Hi, that is because SC syncs all calendar data (I think upto 12 months or more in the past).
I agree.. it is a really useful app..
However, about what you mentioned... When I reinstall the app, after it syncs the calendar data (at least I may view my agenda for a few months ahead), the used storage space in total is close to 40MB.. In a couple of weeks time, during which I get something like 40 new events, it grows to over a hundred megabytes (and keeps growing), which clearly is not right.
In the last update the dev mentioned something about a cache clearing to free up space, but so far no change for this has occured...
No matter if it syncs up to a twelve months, size like 400 megabytes seems a bit much for a calendar cache.
Also there are a few new bugs I noticed
- In the new version there is an option to view the old calendar style... However in the old style I did not find an option to switch back to the new one other than reinstalling the app. Also the new views are not applied to the old page style, but I can live with that.
- When in the new week view (Style 4) when I open details of the appiontment when I scroll the details page, the week view underneath scrolls as well, switching to next or previous week, depending on the scrolling direction.
- (this one is not really a bug) The new appointment details does not contain any information about people participating in a certain event, lacking the previously convenient shortcuts to send mail or message to any of them. In my opinion the new appointment detail style is a step backwards from the functionality. If possible please provide an option to use the new view styles, but the old appointment details view. It was really convenient and infomative rather than this "sticky note" style.