Succesful WP8.1 updates on Icon?

It's not like Android. You need to do a hard reset. That's all.

I was just kidding!

But, that said, I did go back to 8.0.

Even after a hard reset, I had the following issues (weirdly AFTER the latest update, not so much before other than screen delay:)
- wake delay, anywhere from 3-5 seconds (could deal with this)
- poor Xbox Music performance (could deal with this also)
- incredibly poor game performance (Dungeon Hunter 4 and Mass Effect Infiltrator, consistently high framerate on 8.0, nearly unplayable, especially Mass Effect, on 8.1 - again, something I could deal with)
- app crashes (especially Facebook, maybe once or twice per day)
- random reboots (not daily, but maybe every other day)
- resuming/loading screen, new after the last update, daily. Phone just says "loading..." or "resuming..." and is unresponsive. Sometimes it is only for a few seconds but I've had it happen for as long as 10 minutes. The phone gets incredibly hot during this event and if it does recover back to the start screen, performance is sluggish until a reboot. This is the issue that I primarily have gone back to 8.0 for. It's incredibly frustrating when you are trying to pull up your bank app to transfer money and the phone won't go past "resuming..." as you are trying to pay looking like an ***** lol. Likewise, pulling up grocery list in the store or trying to take a picture of something quickly but the camera won't launch. I tried unpinning Cortana (although this doesn't seem a good solution as the news/travel live tile updates are really useful) and hard reset, and still had this issue.
- unresponsive touch screen. 928 flash backs! Almost daily, phone wakes but touch screen unresponsive. Sometimes works after going to camera, sometimes requires a reboot. This was the second issue that I can't deal with in my daily driver device. I need my phone to work consistently, I can deal with performance issues, but not stuff like this.

I should point out, I'm not dissing WP or the incredible Dev preview program, just posting the issues I've had (which are expected, it's sort of a beta after all.)

I don't know how much of this is related to my personal use since they don't seem to be issues everyone is having, but it's entirely possible they are due to apps/usage. I stream with Bluetooth on two devices (one being my car daily) and I know I've had issues with WP and Bluetooth before (e.g. be on WiFi, get a phone call, get in car while on the phone, drive out of range of WiFi, hang up call - freeze!)

If they release another 8.1 update I might give it a shot again before the official (of if there is no official by July lol.)
Well, firstly, I did do the update on the dev program. I also had the delay problem. Having Cortina on made it much worse, so I turned that off. It was usable but annoying. There were a lot of things I liked about 8.1 - Cortina, the new keyboard, etc. But the annoyances weren't worth the trouble so I went back to 8.0. The thing is though that I recognize that this release is not for general use. It's not even a beta release to look for bugs. It's a DEV release intended to allow code developers to have programs ready to run on the new platform, and OS performance is pretty much secondary. So while yes it would have been nice for it to run like a swiss watch, the fact that it doesn't is mainly because that was probably never a goal for this release. Also I suspect (but do not know for sure) for best operation there will probably have to be some firmware changes to go with the new OS release.

All this means that I doubt anyone is going to fix delay issues or battery drain issues on a permanent basis with this release. You may make the better with resets that kill some background processes, but as soon as those processes are called and relaunched, you will be right back in the same boat.
So I did a hard reset as suggested here, but now have the following new issue:

Any location/weather based Cortana inquiry goes to a web search. E.g. "is it raining" or "find restaurants near me."

Also, and seemingly related, the Bing weather app won't find my location and only works if I manually enter a location.

All map apps work fine, and if I ask Cortana where I am she responds correctly. All chit chat works too.

Help? Lol.
So I did a hard reset as suggested here, but now have the following new issue:

Any location/weather based Cortana inquiry goes to a web search. E.g. "is it raining" or "find restaurants near me."

Also, and seemingly related, the Bing weather app won't find my location and only works if I manually enter a location.

All map apps work fine, and if I ask Cortana where I am she responds correctly. All chit chat works too.

Help? Lol.

Go back to 8.0. 8.1 appears to have multiple issues and fighting with it seems rather pointless.
So I did a hard reset as suggested here, but now have the following new issue:

Any location/weather based Cortana inquiry goes to a web search. E.g. "is it raining" or "find restaurants near me."

Also, and seemingly related, the Bing weather app won't find my location and only works if I manually enter a location.

All map apps work fine, and if I ask Cortana where I am she responds correctly. All chit chat works too.

Help? Lol.

This is the first time I've seen people have problems with "Is it raining?" That one always works for me. Instead of "Find restaurants near me." Just say "Restaurants near me." I know it's silly, but Cortana is still in beta and she's still learning.

Bing weather app: Idk what to tell ya. I use BlueSkies because it's way better.

You listed off like 20 problems before. You did a hard reset. Did the problems get fixed?
I've realized that the screen wake delay only happens when i'm connected to my home network but doesn't happen when i'm connected to my work network.
This is the first time I've seen people have problems with "Is it raining?" That one always works for me. Instead of "Find restaurants near me." Just say "Restaurants near me." I know it's silly, but Cortana is still in beta and she's still learning.

Bing weather app: Idk what to tell ya. I use BlueSkies because it's way better.

You listed off like 20 problems before. You did a hard reset. Did the problems get fixed?

Game performance seems better. It's only been a day, but no loading/resuming screen yet, also no reboot or unresponsive screen yet.

Wake delay is still present.

It does generally seem better.

