To the kind, sweet person who shared the following tip:
"I just went into settings > Network & Internet > Proxy > at the bottom click internet options > Advanced tab > reset internet explorer settings....I then restarted and the store comes up. I hope this helps."
For whatever reason your tip, clears something that Windows 10 was choking on. Reset of IE settings (even though I NEVER use that p.o.s.) solved a couple of MAJOR PROBLEMS I was having with my recent upgrade to Windows 10:
1. I was unable to create or modify User Accounts. Kept failing with "Something went wrong" and I could not get it to sign in "using Microsoft Account".
2. I got an error code (finally something I could use!) when I tried to launch the 'Store'
Your single tip has made my computer usable again. Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!
Feel epic!.. :3 My friend and I have been working on fixing the error for several months and your solution worked! It is such a derpy bug, but I'm glad you figured out how to fix it. I bookmarked the page so I can send my friends to the page so that they can fix the issues. This also fixed her issue with xbox app.
Chris Mooney, I too registered here just to thank you for your advice. I was having problems not just with the Windows Store but with singing into Adobe. Thank you ever so much - I've been trawling through forums and help pages all afternoon and had no luck up until now.
Groso bro me re sirvio para instalarlo aunque se ingresa de otra forma a propiedades de internet
panel de control > opciones de internet > opciones avanzadas >restablecer
si pueden borrar los cookies mejor
sorry speak spanish brothers
Hola gente
hi peopple
chris mooney muy bueno lo tuyo en mi laptop win 7 seria
panel de control > opciones de internet > eliminar cookies > luego , opciones avanzadas> restablecer
me sirvio hasta para instalarlo de cero el programa
saludos ....
Hey there.
After reading your response re: 0x80072EFF error code, I tried it. [Ok, I just went into settings > Network & Internet > Proxy > at the bottom click internet options > Advanced tab > reset internet explorer settings....I then restarted and the store comes up.] Problem is, when I clicked on Proxy, I saw no "internet options" at the bottom to click! I'm running Win10. Am I missing something here?
Hey there.
After reading your response re: 0x80072EFF error code, I tried it. [Ok, I just went into settings > Network & Internet > Proxy > at the bottom click internet options > Advanced tab > reset internet explorer settings....I then restarted and the store comes up.] Problem is, when I clicked on Proxy, I saw no "internet options" at the bottom to click! I'm running Win10. Am I missing something here?