Surface Pro 4 specs rumours


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May 25, 2014
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Some rumours about the unannounced Surface Pro 4 have been suggested to me by Cortana recently.
I am reading there will be a 12 and 14" versions and other things - these are rumours so still taking them with a grain of salt.

The rumours suggest Microsoft will use the Intel Broadwell Core M CPUs.
I can see the advantage as these may not require a fan and these may be cheaper, but I am worried this will affect performance.
I love my Surface Pro and will upgrade around the end of the year I think but like my Surface, I hope it will be fast and I hope it will use a core i processor (i5 should be fine for my use).

Do you think MS will offer the M chip in the base configuration and i5/i7 in the higher priced models or would you believe the rumours that they will all use core M and if so would you be worried about performance?


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Nov 12, 2012
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I really REALLY hope they don't just go with the Core M and ditch the iSeries all together. That would disappoint a lot of people who demand that extra power.


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Jul 6, 2013
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I do not see the point to go for the Core M CPUs, unless the are releasing the surface mini. Besides, Core M CPU are just as expensive as the iseries CPUs.


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Jan 18, 2013
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I wouldn't be worried about performance at all. Lower clock speeds do not mean lower performance. The new chip uses drastically less power, and I'm more than willing to trade in a bit of performance for all day battery life. Chances are they'll offer Core M for the base models, and higher end processors for the higher end models. As long as they offer Broadwell chips across the range, I see no reason to panic.


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Sep 20, 2012
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Yeah, no reason to panic. The newest core M processors do a fine job of replacing the i3 and i5 and will allow a thinner/lighter chassis. They can always keep the Surface Pro 3 chassis for people needing an i7.


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Jan 18, 2013
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Yeah, no reason to panic. The newest core M processors do a fine job of replacing the i3 and i5 and will allow a thinner/lighter chassis. They can always keep the Surface Pro 3 chassis for people needing an i7.

I don't think the Core M is replacing anything in the line up, and I'm honestly not sure where it slots in exactly beyond "fanless." Intel still offers i3, i5, and i7 processors, but the Core M appears to be their low TDP response to a question that was never asked. Atom apparently takes it even lower than 4.5W. It's amazing on how efficient the modern processor is in comparison to stuff from a year ago never mind 6.


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Nov 15, 2012
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I have a feeling they will axe the Core i3 model now that the Surface 3 is available with Cherry Trail. Likewise, that would negate the need for a Core M. Gotta keep it differentiated.


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May 29, 2014
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they won't go core m only
core m and core i options imho

also on my list:
infrared camera for microsoft hello (just fits perfect in the bussnies space)

Alex Mason86

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Feb 16, 2014
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I would have to agree that there could well be Core M and Core I offerings.

I think it would be a mistake to go solely Core M because the performance just isn't there for people who need to do more than office work. Core M in the new MacBook is about as strong as a Core i7 MacBook Air from 2011. And they are running the Core M's higher than stock. Remember also that Lenovo Yoga 3 didn't receive much praise for its outright performance with its Core M CPU. Fine for putzing around, not so fine for heavy lifting.

Its a Pro tool, professionals are going to use this to do heavy stuff, it needs the muscle Core i5 and i7 can provide.

I also sincerely hope that the Core M isn't used as an excuse to make things yet thinner. For me Apple have almost jumped the shark with the MacBook. Its thin to the point of absurdity. I've noted a few reviews moan at the shallow key travel and the ForceTouch which seems to require more effort than a regular track pad. Its also not got the batteries to last longer than the machines it will probably replace, the Air still holds the battery life crown there. iFixit gave it rock bottom score because of how something so thin has to be put together in a sturdy enough fashion. And lets not forget that USB type C port, the only port on the computer!

No doubt Gen II will solve these issues, but at the moment it seems they made it thin for the sake of it, to prove they could, at the expense of almost everything else. I don't think anyone with a sensible head on their shoulders was asking for machines even thinner than something like the Air. Answer to a problem no one had.

Same with the Surface Pro 3. The form factor is absolutely great. It does not need to be thinner. It also does not need to come in a larger 14 inch flavour. 12 inch with the 3:2 aspect is the sweet spot. I just needs processors that can run a little cooler and sip the juice a little less and I think Broadwell i5's will be the ticket.

If its all Core M, I'll be buying a Pro 3 before they run out of stock! (or waiting till this time next year when new Intel architectures abound, Broadwell is a tweak and process shrink from Haswell)


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Sep 13, 2013
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I would have to agree that there could well be Core M and Core I offerings.

I think it would be a mistake to go solely Core M because the performance just isn't there for people who need to do more than office work. Core M in the new MacBook is about as strong as a Core i7 MacBook Air from 2011. And they are running the Core M's higher than stock. Remember also that Lenovo Yoga 3 didn't receive much praise for its outright performance with its Core M CPU. Fine for putzing around, not so fine for heavy lifting.

Its a Pro tool, professionals are going to use this to do heavy stuff, it needs the muscle Core i5 and i7 can provide.

I also sincerely hope that the Core M isn't used as an excuse to make things yet thinner. For me Apple have almost jumped the shark with the MacBook. Its thin to the point of absurdity. I've noted a few reviews moan at the shallow key travel and the ForceTouch which seems to require more effort than a regular track pad. Its also not got the batteries to last longer than the machines it will probably replace, the Air still holds the battery life crown there. iFixit gave it rock bottom score because of how something so thin has to be put together in a sturdy enough fashion. And lets not forget that USB type C port, the only port on the computer!

No doubt Gen II will solve these issues, but at the moment it seems they made it thin for the sake of it, to prove they could, at the expense of almost everything else. I don't think anyone with a sensible head on their shoulders was asking for machines even thinner than something like the Air. Answer to a problem no one had.

Same with the Surface Pro 3. The form factor is absolutely great. It does not need to be thinner. It also does not need to come in a larger 14 inch flavour. 12 inch with the 3:2 aspect is the sweet spot. I just needs processors that can run a little cooler and sip the juice a little less and I think Broadwell i5's will be the ticket.

If its all Core M, I'll be buying a Pro 3 before they run out of stock! (or waiting till this time next year when new Intel architectures abound, Broadwell is a tweak and process shrink from Haswell)

Agreed! My brother has the Core M Yoga 3 Pro and it's far slower than my i5 SP2 for doing some serious work. I use the power for processing photos, detailed sketchup models and simulation. Professionals love the SP3 because the hardware is so versatile in terms of capability and portability. I think a Core M model to replace the i3 would be a good idea though. But they should definitely keep the i5/i7 models, because they are DEFINITELY not comparable in performance to the Core M processors.


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Jan 18, 2013
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I doubt they'll go all Core-M... maybe for the base model? I seem em shoving a next generation processor in there with the usual plethora of upgrades and refinements.

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