Speech to text problem


New member
Sep 9, 2011
Hi there, I'm using a Mango Omnia 7 (RTM build) on Tmobile UK. The text to speech and speech to text has become a firm favourite and I use it all the time.

Yesterday, the feature stopped working properly. When I say a phrase to be converted to text, it now says can't connect ??? (Same on Wifi or Data connection)

Has anyone else noticed this or is anyone else having the same issues? It's been rock solid for several weeks, absolutley bullet proof until yesterday when this problem started. Are MS doing some backend work on TellMe? Did something change, I'm aware that in the UK to get this feature to work, you have to have your phone's browser and search local set to US. Mine is and has been working perfectly, did MS suddenly block this ?

Any idea's guys?

Thanks. :)
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not sure but it is little bugs like this i got tired of messing with all the time so i went back to nodo and im waiting on the official release. it seems everytime i installed a custom rom or leaked update, ive had issues. nothing major just little things like this that drove me nuts. my advise is to go back to nodo and wait on the official release, it is only a few weeks away... maybe days?
I have had this happen a couple of times when in areas with poor coverage. I assume this simply means it was not able to get a response from the server in time.
I have had this happen a couple of times when in areas with poor coverage. I assume this simply means it was not able to get a response from the server in time.

Yeah same here when I've been in a poor coverage area, but this is happening all the time now regardless of signal strength, and also happening on WiFi.

It's just stopped working?? very strange.

I'm not experiencing any other bugs in Mango, it's been rock solid.
Did you accidentally change some privacy setting or something? TellMe does need permission to send info to the servers. Like, maybe accidentally unchecked "Enable speech recognition over the network"?

The Same thing is happening to me.... :(

I used voice-to-text a lot and it work brilliantly.

Then I didnt use it for a while, update my Samsung Firmware with the latest Engineer Rom, with all the latest drivers and also a T-Mobile version of Mango.

Any way after the update I tried voice-to-Text and it wouldn't work!!!
When I hold down the windows keys for 3 seconds and give voice commands like open calender, Text john doe.. It works perfectly!
But when I try and use voice-to-text - its just say cant connect.

I then taught it was the firmware so I went back to the original Retail Firmware and update back to mango beta 7012.60 - but it still doesn't work!

I have no idea what happen, :(
and why it wont work.
Did you accidentally change some privacy setting or something? TellMe does need permission to send info to the servers. Like, maybe accidentally unchecked "Enable speech recognition over the network"?

Yeah double checked all those settings.. even toggled the settings off, rebooted, and back on to see if that would help. Same.


The Same thing is happening to me.... :(

I used voice-to-text a lot and it work brilliantly.

Then I didnt use it for a while, update my Samsung Firmware with the latest Engineer Rom, with all the latest drivers and also a T-Mobile version of Mango.

Any way after the update I tried voice-to-Text and it wouldn't work!!!
When I hold down the windows keys for 3 seconds and give voice commands like open calender, Text john doe.. It works perfectly!
But when I try and use voice-to-text - its just say cant connect.

I then taught it was the firmware so I went back to the original Retail Firmware and update back to mango beta 7012.60 - but it still doesn't work!

I have no idea what happen, :(
and why it wont work.

Yeah same here, I can explain part of this, the 1st part where you say "text John Doe" is all done locally on the phone so no connection is required, hence this part works fine, however when you dictate your text the phone needs to connect the the TellMe speech server to send and transcribe what you've said. This is where the phone says "Cannot Connect, please try again"

What carrier are you on and where in the world are you ?
My phone is unlocked unbranded.
I live in Ireland.
The network I'm on is o2 IRE

Work perfectly for ages... have you updated your firmware if so to what version?
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My phone is unlocked unbranded.
I live in Ireland.
The network I'm on is o2 IRE

Work perfectly for ages... have you updated your firmware if so to what version?

I updated to RTM (7720.68), my phone is Tmobile Locked and Branded. I did the update about 3 weeks ago, a couple of days after this 1st method of updating was posted. As you say its been perfect for over 3 weeks. No issues at all.

I have been wondering if this is a Tmobile thing or a Microsoft thing, As you are on a different network to me, this adds weight to the fact that it might not be a carrier thing.

I understand that the proper mango update will come with newer drivers for certain things, but this doesn't explain why its worked perfectly for 3 weeks and suddenly stopped working 2 days ago.. If it was a driver issue, then surely it wouldn't have worked until I got the new drivers. Not the other way around.

