Straight Talk APN Settings Change?

Hello there... This is Barry, I just want to let you know that today I got the correct APN for Lumia 900 ,
Here is how you should do;

Connection name: Any name
Internet access point: tfdata
Proxy address:
Proxy Port: 80
Leave blank: Username and password

MMS Access Point

mms access point: tfdata
Proxy address:
proxy port: 80

leave blank Username and password

mmsc address:
fill this out in the downloaded [NOKIA NETWORK APP]. The pitcure msg will work and the internet together. i just find out right now after 2 days straggling to make my pictur msg work. If it doesn't work email me at
I just activated my service with Straight Talk on a Nokia Lumia 1020 Unlocked with a AT&T micro chip.
I received these instructions:

Connection name: Straight Talk (or you can write whatever you want)

Internet access point: tfdata
Leave everything else blank

MMS Access Point

MMS access point: tfdata
Proxy address:
Proxy port: 80
MMSC address:

The thing with the settings listed above is that the internet worked well, but I couldn't get MMS. After much research, I decided to try something I saw in another web page. Instead of putting in the proxy address, write and leave EVERYTHING ELSE just the same as I previously stated. It solved my problem immediately for new MMS sent and received, but for previously received MMS it didn't seem to work. Ask the person to send you the message again and see if it works. After I tried this, I can now say changing carriers was worth all the trouble, everything seems to be in order and the internet is decently fast, faster than with my previous carrier. Also, AT&T coverage is excellent (in comparison with T-Mobile, the other option with Straight Talk). I highly recommend.
Thanks so much, it worked. I called straight talk and the customer service rep told me that, all the features won't work since it's byop. I called
many times. i just tried your settings and it worked. You're genius.
These settings work. Work great for me as well. Here is why I have for my Lumia 920

APN: tfdata
Username: <blank>
wap gateway (URL):
wap gateway port: 80
MMSC Port: 80
Maximum MMS size: <blank>
Just an FYI, adding in setting for IPV 4 along with this "Instead of putting in the proxy address, write and leave EVERYTHING ELSE just the same as I previously stated"
Got my HP Elite X3 working for MMS pic sending. :D

Funny how that address doesn't work but the same IP address traced to that server does, go figure...

HP Elite X3, MMS, Not Working, Straight Talk.

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