I hate to say it, but I think my time on this platform may be winding down.
It's not the platform. I still LOVE how everything I want to see on my phone is close to the surface and the stuff I don't want isn't in my face. I like how smooth and seamless it is as I move throughout my day and from phone to PC and back.
It's not the apps. I honestly don't need or use many.
I came to Windows Phone in 2013. I've used many phones from Lumia and others. I've liked the hardware, the OS right up into W10M and the experience (for the most part).
When I first came to Windows Phone these forums were filled with complaints about apps. Where are they all? Why don't we have x, y, z? Why doesn't Microsoft throw money at developers to bring apps here? Why does the developer want me to pay for their app? Why aren't all apps free? How can I cheat and install paid apps for free?
Windows Phone peaked for market share in late 2014 and early 2015. It was never big in the US, but several European and Asian countries had double digits for % share of mobile. In January of 2015 I
started an initiative to help encourage developers by getting them an annual bonus. Buy an App Day was borrowed from webOS Nation and the premise is simple: one day every year is set aside for users to buy as many apps as they can. This way the user base makes their presence felt in one big mass, developers get money and encouragement and we hopefully keep the whole ball rolling...
And the silence was deafening. Few people cared or participated. With 7 weeks time pushing the concept in the forum we only had 9 participants including myself. 9 out of the thousands that come here daily. The view rate on the thread was low as well. Users didn't want apps, at least not if they had to pay for them and they didn't want to support developers with even $0.99. I was saddened for the future of our platform after the effort closed.
Fast forward to July of 2016. Lumia has been officially buried. No first party phones are coming until whenever "Surface" decides to surface. The 950/XL, the 650 and the 550 all underwhelmed and the user base was here posting again. Where are the phones? Why aren't they subsidized? I don't like the prices. Where are the other OEMs? Why can't I get 1st gen, top tier spec for $300 or less?
Nuans Neo
launched their kickstarter campaign. Their goal was $725,000 to cover the costs of certifying in various countries so they could sell outside of Japan. MSRP on the phone was $400, but early pledges could snag it for $270. They only received 489 pledges for a total of $142,368 or about 1/5 of the goal. My pledge was one of the 489 and I made it early on. The whole campaign was surrounded by negative comments from the user base. Ugly, bulky, not high enough spec, not a low enough price...
Say what you want about the Neo, ugly or beautiful, but it is one of the most unique phones we've ever seen. Not only did it not get out of Japan, we soured them on the platform and their next device will be Android.
And now
this... I don't even want to get into the negativity and complaints. They are out there, go look at them if you want. It's just more of the same. Even the Executive Editor is
infected now.
Why should developers and OEMs support us? We clearly don't support them. I don't care what you personally bought, how much you paid for it or what you think you are owed. This is my opinion. As a whole, the user base is stingy and apathetic. They like to sit around complaining about how it is all dissolving rather than doing something about it. If there was any money in this for anyone, wouldn't the developers and OEMs come get their share?
Y'all sit around talking about chickens and eggs. I tell you what, we don't lay any golden eggs and that's why there are no chickens.
I've had it. I really can't take it any longer after seeing the rush to boo and hiss Cerulean off the stage when they are simply trying to help the platform stay viable or to even grow down the line. This will likely be my last hurrah with Windows Phone.
I think I'm taking my $300 I'll get back when the Cerulean Indiegogo closes and getting a Sony Xperia X so I can put it on Sailfish.
Happy sailing, y'all.