Stop this madness!


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Oct 30, 2012
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I find myself spending way too much time reading rumors that turn out to be baseless and likely pure fiction. These reports of 1820 and 1520v may contain bits of truth, but you're largely perpetuating falsehoods from nobodies (E.g. Nextleaks). People usually won't do any fact checking and it continues to spread. Check your sources for god's sake. If you find yourself unsure, ask yourself "am I reposting this because I want it to be true?". Because that's not a good reason. This is the typical pre-MWC hype that we get caught up in. Hell, even pocketnow is reposting some of this garbage. Just stop and ask yourselves the questions you know you need to ask.


Retired Moderator
Nov 12, 2012
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I agree. It would be so very nice if people actually read more than they type.

But, this is the internet, and people almost never search. They'll read something from one web site and immediately mis-quote/overhype/misconstrue the details directly into another.


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Jul 14, 2008
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Remember the game we played in grade school? Someone would start a story and then each person in succession would pass the story to the next and then to the next and so on. When the last person was told to say out loud what he had been told; it did not resemble the original story in the least. That is what happens here. One bastardized rumor goes from one site to another and reality goes out the window.

I agree, let's stop or at least, minimize what rumors we hear unless from a source we have seen give "factual" info in the past.


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Nov 16, 2012
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It's the same question I asked about the "Surface Phone"

Why is there a subsection on this forum for the "Surface Phone"? And why is there a subsection for the "Nokia Lumia 1820"? Neither of these devices even remotely exist. We have absolutely no reason to believe that they will exist. WPC gives credibility and plausibility to these bull**** rumors by making subsections and posting silly discussions about them. What a joke.

Daniel Rubino

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Jan 19, 2006
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It's the same question I asked about the "Surface Phone"

Why is there a subsection on this forum for the "Surface Phone"? And why is there a subsection for the "Nokia Lumia 1820"? Neither of these devices even remotely exist. We have absolutely no reason to believe that they will exist. WPC gives credibility and plausibility to these bull**** rumors by making subsections and posting silly discussions about them. What a joke.
Well, in general I agree. Not sure why the 1820 has a sub-forum and I'll remedy that. Surface phone is (or was) easier because there was an internal project at MS on that, but it has since been canned with the acquisition of Nokia. So there were real reports about that project beyond just rumors.

Having said that, forums are very different from the front page, which is our "record" for the site. It's like Star Wars, there's cannon and then there's Lucas signed off stuff and then there's the rest. Forums are meant to discuss everything, with less regulation and moderation (so long as you play nice, I personally don't care what you talk about). So it's not so much as giving it legitimacy, but allowing people to discuss everything--no matter how stupid--in a nice forum area.

Still, I think the 1820 stuff is stupid, so will have that re-worked as I agree, the threshold for sub-forums should be higher, even in the bat**** crazy 'rumors' section :p

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