Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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I decided to keep my Pixel now too (and Moto G4). At least until BUILD. Maybe there will be some info given then. I really think I will be back to Android at some point (sadly), and I figured I already have the phone, and I don't need or really like the flashy curved screen fad that it going on now. There really isn't anything more I need in the phone than what the Pixel has. Sure better waterproofing would be nice, but I don't need it (I instantly regret typing that because now I know one of the kids will throw it in the bathtub or something.)
I decided to keep my Pixel now too (and Moto G4). At least until BUILD. Maybe there will be some info given then. I really think I will be back to Android at some point (sadly), and I figured I already have the phone, and I don't need or really like the flashy curved screen fad that it going on now. There really isn't anything more I need in the phone than what the Pixel has. Sure better waterproofing would be nice, but I don't need it (I instantly regret typing that because now I know one of the kids will throw it in the bathtub or something.)

Don't jinx yourself! I think this sounds like a good plan.
The jinx is in, its just a countdown now haha.

LOL! I hope you're wrong.

I'd have figured you for the X Compact. Liking my Xperia X thus far. Didja get Lime Gold? It's a fantastic color. Just put liquid glass all over mine. Wanna run it naked to show it off.

You're right about the X Compact, I have tried it 2 times and it was mostly fine but I hated the cameras in low light. I'm not one to use manual mode but that seemed to be the only way to get decent pictures in those conditions. My life is low light basically so I couldn't justify it.

I saw that you got that color, excellent choice! That sounds awesome that you'll be doing that. Glad to hear that you are liking it though.

I debated it but I chose Rose Gold just because of price alone. That was the only color (the Lime Gold) that is $100 more even though it was on sale at B&H. It was between getting it (Rose Gold) tomorrow without any shipping costs from there, or get that color (Lime) from Amazon a week from now without paying for shipping. Not a Prime member.
spoken like a windows phone die hard... oh wait a minute

Hey I resemble that comment!! I tried the Pixel for over 4 months but came back to W10M. I have to admit the recent onslaught of bad news and bad vibes has made me flip flop a lot, but I do love W10M. If Microsoft can't make it work, they should make their Arrow Launcher for Android match the start screen UI of W10M.
I decided to keep my Pixel now too (and Moto G4). At least until BUILD. Maybe there will be some info given then. I really think I will be back to Android at some point (sadly), and I figured I already have the phone, and I don't need or really like the flashy curved screen fad that it going on now. There really isn't anything more I need in the phone than what the Pixel has. Sure better waterproofing would be nice, but I don't need it (I instantly regret typing that because now I know one of the kids will throw it in the bathtub or something.)

The Pixel is an outstanding phone with just enough features. Mind you, I think the Moto Z Force Droid has the most features and excellent camera. I just use the Pixel because it just performs amazingly and a little more reliable to catch the perfect picture over the Moto Z Force Droid.
Changed gears. Returning the X Performance and getting a iPhone 7 with a battery case. I know, I'm weird.
I'm sure there are others that are equal to the Pixel. I just prefer the 1st party Android software and lack of "bloatware", and the speed at which it gets updates.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
I would say that you jinxed me but this is all my own doing xd Then again, you kind of know how this is.

Wow you are hard to keep up with haha
LOL! I still have the Pixel but I wish that the battery life was just a little better. I want to not have to charge daily and yet, I feel like I am.
The iPhone idea has rolled around in my head this week but I tried to go for the X Performance instead.
Changed gears. Returning the X Performance and getting a iPhone 7 with a battery case. I know, I'm weird.

See nothing wrong with that. Congrats and hope you enjoy the iPhone 7!

Haven't found anything that sparks my interest as of late so will be sticking with my present arsinol of mobiles, maybe in a few months that'll change dunno.
See nothing wrong with that. Congrats and hope you enjoy the iPhone 7!

Haven't found anything that sparks my interest as of late so will be sticking with my present arsinol of mobiles, maybe in a few months that'll change dunno.

Thank you! We will see. I bought it from a seller I can return to.

I can understand that. Small phone options are hard for me to find. I'm feeling like I'm out of options so iPhone 7 it is.
iPhone. For when you run out of options...

Go ahead Apple, you can use that one in your ad campaigns, free of charge.
iPhone. For when you run out of options...

Go ahead Apple, you can use that one in your ad campaigns, free of charge.

LOL! At this point, I have tried everything small that I can get my hands on, X Performance aside (The s7 has poor battery life so not interested) . I thought about the 6s but the connectivity downgrade is too much for me to consider bothering with, especially coming from a Pixel.
Switching topics slightly. You commented on the OnePlus 3T post that it was less restrictive than the Pixel. Can you tell us what you mean by that? Does it allow you to redefine more default apps, etc?
I have never owned a OnePlus 3T but with the Pixel, I have noticed that you can't change some things, such as the email client or being able to remove the G pill from the home screen. It seems like the OnePlus allows you to choose more default apps too. It was kind of a shock to me coming from a phone (Honor 8) where I can change those things.

That's what I meant really. Additionally, there's no silent mode for the ringer, just DND but the 3T has a switch for that.
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