State of the HTC 8x and its HORRIBLE battery


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Feb 28, 2011
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It really does vary whether the battery lasts me a day or not. Today had the phone being idle a bit of the time, but I did spend a few spans using Rowi, checking in via 4th and Mayor, as well as going in to another app or two. Still figuring out how this'll work through my day, but coming from a RAZR it's better than that phone was, though Seattle is a weird case of LTE signals being strong then falling off, which just kills battery life.


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Apr 13, 2012
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Following up as I've been removing one app at a time and waiting a day trying to determine why my battery life isn't what it was originally. I can compare to my wife's phone and know that something is taking a portion of battery life with it even when not in use. Today my battery has been good. This could be premature, but last night I removed Amazing Weather and also shut off and powered back on the phone. I had never cycled power before, and I'm kinda disappointed in myself for making two changes at once. But I'm assuming Amazing Weather was my culprit. And mind you, its not like I was going through battery like crazy, but where after 12 hours I used to still be around 80% (with very little use) I was down around 60%. I will also add that I did not have the location service enabled in Amazing Weather. And I had played around with updating only every 2 and 4 hours. I had removed two location tiles that were pinned to the start on the previous night and had disabled any background services that I could long ago. So it appears Amazing Weather was causing some battery drain or rebooting helped.

What I'm going to do now, is give if a few days to make sure that things remain settled, and then I will add Amazing Weather back again to see if it reproduces the somewhat modest impact to battery life. More to follow....


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Jan 11, 2013
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I am confused as to why people are having so many battery issues. I get better battery life with the HTC 8x than any other smartphone I have ever owned. I get more then a whole day with normal use and I have gone 3 days without charging on a slow week. If you are having problem with the battery I would return your device for another one as it must be defective.


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Oct 19, 2011
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GreenScrew is right! Just last night I was trying some panorama apps and without using my phone, I notice the battery draining like crazy!!!!! Uninstalled all 3 apps and now my battery is back to normal use.


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Jul 1, 2011
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I picked up my HTC 8X last night - it was almost dead so charged it up right before I went to bed. Then at 6 a.m. CST it was at 100% - right now its 1:05 p.m. and I'm at 13% which I expected for the first few charges that my battery life wouldn't be so great. But I did spend most of the day with the NFC on - after reading this I turned it off and now I see it draining it a bit slower. So I'll know a bit better probably by next week. But in the meantime I LOVE this PHONE!


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Aug 12, 2012
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I go from charge to charge super easy. How's the cell service in your area. No phone is going to have good battery life if it is constantly searching for service.


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Dec 31, 2012
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The Nokia 920 has the same battery issues... some people claim good battery life, others bad.

Common factor = WP8, a very new OS.

Given the random nature of battery drain on my phone I can only assume that WP8 has some issues that we're all experiencing. Hopefully MS is aware of this and a future OS update will address it.


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Dec 13, 2012
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Sv: State of the HTC 8x and its HORRIBLE battery

The Nokia 920 has the same battery issues... some people claim good battery life, others bad.

Common factor = WP8, a very new OS.

Given the random nature of battery drain on my phone I can only assume that WP8 has some issues that we're all experiencing. Hopefully MS is aware of this and a future OS update will address it.

Well it's the same on any android phone maybe little better on iPhone.

Skickat fr?n min HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e via Tapatalk 2


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Jan 12, 2013
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I find that the power saver feature is absolutely brilliant. My 8x went into powersave mode after I woke up and it lasted till 10pm before it died! The phone lasts so much longer on power save. I think the os reports the battery being lower than it actually is. When the battery says it's on 30% it's probably really on about 40%


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Jan 3, 2013
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Dang, sorry to hear bout your problems. I've had mine two weeks now, and I can go from 530am to 430pm with moderate use. Mostly WiFi, mostly music through mains and about 1 to 3 hours Bluetooth. Occasional internet, no games really, lots of texts, and my forums at least twice a day, and I get down to around 50%. I plug in every night before bed, and am up at 4am, but don't do anything till 530am.
Sent from my wicked sexy HTC 8X windows phone using Board Express


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Apr 13, 2012
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Wanted to follow up because I suspected Amazing Weather was causing battery drain. I reinstalled Amazing Weather and battery remains fine. My issue must've been resolved with reboot unrelated to AW.


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Sep 6, 2012
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HTC 8x battery life is horrible

Its been almost a month on my new 8X, I had a bad experience with its battery life since day 1. Asked about it in the forum here so the guys told me its a matter of time.
But today it was ... Don't even know how to say it. I charged the phone all night it was 100% at 11pm, just made a 2 min phone call and went to sleep, in the morning I woke up to see its 82% .. On the way to the hospital I talked to my Gf on Kik for like 20 mins. When I went to check the battery it,was 61%
I kept WiFi on at night but turned it off in the morning.

So is that still normal ??


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Oct 29, 2012
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That is a little below average. I have had three 8x's and each of them have ranged in battery life. The first one I received was very similar to what you explained. I had to charge it twice a day. The 3rd one was much better, with higher than normal use a battery lasts me from about 7 am till 12 am.


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Sep 6, 2012
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So you're suggesting its a hardware problem?
I had a blackberry before this one and battery life was much better with a smaller battery.
As I thought WP was somewhat designed to conserve the battery.
I only got kik and whatsapp running in the background for now. Even uninstalled weather and CNN apps because I thought that they are running in the background and taking battery life down.


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Jan 16, 2013
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HTC 8x battery life is horrible

The battery on mine is about the same as my S3 and that's with the S3 on a 2300ma battery from Mungen.

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