Surface Book - The Worst PC Experience of My Life

I rarely have issues with my Surface Book. I maybe have one display driver crash a week and that's about it. The G key on my keyboard being much firmer than the rest all of a sudden, likely due to a hair or something, is the most annoying thing that has happened with my Surface Book
I have the Surface Book I5 with Nvidia. It sucks. Detach will, most of the time, crash the apps and possibly even lock up the whole thing.
Sound sometimes doesn't work which then, with 2 minutes, locks up the paper weight. Battery is dismal. The stylus is begging to be lost with the stupid magnetic clip on the side. The weird resolution makes RDP sessions useless unless you have a 30x magnifying glass.
This was too ambitious for MS to pull off. There are many great ideas behind the Book but the operating system isn't there yet and/or the hardware itself wasn't thoughtful respective to Windows 10. The price was stupid. I should know better, but I thought this would be a really high quality product. Now trying to Ebay the Book as I bought a Lenovo Ideapad which runs circles around the Book in every measured way possible while being less than half the price of the Book.
So, no, don't get the Surface Book as I can find little that it does well.
You just resurrected a really old thread.

Your experiences are unfortunate, but they are not inherent in the device. I've had none of the problems you mention with my i5 NVidia Surface Book. My battery life is very good. I have not lost a stylus yet, and I carry it with me everywhere without a case. I have had no problems with sound, ever. I did have the detach/crash problem initially, but updates fixed that many months ago.

You might try resetting the machine, or returning it to MS. People had a lot of glitches early on, but the updates have addressed most people's problems, including mine.
I have the Surface Book I5 with Nvidia. It sucks. Detach will, most of the time, crash the apps and possibly even lock up the whole thing.
Sound sometimes doesn't work which then, with 2 minutes, locks up the paper weight. Battery is dismal. The stylus is begging to be lost with the stupid magnetic clip on the side. The weird resolution makes RDP sessions useless unless you have a 30x magnifying glass.
This was too ambitious for MS to pull off. There are many great ideas behind the Book but the operating system isn't there yet and/or the hardware itself wasn't thoughtful respective to Windows 10. The price was stupid. I should know better, but I thought this would be a really high quality product. Now trying to Ebay the Book as I bought a Lenovo Ideapad which runs circles around the Book in every measured way possible while being less than half the price of the Book.
So, no, don't get the Surface Book as I can find little that it does well.

Maybe its a Windows issue? How about installing Windows from scratch, or doing a reset?
Originally posted by Lethal_NFS
Originally Posted by Motor_Mouth
I have not experienced the "wobbly screen" at all. Quite the opposite, mine is actually perfect in that regard, better than any other laptop I've used. I can tap it with my finger or with the pen and it sits there really well.

That is impossible. Every screen wobbles the same. It is not sturdy and in all the reviews ever made. That is something that is pointed out. Many people have their laptops in the vehicle and you can see the screen bouncing as the car is moving.

The screen wobble does not bother me because I do not touch my screen and the laptop stays on a table, but the wobble is there whether I see it or not.

Its not "impossible". Mine sits sturdy like the other gentleman stated. To state what he is saying as "impossible" is idiotic and shows where the real problem may be.
I would have to agree. I have never had a worse experience with any hardware I have purchased. The Surface Book (SB) is also the most expensive computer I have purchase. I bought my SB in late 2015, and I have experienced a variety of issues. Just this week I contacted support because the SB was losing its internet connection. Network settings suggested that there was no problem, but browsers would not respond, and Outlook would crash. Support took me through several attempts at fixing the problem, but it continued to occur. So, they are shipping me a replacement; this is my forth! The first SB I got seized up and wouldn’t reboot. It just died. The second SB developed a phantom input. It was like an invisible finger was constantly tapping the screen, which made it impossible to use because the applications and desktop were always changing focus. And the third SB had the network problems noted earlier. From my perspective, the SB is a profoundly flawed design. I never have had so many issues across multiple systems with any computer I have purchased.
I would have to agree. I have never had a worse experience with any hardware I have purchased. The Surface Book (SB) is also the most expensive computer I have purchase. I bought my SB in late 2015, and I have experienced a variety of issues. Just this week I contacted support because the SB was losing its internet connection. Network settings suggested that there was no problem, but browsers would not respond, and Outlook would crash. Support took me through several attempts at fixing the problem, but it continued to occur. So, they are shipping me a replacement; this is my forth! The first SB I got seized up and wouldn’t reboot. It just died. The second SB developed a phantom input. It was like an invisible finger was constantly tapping the screen, which made it impossible to use because the applications and desktop were always changing focus. And the third SB had the network problems noted earlier. From my perspective, the SB is a profoundly flawed design. I never have had so many issues across multiple systems with any computer I have purchased.
I agree that the upon release the SB was the worst computer I've ever purchased but since the big fixes It's been the best.

Sent from mTalk
I have gone through 4 Surfacebooks. All were failures. To the users that claim it’s a good device, that may be the case if your computing needs and device usage are average to lite. However, if your pushing the envelope, running VM’s under Hyper-V, processing huge spreadsheets in Excel (32 bit), OCR’ing thousands of pages at a time in Acrobat DC, be prepared for bluescreen exceptions and poor performance. Especially if your do any of the above concurrently. The performance for the Surfacebook 2 is even worse.

The first Surfacebooks, (all of them), had hardware failure. The failure on #3 was one battery was charging and the other one wasn’t. I started asking what was wrong since all of my systems were failing. With failure #3 they were able to diagnose it at the store. That device would just shut off. The exceptions were consistent and hard-core. Very often, the devices would freeze on the reboot. The BIOS based windows logo would come up and the device would freeze. I had to force a shutoff and restart in those instances. Luckily the systems did reboot each time.

Microsoft tech support is possibly the worst in the industry. If not the worst, close to it. I read where someone mentioned the refurb round about. Been there too. The first refurb was so bad I went back to the store and demanded a new device. That was what I did after failure number 2.

There are some people that are drinking the Microsoft cool aid regarding this device. My advice is simply don’t. Avoid this device at all costs. I think the device is poorly driven. There have been known Firmware issues, driver issues and when dealing with Microsoft – no one – comes clean. There is nothing worse than that in my view.
Many of the stories I read about in this thread is exactly what I experienced. I hope this helps those out there. None of this was written to be malicious. It is simply the truth.

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