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Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

That sucks to hear. It does seem like WP7 was more stable overall than WP8 is. Let's hope Microsoft can change that.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

I'm on my Nokia Lumia #4 and my 5th replacement from att is on the way. I started like this . #1 att bad battery,#2 att bad battery, #3 Nokia fine until portico killed it, #4 Nokia fine until 1308/1314 raped my lte/ networking and the cogs of death yesterday. #5 att refurb is on the way . If #5 fails me in anyway it will be my last Nokia or windows phone for a long time. This Gen has been terrible. Mainly due to wp8 poor coding.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

I said this before and I'll say it again, Microsoft should stop being so strict with Windows Phone, open it up to the developers. As a WP user I want to be able to interact with my live tiles, especially email (like being able to flick my thumb through unread mail is possible with Android). With NT kernel I am sure the possibilities are endless, but OPEN UP.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

I said this before and I'll say it again, Microsoft should stop being so strict with Windows Phone, open it up to the developers. As a WP user I want to be able to interact with my live tiles, especially email (like being able to flick my thumb through unread mail is possible with Android). With NT kernel I am sure the possibilities are endless, but OPEN UP.

I wholeheartedly agree with this, and I figured (as did many others) that WP8 would finally deliver this. It hasn't.

One of my long-time annoyances has been with auto-silencing and un-silencing the phone. Windows Mobile had this built-in -- the ability to put my phone on silent when it sees that I'm in a meeting, and then revert back to normal when the meeting is done. WP7 couldn't do this, and WP8 still can't. Why doesn't Microsoft open up that API to developers?? It's ridiculous. In the meantime, Android has an app called "Locale" that does *exactly* this + a bunch more cool stuff.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

I wholeheartedly agree with this, and I figured (as did many others) that WP8 would finally deliver this. It hasn't.

One of my long-time annoyances has been with auto-silencing and un-silencing the phone. Windows Mobile had this built-in -- the ability to put my phone on silent when it sees that I'm in a meeting, and then revert back to normal when the meeting is done. WP7 couldn't do this, and WP8 still can't. Why doesn't Microsoft open up that API to developers?? It's ridiculous. In the meantime, Android has an app called "Locale" that does *exactly* this + a bunch more cool stuff.

Yes, Android does allow you to do that type of stuff, but is it really that tough to silence your phone? Turn on phone, push volume up or down, hit vibrate button.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

Yes, Android does allow you to do that type of stuff, but is it really that tough to silence your phone? Turn on phone, push volume up or down, hit vibrate button.

Not helpful feedback.

NO, of course it's not that tough....but as someone who is "on call" 24/7, I've inadvertently forgotten to un-silence my phone, and then have missed important calls. You do this once with a big enough client on the other end, and it becomes an "issue". Ask me how I know ;)

Besides, these are *smartphones* that really ought to do smart phone things.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

Not helpful feedback.

NO, of course it's not that tough....but as someone who is "on call" 24/7, I've inadvertently forgotten to un-silence my phone, and then have missed important calls. You do this once with a big enough client on the other end, and it becomes an "issue". Ask me how I know ;)

Besides, these are *smartphones* that really ought to do smart phone things.

But your complaint is about something Windows Phone has never done, and has never said it has any intention of doing.

If I need a phone that MUST interface with iTunes properly, I'm not going to complain when my BlackBerry doesn't do it. I'm going to buy an iPhone.

If you NEED a phone that turns the ringer off/on by your location because you're such an IMPORTANT MAN who is ON CALL, then you'd have been smart enough to get an Android phone in the first place, instead of getting a Windows Phone and *hoping* it someday has that feature.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

BTW as for Android not being laggy, use it for a few weeks or month or so after getting all your apps and such on there, and see if it stays that way. That seems to be the issue, it rapidly grows sluggish over time using it in general.

I've heard that about Android. How long does it take? I've been using my Nexus 4 for about 6 months, and it's still as fast & stable as the day I took it out of the box. I'm hoping that this is something that went away with Jelly Bean, like Android's reputation for being laggy & unstable (out of the box).
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

But your complaint is about something Windows Phone has never done, and has never said it has any intention of doing.

If I need a phone that MUST interface with iTunes properly, I'm not going to complain when my BlackBerry doesn't do it. I'm going to buy an iPhone.

If you NEED a phone that turns the ringer off/on by your location because you're such an IMPORTANT MAN who is ON CALL, then you'd have been smart enough to get an Android phone in the first place, instead of getting a Windows Phone and *hoping* it someday has that feature.