I was considering rolling back to Nodo, but as you have tried this already and it didn't resolve the issue, I don't think I will just yet. Personally I don't think it's anything to do with the update, the update process or the drivers. hmmmmm

Can anyone else chip in with some more info?? Anyone else in the UK on o2 or Tmobile with Voice to text working? I'm trying to eliminate our carriers as the source of the problem. If other people have working voice to text in UK on either of our carriers then its likely not a carrier issue and this again is pointing to MS or Mango.
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Bing Voice search does not work either, no suprise there as this requires a connection to TellMe servers.

I hadn't actually tried to see if "Search Pizza" was working, now I have and it isn't.
I actually taught Voice-to-Text was baked into the os and didn't connected to a server because it work so well... the difference a few days can make, If its not broke don't fix it.

I'm thinking MS is up to something, maybe there killing all the server related feature of non 100% OEM delivered Mango updates
Same problem here. An AT&T Focus running 7712. Was working until a few days ago and then stopped. We're taking about TellMe services (SMS and voice search). Bing music, that song ID thing, works fine. I updated to this version a month ago and had no problem with these cool features until now. I'm in Israel where they don't even sell these phones so I doubt it's a carrier thing because it was working so far. Also, it has nothing to do with low coverage because this happens over WiFi as well.

I see that most users here use a Samsung Omnia/Focus... Am I right? Maybe it's that? (I don't think it is... Just putting it out there)

Anyway, those were my 2 cents... I also posted it on the AppHub forums - TellMe voice services stopped working on my phone - App Hub Forums ... Maybe that will help

I actually taught Voice-to-Text was baked into the os and didn't connected to a server because it work so well... the difference a few days can make, If its not broke don't fix it.

I'm thinking MS is up to something, maybe there killing all the server related feature of non 100% OEM delivered Mango updates
I agree I think Microsoft know where using unofficial mango and have cut there servers. It worked for me the day I installed mango but since then has stopped....omnia 7
I actually taught Voice-to-Text was baked into the os and didn't connected to a server because it work so well... the difference a few days can make, If its not broke don't fix it.

I'm thinking MS is up to something, maybe there killing all the server related feature of non 100% OEM delivered Mango updates

I'm starting to wonder this myself. At first I thought no MS wouldn't do that, they want people to use this feature and show it off. Now we are getting a few more people reporting the same problem I'm starting to wonder if this is MS doing something.

Same problem here. An AT&T Focus running 7712. Was working until a few days ago and then stopped. We're taking about TellMe services (SMS and voice search). Bing music, that song ID thing, works fine. I updated to this version a month ago and had no problem with these cool features until now. I'm in Israel where they don't even sell these phones so I doubt it's a carrier thing because it was working so far. Also, it has nothing to do with low coverage because this happens over WiFi as well.

I see that most users here use a Samsung Omnia/Focus... Am I right? Maybe it's that? (I don't think it is... Just putting it out there)

Anyway, those were my 2 cents... I also posted it on the AppHub forums - TellMe voice services stopped working on my phone - App Hub Forums ... Maybe that will help


Nice one, I'll jump on that thread too and see if we can get some response from there.

I agree I think Microsoft know where using unofficial mango and have cut there servers. It worked for me the day I installed mango but since then has stopped....omnia 7

Well at least we are starting to learn that it is not isolated and that others are suffering from the same issue. Someone out there knows what's going on.
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I have a Samsung Focus and am running 7720. Voice to text and voice search are both working fine for me.
I have a Samsung Focus and am running 7720. Voice to text and voice search are both working fine for me.

Thanks for that info Reflexx, can you tell me which country are you in and which carrier ? Thanks..
I'm in the US. Southern California to be more specific.

My carrier is AT&T.

I wonder if there might be some sort of rolling server upgrade or something.
I'm in the US. Southern California to be more specific.

My carrier is AT&T.

I wonder if there might be some sort of rolling server upgrade or something.

Thanks again for you info mate. Yeah I had wondered if they might be upgrading the back end in preperation of Mango officially going live..

Very strange, and all the more so now I know that it's all working fine for you on the other side of the pond. :)
Hmmm, my girlfreind has an Omnia 7 running Nodo on Tmobile, After changing the relevant settings to get voice to text to work in the UK, did the "find Pizza" test and guess what, its all working fine on her device..

So it's not a backend upgrade or similar.. hmmmm
This problem has resolved itself! Yup, I tried mango's voice to text feature just now, and its fixed, all working again perfectly.

I did not change ANY settings on my phone. So this must have been a MS thing, probably something to do with preparing the mango roll out, but I guess we'll never know.

A very happy Gunzta. :-)

Can anyone else that said they were having problems confirm that it's fixed for them too.

I'm off to do a little mango dance. :-)

Sent from my OMNIA7 using Board Express

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