Surface Support sucks - if you need a Replacement Surface Book, you will be waiting a LONG time

MS was not prepared for the hardware defect rate of the Surface Book, nor the initial demand, it seems, especially outside the USA. This has nothing to do with the incoming call/contact rates to the MS support desk. Microsoft is a huge company. They use third parties to handle repair of defective products. They may even use third parties for the support desk for hardware, too. I have dealt with them on MANY occasions regarding earlier Surface units (RT, Pro 2, Pro 3) -- each time things were relatively smooth & painless (they did once ship me a defective replacement unit, which I had to return and wait another partial week for the 2nd replacement). Either way, a flood of calls and emails is not the reason for the delay in shipping replacements -- the delay is because they simply do not have the hardware to ship.

This is a shameful situation for Microsoft to be in at this point with the Surface Book given that it launched in late October 2015, and here we are in early February and they still cannot meet the demand for replacing defective early units, all the while they've said nothing about any known hardware or build issues or production problems.
Update from my end... My surface book just arrived, never got a shipping email or anything from MS it just showed up
Update from my end... My surface book just arrived, never got a shipping email or anything from MS it just showed up

That's excellent news -- even if they never did tell you it was coming. :smile: Hope your new one is problem free!
I didn't get shipping information from MS either when I got mine but I did get Fedex tracking email from Fedex. The is was able to switch from deliviering to my house so I could pick it up at Fedex. I received it on Black Friday and picked it up when they opened rather then waiting for delivery. Mine was an exchange so no repair was done. I was told 5 to 8 business days and Thanksgiving was right in middle of the 5 to 8 days. I shipped it on a Thursday a week before the holiday.
35 days later - my replacement Surface Book is scheduled to arrive this morning from FedEx!
Clearly, they have an inventory problem.

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