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Re: Why i have finally ditched W10m (although still not given up)

But for now, iOS is my daily, and Windows Phone just as a work phone used for phone calls and sometimes to send the odd email.
Ewwww! Have you ever used an Iphone for more than a day? Nasty!

Oh, and please tell me how to attach a file (word doc, spreadsheet...) to an email.

If I were go switch I could see myself going with the new Huawei Mate 9. Nice phone!
Despite the shortcomings of BB10, the PassPort hardware is still the most well-designed phone I've ever used.
I've never understood the "shortcomings" tag on OS10. Maybe from an Android or iPhone app maniac, certainly not from Windows users. The way I see it, Continuum is what keeps Windows ahead of BB, by a nose.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
I can generally get by with BB10, but there are still some rough edges to the OS. Like when I loaded up the music app and realized that I can't sort songs by date added like in Groove, or how email replies default to blue text with no way to change the default to black. It's a "death by a thousand cuts" sort of thing.
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If BB10 was still being developed, even slightly, I might still be with it.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
First party apps were never a strong suit of BlackBerry even on Legacy OS but 10.3.3 was just released a couple of months ago. Mostly bug fixes, better browser and NIAP certification but the Android Runtime is world's better since its update late last year. It's pretty solid especially with Blend if you're on any version of Windows pre-Anniversary Update.
When you don't feel like dealing with cultural norms so its back to BlackBerry for a bit. :grin:

View attachment 135079

Everyone just look at this phone and drool at the thought of Windows Mobile and live tiles across the screen and then using Word and Excel with that keyboard. A keyboard that doubles as a mouse and volume buttons that can be used as camera buttons. Just awesome.

I haven't used my Passport in months but I still keep it charged and can't get myself to sell it. It is literally brand new. Coolest phone ever that only needs Windows Mobile and a better camera and it would have been the best phone ever.

I wish they didn't go Android, if a Blackberry OS was still an active thing I would probably go there at this point.
Re: Why i have finally ditched W10m (although still not given up)

8,000 similar posts and no-one cares? That's one hell of a straw-poll! Perhaps it also explains why so many users walk away from Windows Phone, I guess.

Why should we care about ad nauseam posts? We've heard it over and over again, there's nothing new. It's not life and death. They've decided to switch to a different platform. If that's what they want and what works for them, then I wish them the best of luck. Would us caring keep them from walking away?
Re: Why i have finally ditched W10m (although still not given up)


Well good for you :)

It's news to me anyone over 18 uses snapchat. And I mean that, it's interesting to learn new things. Clearly adults have begun copying the teenagers as they tend to do.

BTW, you can get NFC contactless payment cards, including mini cards that you can stick to the back of your phone, and you can, as of this year, get contactless payment smart rings (you pre-load them with cash - NFC ring, and Kerv). So one doesn't really need that feature on a phone at all. Personally I reckon the ring is kinda cooler. You don't have to reach into your pocket.

I think a banking app is all I'd miss really, if I went to current windows 10 mobile. But I'd use a webpage probably. Not that I have ever used it, nor likely ever will, I'm waiting for windows on arm, Cortana bot intergration before I switch to windows for a mobile device.

If they had a watch so I didn't have to carry around a glass brick and could operate most of everything via voice, I think I'd be super sold. But I am expecting some real power in this department to be available next year. I'm waiting to move the other way. I'm like MS, I don't see current style of slabs, and their attendant small screen touch only apps, lasting that much longer. I see more voice, and more form convergence happening real soon.

But you know, if I was one of those people who used a swiss army knife of social apps all day, I'd probably feel the same as you. I don't even text that much, I probably email more often on my device. I check my social media 1 per day, like reading a magazine. Occasionally I meet someone who insists on WhatsApp, but honestly I find that a bit weird. If your going to avoid text for some weird reason just use messenger. everyone has it. Insisting on some niche platform just seems like someone demanding that I use blackberry messanger or something.

