Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Continuum kind of reminds me of mobile physical keyboards. Twice I have bought a physical keyboard for a mobile device because it seemed like a good idea at the time. In the end I made do with the onscreen keyboard because I realized that I didn't actually do a lot of typing and carrying an extra device just wasn't worth the hassle.

Of course there are going to be many who do need an actual physical keyboard because they do a lot of typing but most people I see with tablets etc don't have one.

My point being that just like Continnum there will be users for whom it makes a lot of sense but for the majority they may try it only to realize they don't really make a lot of use and therefore doing what little they need directly on their device will be fine.

I am of course talking about regular consumers and not business users in this instance.

I was looking for laptops and i found out about intels compute sticks. Now its about the same price as of microsofts dock. Made me wonder isnt that an ideal device like you wont be carrying an additional dock and all. May be continuum has its advantages. Definitely like to see progress in pc sticks though.
I am at a crossroads in my Windows Phone journey. I started with the Lumia 800. It died and was replaced by an 820. The screen cracked after about 4 months. I then purchased a 1520 about a year and a half ago. For the past six months, my 1520, on several occasions, has been stuck in airplane mode. Sometime for days at a time. Now, the battery lasts for about half an hour after fully recharging. Yesterday, I noticed that I cannot hear any sounds from the speaker. Not to mention the three lighted buttons at the bottom are burned out.

Last week, I was notified by Three that my unlimited data plan will be raised from ?18 to over ?30 per month starting in May.

So this is the situation that I am facing. As much as I hate to say it, I don't think I can stomach purchasing another Windows Phone just to have it crap out in a year or so. This morning, I dug out my old iPhone 3GS, charged it up and with the exception of a SIM card, worked like a charm.

I swore that I would never go back to Apple, but I think that I my be heading back that direction. Hopefully, Microsoft will bring out something in the near future that will compel me to make the switch back.
Re: MS Enough is Enough! Give us CyanogenMod NOW!!!

I'am also deeply disappointed! Regret to have bought a Lumia before christmas.
Almost no apps exist for those things I need and MS cancelled their plans to expand to the use of android apps.
The project is dead. And MS anyway could not decide doing their business in favour of their clients privacy.

And probably Cyanogenmod nerds will never develop a solution for the proprietary Lumia hardware.

So I will throw my Lumia into the trash.

Never ever will buy Microsoft products again!
I have a $29 640 phone (and a 530/635) and the phone itself works great and the OS is fast.
I think if M made a nice looking organized gui similar to android or ios with nice looking "live" icons (that could be shut on or off) that go on top of a background with the same windows functioning - a speedy os that works great - they would be unstoppable.
Why would they copy android or iOS? Windows Mobile always had design with tiles, that makes it unique and different from iOS and Android, and to be fair, how is design of Android or iOS better? No offense but you have stated that tiles on Windows Mobile are "just squares" - what are icons that you drag to Android or iOS "start screens" (sorry, I don't know the actual name for those screens with icons)? Just tiny pictures which are imho even easier to confuse.
I have a $29 640 phone (and a 530/635) and the phone itself works great and the OS is fast.

But, in my opinion, the phone has the same problem all windows phone have. And that is the OS design.

I ran into problems with it soon after I first picked up a windows phone. For example, I have a friend who doesn't have the best eyesight and who gets easily confused due to a memory deficit. On his home screen i put the people app and facebook app for him. The people app tile when set to medium or large, the only settings that can be easily viewed by someone with not the best eyesight, does an animation thing flipping over and showing various things, including a facebook symbol. Very annoying. But worse than that, the facebook F symbol confuses my friend all the time making him think it is the facebook app. And there is no way to turn off this useless animation unless you make it a very small icon. In addition to this being very small - it also creates a lot of space around it making it difficult to make a cohesive look if you like things organized a certain way with a certain size.

As well, I find the animations for animations sake on some of the tiles very distracting and just sensory overload. The live tiles that provide useful immediate information like calls missed etc is good, but something flipping around for the sake of it or just to share some info that doesn't change very frequently is incredibly annoying. Throw a background behind it (which of course you don't have to do) and to me it just makes my eyes hurt and looks chaotic.

