opening packages with glowing bright lights, mechanized automatons. Those, I remember. Windows Phone ads? There's some new phone out there, it has something to do with Microsoft. I think AT&T is selling it. That's about it for the WP ads.
Those little flash ads on webpages are not going to get people in stores to buy WP7 devices. And for something like the Titan, you'd expect SOMETHING to be said on its release day, not just trickling the handset into some stores.

Well i have seen a lot commercials in newspapers in USA, Britain and Brazil, and on buses in USA. Images below.

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