Actually I do use navigation in my car quite a bit. BB10's maps seems to be strides ahead on traffic prediction, and its sooo much quicker than google maps. Of course its a dead OS now :P I don't exactly use voice activation for it. I just set my destination before I start driving, and it calls out directions (so theirs no need to see the map).
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Everyone just look at this phone and drool at the thought of Windows Mobile and live tiles across the screen and then using Word and Excel with that keyboard. A keyboard that doubles as a mouse and volume buttons that can be used as camera buttons. Just awesome.

I haven't used my Passport in months but I still keep it charged and can't get myself to sell it. It is literally brand new. Coolest phone ever that only needs Windows Mobile and a better camera and it would have been the best phone ever.

I wish they didn't go Android, if a Blackberry OS was still an active thing I would probably go there at this point.

I'd be ecstatic if they updated the ART to Android 5.0 so I could use newer apps not currently supported.
Re: Why i have finally ditched W10m (although still not given up)

Why should we care about ad nauseam posts? We've heard it over and over again, there's nothing new. It's not life and death. They've decided to switch to a different platform. If that's what they want and what works for them, then I wish them the best of luck. Would us caring keep them from walking away?

You apparently cared enough to come into this thread and post.
Re: Why i have finally ditched W10m (although still not given up)

It just gets old after a while. There is certainly nothing wrong with differing opinions but, since this is a Windows fan site, you would think the majority of posts would be questions and responses, helpful information, news about the OS, you know stuff like that. Instead its negativity, Windows phone is dead threads, and this. Its time to add a bit more positivity and helpfulness to the conversations. At least that's how I feel.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Is there really a chance that could happen?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Seriously doubt it, Lollipop did away with Dalvik. Unless a genius like Cobalt steps in, we're stuck with apps from 4.3. But hey, it's still a boatload more apps available than what we have on Windows...for the time being.
Unfortunately I doubt it, since BlackBerry is selling Android devices now.
Actually, BlackBerry is only licensing their brand and software but I get your point. Who knows, with the extra time they have on their hands maybe there might be some future work on OS10. John Chen did promise the 10.3.4 update sometime next year. Oh BTW, he also said the check's in the mail.
Re: Why i have finally ditched W10m (although still not given up)

It just gets old after a while. There is certainly nothing wrong with differing opinions but, since this is a Windows fan site, you would think the majority of posts would be questions and responses, helpful information, news about the OS, you know stuff like that. Instead its negativity, Windows phone is dead threads, and this. Its time to add a bit more positivity and helpfulness to the conversations. At least that's how I feel.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

I reckon forums are a bit like reviews. People either give reviews because they love or hate something, they don't bother if they just found it good enough. So if you go to like IMDB, most movie reviews will be one or the other. Same with people on forums like this, you get the fans and the complainers. Bet you'd find the same on android central or similar.

It is unfortunate however people are so encouraging and supportive of hyperbolic negativity here atm. They make out like Microsoft itself is somehow flailing because it doesn't have a successful little glass slab.

Which is nonsense, MS has had quite the upturn since Nadella got in, and the new vision is attractive new young early tech adopters, creatives and business alike to the hardware, and ecosystem. Indeed, I don't think I can remember a time when Microsofts vision, follow through, or internal development has been so exciting.

Plus little pocket slabs are a limited lifetime affair. If that weren't true, everybody in the tech industry wouldn't be competiting for the next things.

These are competitive times, but competition brings out the absolute best in a company. Those at the absolute top, lack the hunger to drive them to make customers happy, and they tend to build walled gardens. I find current MS to be an inspiring model of tech business - a company that aspires not merely to success or innovation, but to a value - bringing useful software power to consumers, and being the best at doing so.

Honestly I've been in the past quite luke warm to the company. I've always used it, but I've never had this level of excitement about the companies future, nor faith in its direction. This negativity seems to be from people who live very much in last years tech innovations, who fail to see the big picture of technology, nor how tech has already changed over time.

