

New member
Aug 17, 2011
The game was announced long ago for windows phone 7 when the console versions were released. I assume it would have been exactly like the iPhone version. Sadly it never came even though in three different phones I had during that year each one had a version. I've inquired directly to Namco on the matter but just get the usual we have no info on this release but please continue checking the website for future updates on new releases. Ahh I wish somehow this game could make it. I love Splatterhouse and the remake was awesome despite all the negativity it received because Namco refused to buy good reviews.
I've googled splatterhouse windows phone 7 before and have come across multiple instances of the title heading to our platform. It just never did and most likely never will. Namco Japan pulled the plug on all things splatterhouse a week before it launched on consoles, pulled advertisements and didn't pay off review sites. Which in turn pissed them off and they began to horribly and totally unjustly slag the game off. Made up lies like the game was buggy and unplayable. Game sales never took off and Namco now has no intentions of ever making the sequel to the huge cliff ender.
Also some sites were even slagging the fans of the game off to. Creating contests that mocked what the fans could possibly enjoy about the game in order to win swag Namco gave these review sites instead of payoff money. Everytime I go back into the whole story it just pissed me off because I have so much love for the series. The remake was such a huge thank you to the fans. The director was very much in touch with fans throughout development and their crew used the west mansion splatterhouse fansite for all kinds of research and ideas.
I would be all over a port of Splatterhouse, but I've never heard of a WP7 version. Please post whatever links you've got and I'll check them out.
Splatterhouse for the 360/PS3 was absolutely terrible. I played through a good portion of it and it was a complete mess. It had some great potential going in, and I loved Darkwing Duck as the Mask, but it was failure on all accounts. The shifting of development teams halfway through certainly didn't help it. We're talking about a game that succumbed to trying to promote itself through nude shots of the protagonists love interest... You know the development team is terrified of its own product, and lack of relevance, when they begin to promote themselves through outlets other than the actual gameplay.

Anyways, no. It's not likely to ever appear on WP7 at this point. The console game sold horribly, was a critical disaster, and Namco pulled the plug on the original dev team. The multi-platform phone port of the original is likely relegated to the same abyss as several other WP7 titles that were announced when the platform first launched, but have completely failed to materialize since.

If you're looking for a horror themed title, everyone is better off waiting for that indie zombie game that's getting a full Live release. Or you can pick up that game in the Live marketplace with the priestess who has a scythe... I completely forget the name of it :(.
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Splatterhouse for the 360/PS3 was absolutely terrible. I played through a good portion of it and it was a complete mess. It had some great potential going in, and I loved Darkwing Duck as the Mask, but it was failure on all accounts. The shifting of development teams halfway through certainly didn't help it. We're talking about a game that succumbed to trying to promote itself through nude shots of the protagonists love interest... You know the development team is terrified of its own product, and lack of relevance, when they begin to promote themselves through outlets other than the actual gameplay.

Anyways, no. It's not likely to ever appear on WP7 at this point. The game sold horribly, was a critical disaster, and Namco pulled the plug on the original dev team. This game is likely relegated to the same abyss as several other WP7 titles that were announced when the platform first launched, but have completely failed to materialize since.

If you're looking for a horror themed title, everyone is better off waiting for that indie zombie game that's getting a full Live release. Or you can pick up that game in the Live marketplace with the priestess who has a scythe... I completely forget the name of it :(.

twin blades...

I have it and it's decent, but there are only three backgrounds fora ll the levels, so it starts to grow very monotonous.

I would really love a good horror fps, resident evil style
It does suck that all things splatterhouse was killed off... I spent a good 20 minutes chatting up the producer last year at comic con and he did have love for the game.... But the dev team switch is probably what killed it for sure.

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problem is all veirsons of splatterhouse on consoles and other os's have failed it just didn't get the love which is sad as the game was medicore but the comedy of what the mask would discuss was awesome and made the game worth playing through
problem is all veirsons of splatterhouse on consoles and other os's have failed it just didn't get the love which is sad as the game was medicore but the comedy of what the mask would discuss was awesome and made the game worth playing through

That's just it though. I ended up watching the rest of the game through YouTube, as I couldn't take it any more about halfway through. I had a better time watching it than playing it. Jim Cummings was awesome, but that didn't excuse the gameplay.

It's too bad like you say though. They could have done so much more with that series. If they had just properly updated the Genesis titles we might have had something worth playing. It always kills me when these studios take older games, do ridiculously poor (or downright unfaithful) remakes, and then slay any chance we had of seeing said series again. It happened here and it happened to Bionic Commando, Sparkster, Golden Axe, TMNT: Turtles In Time, ShadowRun, and several others. All complete wastes of potential...
I would argue that Splatterhouse is the best of the modern sequels you mentioned (and Turtles in Time Re-Shelled is an actual remake and thus a different story). I am a fan of the original Splatterhouse, and I actually liked the new game. It has some obvious problems - namely the atrocious load times and repetitive nature of the game/pacing. But it also has a great story, feels very much like the original aesthetically, and the combat is very good. Also I know the nude pics are a gimmick, but they also don't bother me as I think nudity is cool. ;) So I personally would not qualify it as a trainwreck, but I know I'm of the minority opinion there.

Checked with Namco about Splatterhouse coming to Windows Phone, but their previous PR person actually just quit so there's not much hope of getting an answer. But the articles linked were either in error (decently likely), or the WP7 version got canned when the game sold poorly.
West Mansion: The Splatterhouse Homepage - What's New

Go down to the 1-14-2011 article and read. I as well loved the remake. All of it. It DID play well. Unlocking everything was awesome and learning and using moves is effortless. Having the original trilogy and extras just made it that much more awesome to the real fans. I still want the windows phone port, I'm not switching phone Os's ever again and would prefer paying for the game than waiting for an emulated version. I want it on mobile, my mobile. Namco CAN do it.

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