The tiles themselves look primitive to me with their flatness. Yes you can resize and move them around, but they are essentially just flat squares/rectangles with plain colors (and only 1 color) and I find it difficult to organize them in a way that looks eye pleasing to me and that creates a little space. I much prefer the way the android screen is with nice looking icons and lots of space with nothing flashing around unless I want it to.

I have a feeling that the user interface even more than a lack of every app is a lot of why WP has not been very successful.

The functioning of the OS is nice. It is fast and in my experience works well. The hardware seems to be good on these phones as well - good call quality, sound, okay camera etc. It just imo does not "look good", its boxy and plain, and can be distracting with the tile animations and hard to organize. Even just out of the box its just tons of boxy tiles of varying sizes flashing and to me comes off as disorganized and confusing. Instead of a simple screen to make calls/emails/contacts etc, it's just everything all over the place that you then have to mess around with it . Just as an additional note, I also do not like the way Windows 8 or 10 looks on the pc and use classic start to make it look and behave the way earlier versions of windows did - which is organized, logical, simple and better looking than the flat squares of the metro screen.

Anyway, many of the android devices that I have tried in the WP price range, have not been good devices and I'm not really a google fan as well so it's not all great on that side, but I am keeping my eyes out for a decent android device that is not too expensive. Apple devices are just too expensive. I have also read the call quality on them is not so hot.

I think if M made a nice looking organized gui similar to android or ios with nice looking "live" icons (that could be shut on or off) that go on top of a background with the same windows functioning - a speedy os that works great - they would be unstoppable.

The only reason the people tiles shows the facebook info is because you told the facebook app to integrate with it. Had you not told it to connect, it would not show that information. Also, although I like Android, I do find that finding what I want is quicker and easier on a WP platform than Android any day of the week.

Fact is, I ended up customizing the screen on an LG G2 just because it did not have what I want by default. Stupid question but, if you already knew you did not like it, why did you even bother with it? Sounds like a user error more than a UI issue.
I have the people app on my phone and it does the same thing with the F. I did not tell it to integrate with facebook. I don't even use facebook or have it on my phone. In any case, it creates confusion and is super annoying and the animation cannot be shut off unless made to the smallest size.

I got the phone because it is a good phone and was $29. It just has a not so good GUI imo.
Might be a clue as to why there are so few users. A lot of user error perhaps.

It doesn't necessarily have to be exactly like android or ios, which wouldn't be legal anyway, but if it copped just the general idea of being organized with nice looking icons and space that would be good for a start instead of a crowded screen of bland flashing/animated boxy tiles. Like a tacky christmas tree. Also don't like the way it incorporates backgrounds with the tiles when you use a background.
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I went back and forth between hating android and loving it. I have since went fulltime to android and I've noticed I don't stare at my phone as often. those live tiles easily had me transfixed all the time. I loved live tiles and now, at the same time have come to loathe them. I still pick up my wp once in a while but the amazement of the live tiles is gone. it just feels messy now, I've gotten used to clean looking home screen. the thing I've come to love most about android is being able to respond to a message right from the start screen, besides apps that have made using a smartphone easier and more enjoyable.
I don't know if I can ever return fulltime to wp but maybe one day.
I was a pretty committed WP user of a Lumia 620 for 3 years. I wanted a new phone, it was a toss between Lumia 950 and the Nexus 5X. I was fed up of the broken/missed promises I had heard when I first got WP and I was sorely missing the app support/availability. Also windows 10 mobile had a very uncertain and buggy future, with little app improvement over WP8.1.

So I opted for the Nexus 5X. I had my reservations at first (will my windows/Microsoft stuff work, will I be forced towards Google services etc.)

