Surface Book: Various issues with different Wi-Fi connections.

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Windows Central Question

This isn't my machine its a client machine. This is his second Surface Book due to various issues with the first including the same Wi-Fi problems.

Both Surface Books seem to have intermittent issues connecting to Wi-Fi access points.

At our office it detected the connection twice, example below.

ExampleWifiSSID (Secured)
ExampleWifiSSID (Open)

I've checked the configuration on the access points, only SSIDs are configured with WPA2, 60+ other devices only see the secured SSID.

The user also has issues when trying to use "Free" Wi-Fi at various conferences, hotels etc. If the device does manage to connect (sometimes it refuses to connect even with the correct passphrase), it states No internet. Other times it will connect and function correctly.

Device has been fully updated, checked for wireless driver updates and still has the same issues.

Has anyone experienced anything similar or found a solution?

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