I have gone through 4 Surfacebooks. All were failures. To the users that claim it’s a good device, that may be the case if your computing needs and device usage are average to lite. However, if your pushing the envelope, running VM’s under Hyper-V, processing huge spreadsheets in Excel (32 bit), OCR’ing thousands of pages at a time in Acrobat DC, be prepared for bluescreen exceptions and poor performance. Especially if your do any of the above concurrently. The performance for the Surfacebook 2 is even worse.
The first Surfacebooks, (all of them), had hardware failure. The failure on
#3 was one battery was charging and the other one wasn’t. I started asking what was wrong since all of my systems were failing. With failure
#3 they were able to diagnose it at the store. That device would just shut off. The exceptions were consistent and hard-core. Very often, the devices would freeze on the reboot. The BIOS based windows logo would come up and the device would freeze. I had to force a shutoff and restart in those instances. Luckily the systems did reboot each time.
Microsoft tech support is possibly the worst in the industry. If not the worst, close to it. I read where someone mentioned the refurb round about. Been there too. The first refurb was so bad I went back to the store and demanded a new device. That was what I did after failure number 2.
There are some people that are drinking the Microsoft cool aid regarding this device. My advice is simply don’t. Avoid this device at all costs. I think the device is poorly driven. There have been known Firmware issues, driver issues and when dealing with Microsoft – no one – comes clean. There is nothing worse than that in my view.
Many of the stories I read about in this thread is exactly what I experienced. I hope this helps those out there. None of this was written to be malicious. It is simply the truth.