This is what I was afraid of: personal attacks. If you need to comment on this level, then please take your posts elsewhere. That was ONE specific annoyance with Windows Phone, and focusing too much on that doesn't do any good. YES, I purchased a Windows Phone in *hopes* that they might re-kindle functionality from the Windows Mobile days. I had the same hope with WP8. Neither have panned out. YES, I also knew that Android had this functionality (they have for years...through apps like "Locale"), but I didn't want to use Android. Honestly, I still don't. I would prefer the Microsoft and Nokia work out their issues...
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

At and t got the first global batch of L920s. These had terrible quality assurance problems leading to most being replaced. I have a november l920, uk. I've had no problems. Unfortunately you got the worst of it.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

BTW as for Android not being laggy, use it for a few weeks or month or so after getting all your apps and such on there, and see if it stays that way. That seems to be the issue, it rapidly grows sluggish over time using it in general.

Either way, good luck to you and hope you give WP another chance at some point if you do enjoy it, I know it has some work to do to meet more people's needs, but for me it does a great job overall.

Only time will tell, I suppose, but so far the Android of today is a far cry from the Android that I used to use. Honestly, I hated it. Now? Actually pretty darned good.

That said, there are WP features that I miss. Getting to the camera quickly, the simple tap-to-focus picture taking, the Xbox Music interface (I'm an old Zune user, after all!), the email client, AlphaJax, and the overall simplicity of the OS. When it comes down to it, I'm not perfectly happy with ANY solution right now, but Windows Phone feels like the ever-dangling carrot....always close, but not quite there.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

But your complaint is about something Windows Phone has never done, and has never said it has any intention of doing.


It looks like you have the HTC 8X. How has that phone been? I've seriously considered grabbing one of those, though I'd prefer 32GB of storage. Oh, well. Has it been stable and reliable for you? Have you been happy with the camera? I also do like many of the Nokia-specific apps, but the important ones (Drive, Maps) are available to other phones, I guess.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

I've had so many phones over the past two years its crazy. I've used everything from ios to android to bb10 just recently. Every time I left windows phone to try something else I've always come back. I find this OS to do exactly what I need a phone to do without being overly complex for no reasons I really need or care for. So I rooted two GS3's way before 4.1.1 ( jelly bean) was released and yes it was cool but grew old fast and I just missed my Live Tiles and simple interface and lovely colors. WP 8 isn't the perfect OS but its perfect for me and has all the apps I need. Best if all not one crash or a stutter from the os or my Lumia 920.
Well see what WP blue brings to the table
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

Sorry to hear you are having problems. Have you tried to troubleshoot your battery issue. Is there an app that is unstable? The only battery issues I have it playing games like Castlemine and apps that use GPS like NOKIA Drive. I did swap out my first phone for overheating but I haven't had many issues since. I hope your experience gets better.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

Sorry to hear you are having problems. Have you tried to troubleshoot your battery issue. Is there an app that is unstable? The only battery issues I have it playing games like Castlemine and apps that use GPS like NOKIA Drive. I did swap out my first phone for overheating but I haven't had many issues since. I hope your experience gets better.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express

Oh, yeah...I've been troubleshooting for about 2 months now. Check this thread: Lumia 920 Cyan - ATT - Overheats, Battery Draining - Nokia Support Discussions
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

I'm in a very similar situation, professionally and in regard to our take on WP8. I own a L800 (personal purchase) and a L920 (sponsored by employer) and for all the reasons you mentioned (and some you didn't) I prefer the L800. Ironically, I only use my "work phone" on weekends, and even then only because of the much better camera. I'm not willing to tolerate any instability in a phone. WP7 and my L800 have delivered spectacularly in that regard (I've owned it since before it was publicly available and have not experienced a single hiccup). As much as I'd like to switch to WP8, until it is just as reliable and ships without beta software (XBOX music is usable), I'll stay true to my L800.

I only disagree with you in regard to fragmentation (somewhat):
  • To avoid getting into a lengthy and technical debate, I would simply say that if you understand why WP7 hardware wasn't updated to WP8, then you should also be able to make your peace with the little inconveniences that has caused (which will cease to exist at some point down the road).
  • The existence of 512MB and 1GB hardware variants is simply Microsoft's market segmentation strategy. It is entirely artificial, but also entirely avoidable. If you want everyone in your family to have access to the same apps, you all need devices with the same RAM configuration. If you consider all the other ways Microsoft could have segmented the WP market (which the laws of business demand), I'm sure you will agree that wasn't the worst choice.
  • Finally, the fact that OEMs will release apps only for their devices is simply a fact of life. It's their way of differentiating their devices. You could just as well argue that fragmentation exists, because my company develops WP apps that are available only to its employees. This isn't actually fragmentation.
I realise I'm not helping you with this. I guess I just wanted to say that I mostly agree.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

