Swiping through e-mail pictures on WP10


New member
Apr 5, 2017
I have a Lumia 640 (LOVE IT) and a year or more ago I decided to go to WP 10. It was horrible for many reasons, some were my fault. So I went back to 8.1. One that was big for me was opening an e-mail with 5 pictures, I couldn't swipe from pic to pic as I could in WP 8.1. Had to go back and open the next pic. Has this changed yet?
I have a Lumia 640 (LOVE IT) and a year or more ago I decided to go to WP 10. It was horrible for many reasons, some were my fault. So I went back to 8.1. One that was big for me was opening an e-mail with 5 pictures, I couldn't swipe from pic to pic as I could in WP 8.1. Had to go back and open the next pic. Has this changed yet?
It isn't unless I'm doing it wrong, and this is one of the dumbest omissions I can think of in Win10 and WP10. It's number one on my "bugs that drive you crazy" list. How the hell is this not on Microsoft's radar. Clearly they're not using their own products, otherwise an employee would have made sure this got fixed asap.
It is an oversight I think as well. Submit it to the feedback app or look for other entries and upvote them. That is how Microsoft knows of issues, whether or not they do anything about them is another issue altogether.
I don't have a feedback app. I'm back at WP 8.1. Anywhere else I can vent to MS?
You can vent I mean add constructive criticism in the Windows 10 (desktop) feedback app, or better: in the WP10 and Win10 app stores. The Win10 outlook app has the same dumb omission.

That said, there are so many reviews that say "nice app" that they might never pick up on feature suggestions..

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