Start Screen option removed WHY ?

Uneducated Whining ? I guess people have trouble reading. I would have thought my complaints are documented pretty extensively.

But I get it, people could complain about the start menu being removed from Windows 8 for almost three years over and over, yet someone asking to bring the start screen back as an option is uneducated.

Give me a bloody break. If you have nothing to share, why even post ?

You should follow your own advice.
So it's ok to whine how crappy you thought 8.1 was, but not how they are ruining their entire vision with 10? Give me a break.

The difference is 8.1 was a finished product, this is a WORK IN PROGRESS and Microsoft clearly said THE TOUCH STUFF IS NOT FINISHED YET so stop whining that it's unfinished in a pre-release technical preview FFS. You have no business running the TP if you can't even understand that, you're just bogging things down with your uneducated whining and wasting everybody's time.

This is what the preview is, they take away features and build them, put them back in, disable features temporarily. Install Xp and stop whining.
The difference is 8.1 was a finished product, this is a WORK IN PROGRESS and Microsoft clearly said THE TOUCH STUFF IS NOT FINISHED YET so stop whining that it's unfinished in a pre-release technical preview FFS. You have no business running the TP if you can't even understand that, you're just bogging things down with your uneducated whining and wasting everybody's time.

This is what the preview is, they take away features and build them, put them back in, disable features temporarily. Install Xp and stop whining.
Of course I am fully aware this is work in progress. If you would have read my posts, you would have noticed how I describe the direction they are going in from build to build, this direction is my main concern as I cannot possibly see how this direction would lead to a usable product, certainly when touch is concerned.

Finally, if the whining bothers you so much, you always have the option to ignore this thread and others like it. Have the decency to let others discuss this topic on this forum, after all that is the exact purpose of a forum.

Common sense, isn't it great ?
But I did, was your short attention span interfering with your ability to read ? Pretty clear I am sharing here.
you are sharing things that are actually not issues, but things that are temporarily missing from this build and Microsoft has said they're being worked on. You are wasting everybody's time because of your low IQ, congrats.
you are sharing things that are actually not issues, but things that are temporarily missing from this build and Microsoft has said they're being worked on. You are wasting everybody's time because of your low IQ, congrats.

No I am only wasting your time. Funny you took the trouble to post about my supposedly low IQ. I am sure hoping you don't think you would insult me.

The feature this thread is about isn't coming back, it is in the process of completely being removed from the code base, the writing is quite clearly on the wall.

I understand you fail to see it, so just ignore this thread and do something more worthwhile with your time, whatever that might be. Thanks in advance.
Bringing this up here really has no use and is pointless. Send your feedback to MSFT through the insider app, that's what it is for.

I do agree it looks like MSFT has surrendered to the WIN8 nay sayers and is in the process of salvaging what it can from their initial vision instead of building on it. We'll have to see if the people who understood and embraced their vision will now be coming out and let them know.

Personally I can work either way so am not to bothered, but I can see where this is coming from.
Bringing this up here really has no use and is pointless. Send your feedback to MSFT through the insider app, that's what it is for.

I do agree it looks like MSFT has surrendered to the WIN8 nay sayers and is in the process of salvaging what it can from their initial vision instead of building on it. We'll have to see if the people who understood and embraced their vision will now be coming out and let them know.

Personally I can work either way so am not to bothered, but I can see where this is coming from.
Good suggestion and I'll follow it. Is the Insider app an universal app?
I think that with this build they pushed a lot of new features, and with the next build they'll tweak them more. We got a lot of new toys to play with, but I think the previous build were more reliable and mature. This is, for me, the first Windows 10 build. The previous ones were 8.1 with tweaks, which was good for daily use, but that's it.

Sadly, I don't trust MS to actually use the feedback. I'm using W10 daily, and I do give feedback via the app, but I don't think it'll matter. The "One Drive" placeholders issue made it clear.

I think it's a new Start Menu, not like the one in 8.1 and that's why it can't transform into the start screen. Maybe it'll be able to do so in later builds, don't count on it. Count on a 3rd party utility to add this feature later on :)

So my laptop is barley working, all of the my start screen layout was gone after the upgrade to 9926, store is buggy and more Win32 apps are getting killed (Calc), but I enjoy it. Beta testing is fun, it's just too bad what W10 is shaping to be.
Bringing this up here really has no use and is pointless. Send your feedback to MSFT through the insider app, that's what it is for.

I do agree it looks like MSFT has surrendered to the WIN8 nay sayers and is in the process of salvaging what it can from their initial vision instead of building on it. We'll have to see if the people who understood and embraced their vision will now be coming out and let them know.

Personally I can work either way so am not to bothered, but I can see where this is coming from.

I naturally used the feedback procedure, so that's covered. Now as to this being pointless, what exactly is the purpose of both this forum and the tech preview in the first place if regressions like this cannot be discussed ? It really boggles the mind.

What should this forum be used for do you think, I thought it was precisely for threads like these.
Me too! I have the bad vibe and premonition that this build 9926 is the beginning of the end of the Modern UI. The old school refused-to-change desktop-loving camp have the upper hand with Microsoft at the moment. This Windows 10 build 9926 is not good, not good at all for tablet/hybrid form factors.
Just in case nobody said this, the start menu has a maximize button to make it a start screen.
Yes, but it's not the same as the old Start screen. For PCs it might be fine, but on a tablet I find it a bit odd to use.
Just in case nobody said this, the start menu has a maximize button to make it a start screen.

Even the OP mentioned it, guess you didn't read it. And no that button merely maximizes the start menu, it isn't anything like the start screen, but hell that was exactly what the OP was all about..

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