You want a company who is hungry and visionary, like early apple. You don't want a company like mid success blackberry or IBM, who is fat and full of its own hubris. Any platform could be dead in the water in a few years, if replaced by something else, with support dropped like a brick. When the iPhone 1 was release, BB OS was king of the smartphone. IBM used to make PC desktops and CPUs. Now they are a software company primarily. Things change real quick.

And that's why I find MS new values re-assuring. This is a company with a future. I cannot actually say the same for apple. They are entirely invested in the iPhone 1 for profit, and have nothing much else to show at the moment, should the slab be superceeded. Maybe they have ideas up their sleeve, but Siri is also behind in the conversational game. And apple is the biggest profit tech company period, with a totally robust app platform. But so was nokia the king of its time. So was IBM the king of its time. And at one stage apple was the young hungry company, at one stage on the brink of liquidation, which nothing but big ideas, and a CEO, Jobs who said his strategy was nothing more than "wait for the next big thing".
While its not perfect, I love Windows 10 and using my SP4 and Idol4s. I won't let anyone take this experience away from me. If MS turns the lights out, I'll make a decision but, until then, I will continue to use what works best for me and hope that MS has new exciting things coming soon.

Yup really great experience using my 950XL, SP3, S3 and my work laptop Lenovo T460T all interchangeably.
Sorry, but I've had it!

I am a microsoft fan for years...

I bought a Nokia 1520 about 4 years ago, and was completely sold by WP 8.1.

Then, WM10 came, and subscribed to be a windows insider.
I think I have been on the feedback app every day about 10 - 20 minutes on average, searching for info, or just providing feedback in long articles or just drop a short note. Adding pictures on the feedback and commenting on others feedback was no exception. I did all of that with my Nokia 1520, testing WM10... This for about 1,5 years now, if not 2 years ...
So in total I think I spent about 30 days (assuming to be free at least 10 hours a day) in total on the feedback app...

I liked to phone so much, that during December I got it repaired, changing the battery and the USB port (which was broken). It costed me 72€.

Now ...

The news came that Microsoft is letting the Nokia 1520 go... Not more supported. This news comes out of the blue from nowhere. The Nokia 1520 will not receive anymore the creators update... Microsoft tells that in a one liner with "a sorry" saying that the "experience" of Nokia 1520 is not optimal on the creators update. Sorry but this is b***t.
The experience was fine.

It is just competely and utterly crazy what Microsoft is doing. Do they understand how to reach their customers? Do they understand that people are WILLING to buy a mobile phone??? That people are WILLING to spend time and develop apps for it? And that before they take such a decision, that they THINK carefully what DAMAGE such a news brings to loyal Microsoft customers? Not even a warning was given, nothing !!!!

I also own a Lumia 950XL, and was planning to buy another one for my son.
But now after this news, I think Microsoft has lost all credibility for me.
If I would get the chance to ask a few questions to the CEO of Microsoft,
I would ask him the following questions, in a respectful manner:

1. How important is Windows Mobile 10 for microsoft towards the future?
2. What devices can be expected to run WM10 in the future?
3. When is microsoft going to do to win back the trust of their own growing frustrated loyal customers.

And I hope his answer will not be around Cloud... Because that means he does not know what he is talking about. Believe me. Mobile is NOTHING to do with Cloud.

On top, Microsoft has then the arrogance to release a media news announcement that Windows 10 was tested by "millions of windows insiders" ... (What are they smoking).

Well, my take on this would be as follows: If microsoft indeed has millions of loyal insiders, what is the problem then releasing a quality new mobile device, that runs WM10, and that would be promoted through the windows insiders popularity?

I think the whole Microsoft company is completely going down. It is completely on the wrong road. They just don't understand that WM10 is the future! Mobile devices are the future!
And they are not a player, and they will never be a player if Microsoft continues like this.

Where is hololens? Who wants to buy it anyway. Where is surface phone? Where is the capability to run native windows apps on the mobile? Where are the devices from the "partners"? Where is the commitment from Microsoft towards Windows Mobile devices and their own mobile platform?