That said, the Cortana and weather thing is very weird.

If I say "is it raining in New York" it works. If I say "is it raining" it doesn't. It is like it lost the ability to find my locations as weird as that sounds. Likewise the weather app also can't find my location- also on my Surface now. It's very strange. It seems like something on the backend or my account is preventing weather access to my location, in WP8.1 and Windows.
Somewhere in this thread is an answer for the Cortana returning a search weirdness. As I recall it's pretty simple, but you need to go look.
I've seen a couple solutions for Cortana returning search results, but the problem is more nuanced.

If I say "is it raining in New York" I get the correct response. If I say "is it raining" I get a search. Likewise I can say "will I need an umbrella tomorrow in New York" and I get the right response, but "will I need an umbrella tomorrow" yields web results. The fact that the Windows 8.1 app on both my Surface and my desktop also states "can't detect your location, try again later" makes me think it's perhaps an account error and not a Cortana issue, but I'm surprised no one else seems to be having it.

It would seem as though Microsoft's weather service is unable to see my location, or doesn't have permission to. What is strange is that all other location apps on both platforms work fine and are very accurate.

Looking online, most info was around location not working at all, so not really helpful.

I'm just going to give it a day or two and see what happens. If any one side experiences this, let me know. For what's it worth, I'm by Princeton in New Jersey.
I've seen a couple solutions for Cortana returning search results, but the problem is more nuanced.

If I say "is it raining in New York" I get the correct response. If I say "is it raining" I get a search. Likewise I can say "will I need an umbrella tomorrow in New York" and I get the right response, but "will I need an umbrella tomorrow" yields web results. The fact that the Windows 8.1 app on both my Surface and my desktop also states "can't detect your location, try again later" makes me think it's perhaps an account error and not a Cortana issue, but I'm surprised no one else seems to be having it.

It would seem as though Microsoft's weather service is unable to see my location, or doesn't have permission to. What is strange is that all other location apps on both platforms work fine and are very accurate.

Looking online, most info was around location not working at all, so not really helpful.

I'm just going to give it a day or two and see what happens. If any one side experiences this, let me know. For what's it worth, I'm by Princeton in New Jersey.

I know this sounds insulting, but it's always good to ask. Did you go into settings and make sure Location services are set to on?
No insult taken. Yeah, I went though every setting, even going so far as to disable Cortana to access the regular Bing search settings, and in all the settings location is turned on.

When I open weather it actually shows the circular location check icon on the top of the screen, but then it says...

Well I went to check the exact error message again and now it works lol.

Cortana now responds correctly as well.

Weird. Server side issue I guess.

Thanks for the suggestions though!
I had the developer preview on my Nokia 928 and it was perfect, no complaints. I switched to the Icon and I am having a few issues:
1) The power button is slow...i'm a fast user and when I want that phone on, I want to press the button only one time and not wait that extra second. I realize that is picky, but since I've had many phones, I also realize that is not too much to ask!
2) The camera is slow to respond as well. Both by using the app and by using the button. I timed it compared to the 928 (also 8.1 preview) and there is a noticeable difference. Its impossible to see something you and get a quick pic before its gone, not happy about that.
3) Where is the GLANCE FEATURE!! I miss that so much! Such a bummer it doesn't have it. It the Icon doesn't get it, I'm so unhappy about it not being that, I will go back to my 928 and not have my company with 500 windows cell phone users move to the Icon until we absolutely have to!!
4) I love the new features with WP8.1...but the not loving the Icon. NEEDS HELP...

Just my thoughts :)
3) Where is the GLANCE FEATURE!! I miss that so much! Such a bummer it doesn't have it. It the Icon doesn't get it, I'm so unhappy about it not being that, I will go back to my 928 and not have my company with 500 windows cell phone users move to the Icon until we absolutely have to!!
Glance is not going to come to the Icon, as it does not have the right hardware. Why do you think that you will "have to" move to Icon? The 928 is a great phone, and has most of what Icon has anyway. And I say that as a former 928 user now using an Icon.
It's a three step update....... First 2 steps it's for making your phone ready to 8.1 , keep your phone charging full
Does anyone have issues with the Windows key not working while an app is open? Alot of times for me I have to press back and while its processing hit the windows key in order for it to recognize it.
If I say "is it raining in New York" I get the correct response. If I say "is it raining" I get a search. Likewise I can say "will I need an umbrella tomorrow in New York" and I get the right response, but "will I need an umbrella tomorrow" yields web results. The fact that the Windows 8.1 app on both my Surface and my desktop also states "can't detect your location, try again later" makes me think it's perhaps an account error and not a Cortana issue, but I'm surprised no one else seems to be having it.

Not to sound sarcastic, but the developers probably assumed that you would know if it was raining at your location. Unless you live or work in a building with no windows that would be kinda superfluous don't you think?
So this is happening again...

To clarify, here is the issue.

If I go into Cortana, and I ask ANY location based question, I get a web search.

When I am at home, on WiFi or with WiFi off, If I ask about weather, restaurants, etc. it goes to a web search. E.g. "will it rain tomorrow" "are there any good Mexican restaurants near me"

If I am NOT at home, or near my home, it all works like it should. Very strange.

In what must be connected, the (Bing) weather app on both Windows and my WP can't detect location...

But if I go in to any maps app or ask Cortana where am I, it works...

Anyone else having this type of issue or have any sort of resolution for it?

It just doesn't make any sense!

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