Surface Pro 4, a very expensive frustation

Is buying it really worth the expense? Since I'll be relying on it pretty heavy for use in college, so is it stable enough and all for it or will it be better to wait a while or buy a Windows 2in1 from another brand?

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Go for it. Then restore to a clean install, update, update and update. Follow some of the hints on here and you 'should' be fine. We have a few SP4/SP3 devices here and, funnily enough, they run without issue.
Is buying it really worth the expense? Since I'll be relying on it pretty heavy for use in college, so is it stable enough and all for it or will it be better to wait a while or buy a Windows 2in1 from another brand?

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
First thing you need to think, is do you need a 2 in 1 and what do you expect from it.

The surface is the only one that balances a good experience in tablet and in laptop mode.

Other 2 in 1 fails in one of the uses.

Like the yoga books are good laptops but terrible tablets, and the mate book is the other way around, great tablet, not so good laptop.

That said, the surface stills packs hardware en software related issues for some users, random issues going from touch screen and display issues in general, to freezing in various occasions, battery drain and haunted dock stations.

By this point is clear that Microsoft needs to pay more attention to quality control, they sent me a surface with a half broken kickstand lol.

Since I got my 3th surface back, I haven't used that much but I only had two issues, one was the surface heated up after I put it to sleep, and some other time it got stuck in a "windows is updating" loop.

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