Strange Sleep behavior from HP TE01xxx and PA278QV?


New member
Feb 23, 2019
Latest Windows 11 update, no viruses detected.

Until recently (around a month ago,) when selecting either my Sleep shortcut or the Sleep button, both the HP and the Asus would go to sleep (hibernation is disabled,) and stay asleep until awakened. However, the following problem now exists: No matter how I try to put them to sleep, it appears that they are awakening every so often. Let me describe what is happening:

1. Select Sleep

2. Screen blackens immediately, then comes back on for about 30 sec, no HDMI and screen blackens

3. Within 3-4 minutes, screen comes back on to the "Date" screen for about 60 sec and then goes black and stays black for about 4 minutes before coming back on for about 30 sec. When the screen is black, its On light changes from white to orange...I believe that this should be indicating that the monitor is asleep, or just not receiving any signal from the PC. (If I were to click Enter when screen comes back on, the screen then changes to where I enter my PIN.)

4. 2 and 3 repeat in the same sequence, add infinitum?

First, I'd like to know if at any point as described above, is the PC really asleep?

Secondly, why does the monitor wake up and apparently sleep periodically, and what's the fix?

I do have a partial solution, as arrived at from this video [bad link removed by mod]. It helped me answer one of my questions. The report was that there were no devices noted (a 0) that woke up my PC. Therefore, I think I can assume that the PC was never waking up on its own. But it now remains to identify why the monitor wakes On and then Sleeps (orange light) about every 4 minutes when the PC is noted to be sleeping???
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Thanks for the update flycaster1 - but if you could edit your link to the exact video instead of the list of all videos from that TY channel, it would be helpful.


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