Swipe Type preventing spaces in words ?


New member
Jul 28, 2014
When using swipe keys to write a word, if you should so happen to stop writing the word, then begin a second or two later there is always a space, for example, the word, example, if I begin swiping the letters, e-x-a-m-p, then stop for two second and begin, the word doesn't continue at "p" instead there is a space, so the word example is swiped typed as, exam ple. Is there a way to prevent that space from occurring ?
I dont think so. I think that's exactly how it is must be. If it continues without space you won't have spaces between words unless you don't press it separately
Works as designed. The point behind this being that you don't have to add a space between words manually but the phone will do that for you automatically.
The real question is: why do you stop swiping for an extended period of time in the middle of a word?
Speaking for myself, if not the OP, sometimes I used to pause in the middle of a word because I temporarily forget where letters are on the keyboard. Which is weird, because I've been touch-typing for decades now, but it's very different taking a one-finger path through it, so I'd get lost and have to think.

It's a self-correcting problem, though - I eventually learned to just power through that confusion and keep swiping. I'd only get confused during LONG words, and the shape-writing interpreter tolerates a LOT more sloppiness on long words, so it all works out. Just don't stop spraying out letters, and everything will (mostly) work out.

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