5 months later - In all honesty I have never looked back, never regretted my decision. My Microsoft stuff actually works better on Android than it does on windows. Wunderlist is amazing! and so are the interactive widgets. Have never missed the live tiles. I now enjoy the great versatility and support of android, along with some great hardware. Now that some of the big name journalists in WP have switched to Android (Paul Thurott, Mary Jo Foley, Tom Warren[iOS] and maybe Daniel Rubino + Mark Guim ), it has supported my view that is was the correct decision to move to Android.

I do look forward to the future of Windows 10 Mobile and how it will impact the mobile world (Contiuum, UWP, integration with PC) and will follow it with interest. However that is the future, I/we are living in the present, so there should be no reason to enjoy the present using the likes of Android and iOS. I will switch back to Windows 10 mobile if it becomes the industry leader/innovator in mobile and there is a compelling enough reason for me to move back, but I am not prepared/willing to invest currently in Windows 10 mobile when it is severely lacking beyond the competition in productivity, usability and capability.
My first smartphone was window mobile 6 palm treo, blackberry, Window 7 (HTC), all lumia after that. Specifically request BYOD to avoid iPhone from where I worked to present. iPhone to me driven by fans and OS that lack productivity ecosystem. Differences in smart phones in my perspective:

  1. I always believe that getting a mobile phone synergize with its desktop counterpart. I have PC, so window phone is my number 1 choice. Except blackberry, which I owned that swayed from that synergize standpoint. Plus I don't like apple and hate being its cult follower.
  2. Android was a mess IMO just like some says windows tile is blocky, 2D-ish etc etc. When I say messy, it's customize by user to a point that every phone is different. I have not owned any android phone before and my first impression when I play with the phone; someone let me use it, was "messy". Anyone may criticize me for being judgmental about not ever owning Android. Have you seen how many android fan who never owned WP being judgmental?
  3. Window phone has a great ecosystem. Cloud first, mobile first are true words in defining what Microsoft's plan are all about. I mean, if anyone use MS apps ecosystem, why use Android or iPhone. App gap are the temporary, for now the best of both world are android and iPhone. It was made possible with Cloud first, Mobile first.

After reading various comments from various sources, window 10 mobile is buggy etc. I am not defending the OS but saying out loud that to achieve that ONE operating system from mobile, console, to desktop, these bugs are nothing. As a matter of fact, only MS is the only one with this vision. Microsoft position are very controversial simply because of the balance it creates. What I meant by balance before someone misunderstand it, is the number of hate vs like on the OS. The kind of diversification in MS product and services that people hate and like at the same time. Examples will be: Preference on Window 7 vs Window 10 just got me laughing simply because both are made by MS. Spying? with MS? All of a sudden who are we to question our privacy when we simply open up to Facebook and google because MS, facebook, and google are separate entities.

Lumia 950 are great phones, maybe plague by window 10 bugs which makes it the most unworthy device of the century. Hardware wise, it's a beautiful phone and MS expertise as software developers, it will be comparable with other phones. My advice, get an android or iPhone.

My take on Surface phone will be heavily focus on Continuum. Just like Surface Pro where a tablet can be laptop. Surface Phone will be mobile phone that can be a PC with 500 GB hard drive. Since all the desktop app will window store apps it doesn't matter if it's Intel or ARM, you can literally bring a mobile PC. All you bring are laptop dock or tablet dock. I am hoping this come true, MS will release a digital notepad, no CPU or memory just plain notepad and wirelessly synchronize with surface phone to jot any information anyone writes on it.
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I've always switched back and forth between Android and Windows. I don't think it is accurate to say that Android is definitively better than Windows 10, or vice versa. It really depends on the individual and what they are looking for in a smartphone.

If you ask me, I think the app gap means different things to different people. Some want apps from the Google ecosystem. Some want more minor local apps that most take for granted on Android/iOS. Some want banking. Some want Snapchat, etc. Then there is the issue of some apps not being up to par with the versions on Android/iOS. I think it is things like this that bother people.

I don't use many apps at all. I just need email, calendar, a web browser, something like Viber/Whatsapp, something for reddit, weather, news, and... that's about it. All of these requirements are easily met by W10 for me. So from my point of view, I am not lacking anything on W10.

