Surfac Pro 3 keyboard - special keys not working


New member
Nov 20, 2012
I just realized that the top row of my SP3 keyboard (i.e. where the Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Del buttons are) have been remapped to do something else. It probably happened after I have installed the anniversary update (I'm not on the insider program). Any way that I can remap the keys back to the original configuration? It's frustrating not being able to pagedown when browsing.
I just realized that the top row of my SP3 keyboard (i.e. where the Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Del buttons are) have been remapped to do something else. It probably happened after I have installed the anniversary update (I'm not on the insider program). Any way that I can remap the keys back to the original configuration? It's frustrating not being able to pagedown when browsing.

check that your keyboard options in settings are correct - maybe the wrong keyboard has been set?
Try this: FN+CAPS this will toggle the locking of the function keys to F1, F2, F3, etc. Repeat FN+CAPS to take the function keys back to their respective special controls (Vol up, Vol down, Share, etc.)
Try this: FN+CAPS this will toggle the locking of the function keys to F1, F2, F3, etc. Repeat FN+CAPS to take the function keys back to their respective special controls (Vol up, Vol down, Share, etc.)

This works! Thank you so much!!

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