Re: Sorry, but I've had it!

Boy that's a lot of questions. HoloLens is still in development, in a sort of insider program.

Windows on ARM will likely eventually replace windows 10 mobile. That seems to be everyones best guess right now. They have be porting features of windows 10 mobile, into windows 10 proper, like calling, texting, mobile hotspot. Because win32 runs on an emulation layer, it will probably require quite high end hardware to run properly. ie, more or less new.

As I understand it, there is a hack somewhere around these parts, for spoofing another device, such that you get the creators update. So if that's what you are after, then you might be able to get what you want - the update, and the one after.

Commercially speaking, Microsoft have less than 2-5% marketshare in mature markets. Surpisingly they've had a small spot of growth in those markets, but that is after years of lost ground.

Whereas by comparison they have solid market growth in tablets against their competitors (fastest growing segment), and have lost ground to chromebooks in laptops an area where they still have dominance.

I think the main priority is to push into those markets, particularly budget tablets and laptops, where their is momentum and very good odds of success - if they can capture a large share of tablets, two in ones, and stylus enabled laptops - then that will be good for the windows store.

If they can kill the chromebook, and capture decent tablet marketshare - then there will be a viable demand for touch based "UWP" apps, and more development on the platform AND THAT, would open the possibility of taking on the big boys again. The same apps you use on your phone.

You see the google play store has 2.8 million. The windows store has 700,000. They have a bit of catching up to do, its a complex problem you can't just throw money at.

Basically its a matter of focusing on fighting the battles you know you can win. Which I know isn't great for current windows 10 mobile users. That said, bb10 devices under blackberry receive no feature updates. They released new phones, -themselves- like a year ago, and its been dropped like a rock. No roiling updates, no love, and no official statement. Sheer rejection. At least there are _some_ updates to windows 10 mobile, even if on limited devices, that's more that some other companies would do.

I'm sure apple was just as hard on its risc chip customers when they pulled a similar strategy to current micrsoft before the ipod (cut costs, slim down, invest in future technologys, or as steve jobs put it "wait for the next big thing)

I reckon, have a look around here and see if there's a way you can get the update. As I understand it, its possible, and if that is at least part of your grievance, you might be able to get some satisfaction.

Nobody knows exactly whats happening to windows 10 mobile, other than MS seems to have some kind of convergence planned into windows 10 proper. Probably windows 10 on arm.

But it likely won't happen, or be announced this year, because MS has pressing issues in markets it needs to win, in order to have a robust app platform. This may it should be announcing windows cloud. Windows on arm is supposed to be arriving for tablets/servers/laptops or something late this year.

Because sadly, not many desktop users seem to use UWP apps! I use them on desktop and on tablet, but MS needs those numbers, those higher numbers of users, to get developers to write apps. Writers need audiences to survive.

And with not enough apps, its hard to sell smartphones.

BUT If MS can win back budget laptops, and continue to grow in tablets this year - gain some real ground, I think we can put smartphones back on the table personally. If it makes those wins, UWP will grow faster.

Right now, MS's strategy is to keep making plays, like windows on arm, and windows cloud, try to develop the next step (like the upcoming Cortana bot intergration, or hololens), and hope it finds the right footing to tackle the problem of the smartphone market.

I'm not trying to invalidate anything you have said. I've been a blackberry user, I know exactly what having a great platform dropped feels like.

But at least MS, has some games afoot, to try and claw its way back. I'm quite optimistic about windows cloud and windows on arm - budget is the only other growth sector in tablets, "ink" makes windows cloud quite attractive next to ChromeOS for education - if windows can make LTE enabled, long battery life, thinner, cheaper tablets, hybrids and laptops, it could easily conquer that market, or at least make serious headway. And that would definitely mean a lot more UWP app development. And that would open up mobile in a way, it isn't right now.

Indeed if Windows could have dominance, or decent marketshare in tablets, as well as laptops, desktops and servers - that would make it far easier to leverage into the phone market. It's not stupid, its kind of clever.
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