I am not just saying this either. The reason I am not using more apps on W10 is not because I am ignorant of the other apps out there on other platforms. I have a Note 5 as well. I know there are more apps on Android, and they are often more polished and kept up to date. The Microsoft ecosystem is alive and well on Android and iOS as well. Everything I do on my W10 phone, I can do just as well on my Note 5. I've just never found much utility in having a ton of apps. I am aware, however, that this is just my point of view. This might be a complete deal breaker to someone else.

So, for me, it really comes down to which OS I like better. That, unquestionably, is W10. I find it far more elegant than Android, with a good amount of customization to keep me happy. I love the live tiles, and I just generally love the whole UI. I use W10 on my computer as well, so that little bit extra integration is nice. Though, Microsoft is bringing better integration with Android with the Anniversary update, so that is nice as well.

I can't speak much for iOS. I can't stand the interface and general UI interactions in iOS. I've tried many times... I assume the situation is similar though.

On the whole, I understand what Microsoft is trying to do. I agree that focusing on W10 on phones is not a great idea this year. They really need to drive adoption of W10 and the UWP. Any success that the W10 ecosystem achieves, it will eventually trickle down to ALL devices running the OS, including phones. Microsoft is moving in the right direction.

My advice is to not force yourself to use a particular device/ecosystem out of some misguided sense of loyalty. No matter how personal these devices are to us, and they ARE, at the end of the day, they are just tools. Don't limit yourself to just one ecosystem. Try them all! Use whatever works for you at the time. If it is no longer doing what you need it to do, use something else!

That's what I think anyways.
OK, I officially hate Microsoft now. Just when I was happily out, and ready to move on, they reel me back in with the 200 dollar trade in deal for our 1020s. for new 950s. I think I'm going to get the deal on the 950/and xl, and get a cheap android phone for work. Like off brand, blu phone cheap. That way I can take square payments. I can live with using the band, etc. BUT I cannot live without taking mobile payments.

WELL WELL WELL. MS showing some signs of caring!
OK, I officially hate Microsoft now. Just when I was happily out, and ready to move on, they reel me back in with the 200 dollar trade in deal for our 1020s. for new 950s. I think I'm going to get the deal on the 950/and xl, and get a cheap android phone for work. Like off brand, blu phone cheap. That way I can take square payments. I can live with using the band, etc. BUT I cannot live without taking mobile payments.

WELL WELL WELL. MS showing some signs of caring!
I thought it was $150?
200 in Canada! that's like 110 bucks American! but hey! who cares. its 849 -200 bucks! woo hoo. that's an alright deal for me.
200 in Canada! that's like 110 bucks American! but hey! who cares. its 849 -200 bucks! woo hoo. that's an alright deal for me.
Ah yeah lol

Anyway it seems it's about the same as currently $200 CDN is $156 US

I guess if you were thinking of the 950 anyway it's nice to have Microsoft help you a little :)
yeah, I was all ready to jump ship with the non support of my 1020, lack of apps etc. BUUUUUTTTTT, I love windows phone. I hate there are no apps for the things I need, but I am going to use my note for that. I need a new phone anyways with dual sim....and the 950xl is one of only a few that does LTE on both sim cards. That's another bonus. SO my wife is getting the 950 and I am getting the 950 xl. HOPFULLY there will be wearable support for notifications soon.
I love haveing all three mobile platforms Windows 10 Preview on the L950XL Android N on the Nexus 6P ios on the 6s Plus but reading a lot of articles it seems my favorite mobile platform is going down I love live tiles I find it hard to do without them but if I have to then that's it this wait and see is not good but what can any of us do when a company has decided that their own mobile platform is not as important as the other companies platform. It might even seem that they are supporting the other platforms more I hope not but its like staring you in the face.
So it's been a few days since I switched to the iPhone and I don't have any major complaints. Battery life is unbelievably good -- I went two full days without charging and still had about 30% remaining (normal use: calls, email, chat, a little bit of general browsing and videos).

Now I'm just waiting for Microsoft to release Word Flow for iOS.
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