I only disagree with you in regard to fragmentation (somewhat):
  • To avoid getting into a lengthy and technical debate, I would simply say that if you understand why WP7 hardware wasn't updated to WP8, then you should also be able to make your peace with the little inconveniences that has caused (which will cease to exist at some point down the road).
  • The existence of 512MB and 1GB hardware variants is simply Microsoft's market segmentation strategy. It is entirely artificial, but also entirely avoidable. If you want everyone in your family to have access to the same apps, you all need devices with the same RAM configuration. If you consider all the other ways Microsoft could have segmented the WP market (which the laws of business demand), I'm sure you will agree that wasn't the worst choice.
  • Finally, the fact that OEMs will release apps only for their devices is simply a fact of life. It's their way of differentiating their devices. You could just as well argue that fragmentation exists, because my company develops WP apps that are available only to its employees. This isn't actually fragmentation.
I realise I'm not helping you with this. I guess I just wanted to say that I mostly agree.

Your points are valid.

It's just frustrating when I find a cool app, suggest it to my wife, and then find that she can't install it on her WP7.8 device :( We've also come across instances where we CAN both install the same app (like Chronos Calendar), but my phone can do something that hers can't.........frustrating.....

As for OEM-specific apps, well....I "get it", and I understand their need to differentiate. Although it helps those OEMs (I guess), it doesn't help the eco-system. If I find a cool app that my co-worker cannot get on his HTC 8X, he doesn't say "geez... I guess I should've ordered a Nokia phone", he says "what the f#&k is that about?". Know what I mean?

Personally, I'd loved to see OEMs keep their own specific apps, but allow other users the ability to pay for them. In other words, "Creative Studio" would be free for Nokia phone users, but HTC users might have to pay $4.99 to get that app -- or whatever. It still makes the Nokia phones a value, but it doesn't hurt the eco-system so much. Just my $.02
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

But your complaint is about something Windows Phone has never done, and has never said it has any intention of doing.

That Windows Phone doesn't do this sort of thing is not an easy thing to find out when you are researching what phone or platform to buy into. "Only one volume setting for the whole phone" is not something that appears much in the marketing material, and lots of reviews of Windows Phones don't mention the fact either. Unless you hang around forums like this for a while it's hard to get a feel for the 'little things' that make or break an OS. I did a fair bit of research before I bought a WP, but I didn't find out that there wasn't separate ring-media volume control until after I started using the phone.

If I need a phone that MUST interface with iTunes properly, I'm not going to complain when my BlackBerry doesn't do it. I'm going to buy an iPhone.

iPhone - iTunes integration is an obvious thing. WP - no separate volume control for different things is not an obvious thing.

If you NEED a phone that turns the ringer off/on by your location because you're such an IMPORTANT MAN who is ON CALL, then you'd have been smart enough to get an Android phone in the first place, instead of getting a Windows Phone and *hoping* it someday has that feature.

No response needed, really.
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

Sorry to hear you are having problems. Have you tried to troubleshoot your battery issue. Is there an app that is unstable? The only battery issues I have it playing games like Castlemine and apps that use GPS like NOKIA Drive. I did swap out my first phone for overheating but I haven't had many issues since. I hope your experience gets better.

So..I've tested a BUNCH -- including several 920 phones, the 820, 720, and the 620. Of those phones, only the 920 has had battery drain issues for me. Same apps, same games, and the same tests. In my opinion, the battery drain is specific to the 920, and not just WP8 itself.

There are a number of people trying to pin this down to certain apps (closing them properly, turning off Background Apps, etc.), but this was *never* an issue for me in the WP7 world, and it shouldn't be in the WP8 world either. YES, having many background tasks could use more battery -- just like checking your email every 5 minutes vs 30 minutes will use more -- but it shouldn't be the difference between 16 hours of battery life and draining fully over the course of a few hours, which is what my phones have often done. Sad :(
Re: Long-time WP user....*extremely* disappointed with WP8, Lumia 920, etc.

I have two Lumia 920, both are extremely stable. My Lumia 900 is also very stable with WP7.5. iPhone 4S is most stable for me while WP8 is very close behind though. Android has never been close to stability of iOS and WP in my experience. Latest Android I have used was Nexus 4 with 4.2.2 and had 5 other Android phones before that.
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