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Re: Feature of windows mobile 10

I am a fan of windows mobile. But now I move to android. Waiting for many years. Bt not big improvement of this platform. Very sad and bad. My first phone is lumia 520. Now I am using Lumia 730.finally creators update not supported my phone. Very bad news. Android platform is much more better than windows. Windows developer can't improve the level of android.

Don't let the fact that your phones are budget models at best detract you from thinking Android can run half as well with the same equipment.
Re: Feature of windows mobile 10

I am a fan of windows mobile. But now I move to android. Waiting for many years. Bt not big improvement of this platform. Very sad and bad. My first phone is lumia 520. Now I am using Lumia 730.finally creators update not supported my phone. Very bad news. Android platform is much more better than windows. Windows developer can't improve the level of android.

For what its worth if you buy cheap Android phones you'll be lucky to get ANY software updates for your phone at all. With Android you have to invest in a flagship phone if you want vendor support for any amount of time.
Re: Feature of windows mobile 10

For what its worth if you buy cheap Android phones you'll be lucky to get ANY software updates for your phone at all. With Android you have to invest in a flagship phone if you want vendor support for any amount of time.
Buying a cheap Android and you're lucky if it's even on the current version. There's a lot of cheapies out there for sale on Marshmallow and some still on Lollipop.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
To me, Marshmallow wasn't so bad but Doze wasn't really so good either.

Then again, I'm sticking to iOS 9 so maybe I shouldn't talk.
Marshmallows wasn't bad at all, by Android standards. But God forbid you're not on the latest and greatest even if it sucks. Arguably 8.1 is better than 10 on mobile just as 7 is definitely better than 10 on PC. More features doesn't equate to a better experience.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
Marshmallows wasn't bad at all, by Android standards. But God forbid you're not on the latest and greatest even if it sucks. Arguably 8.1 is better than 10 on mobile just as 7 is definitely better than 10 on PC. More features doesn't equate to a better experience.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk

Amen to that!

Your last statement is so true.

The only things I am really using on my Pixel that are new is the spilt screen thing and the long press to access my battery usage and for some apps like Nine. I'm sure that I could do without those but the split is nice when someone calls you and you want to text them but you don't have the number saved.
I'll give you an example. You want to put a custom ringtone for a contact, Android then asks which app do you want to perform that task. Windows knows which one to use, so does Apple. You open an email and it has some attachments. Again, Android will ask what app to use. Speaking of attachments, besides BlackBerry which opens everything file type under the sun natively, Windows doesn't require you to install different apps for different file types with only one exception - zip files. Apple is the worst but Android is not far behind. You could make an argument that for some tasks, Windows doesn't have to worry about an app gap because the capabilities are baked in. When it comes to PIM, only BB surpasses every platform simply because of native capabilities. With the zip file exception I noted above, Windows is the more complete OS - out of the box.

Okay I see your confusion... Android as they say is the most customizable os out there... So you have a number of apps that are browsers or contact managing apps. Now if you wanna do anything browser related like clicked a link in an email android will prompt with all browser apps listed then whichever you choose you've the option to say use only once or always.. So choosing always means that in the future it will just go and use that app.. This will change everytime you install a new app with same functionality... So if you have mozilla and chrome and you choose chrome permanently then install opera, it will clear that chrome permanence
Okay I see your confusion... Android as they say is the most customizable os out there... So you have a number of apps that are browsers or contact managing apps. Now if you wanna do anything browser related like clicked a link in an email android will prompt with all browser apps listed then whichever you choose you've the option to say use only once or always.. So choosing always means that in the future it will just go and use that app.. This will change everytime you install a new app with same functionality... So if you have mozilla and chrome and you choose chrome permanently then install opera, it will clear that chrome permanence

It's not confusing at all, it's downright irritating. It's Vista on a phone. Only on Android does it make sense that a default setting becomes null if you download another app. Apps with similar functions are supposed to be complimentary.
Hey all, got a Motorola G5 plus last month, switching from 2 year old Lumia730(brilliant phone). Android is super fast and way better than Wp. No more of that silly 'resuming' screens :). It just simply works. But one thing for sure , I will be missing the smoothness of WindowsMobile. Was using Wp 8 and 10 for the past 5 years :) what initially impressed me with Wp was how smooth the interface was and how it compared with IOS. It's been a nice ride and time has come to switch platforms.
the g5 is very reliable, decent camera. Stock android, dedicated memory card slot. and solid battery backup thanks to Snapdragon 625. Oh, there's also Turbocharging, very very fast charge :) 20-75% in 50mins. Still learning the tricks and trade in Android world.

See you next time, WindowsPhone :) I will still be around visiting WindowsCentral to catch up on WindowsOS news
I hate to say it, but I think my time on this platform may be winding down.


It's not the platform. I still LOVE how everything I want to see on my phone is close to the surface and the stuff I don't want isn't in my face. I like how smooth and seamless it is as I move throughout my day and from phone to PC and back.

It's not the apps. I honestly don't need or use many.

I came to Windows Phone in 2013. I've used many phones from Lumia and others. I've liked the hardware, the OS right up into W10M and the experience (for the most part).

When I first came to Windows Phone these forums were filled with complaints about apps. Where are they all? Why don't we have x, y, z? Why doesn't Microsoft throw money at developers to bring apps here? Why does the developer want me to pay for their app? Why aren't all apps free? How can I cheat and install paid apps for free?

Windows Phone peaked for market share in late 2014 and early 2015. It was never big in the US, but several European and Asian countries had double digits for % share of mobile. In January of 2015 I started an initiative to help encourage developers by getting them an annual bonus. Buy an App Day was borrowed from webOS Nation and the premise is simple: one day every year is set aside for users to buy as many apps as they can. This way the user base makes their presence felt in one big mass, developers get money and encouragement and we hopefully keep the whole ball rolling...

And the silence was deafening. Few people cared or participated. With 7 weeks time pushing the concept in the forum we only had 9 participants including myself. 9 out of the thousands that come here daily. The view rate on the thread was low as well. Users didn't want apps, at least not if they had to pay for them and they didn't want to support developers with even $0.99. I was saddened for the future of our platform after the effort closed.

Fast forward to July of 2016. Lumia has been officially buried. No first party phones are coming until whenever "Surface" decides to surface. The 950/XL, the 650 and the 550 all underwhelmed and the user base was here posting again. Where are the phones? Why aren't they subsidized? I don't like the prices. Where are the other OEMs? Why can't I get 1st gen, top tier spec for $300 or less?

Nuans Neo launched their kickstarter campaign. Their goal was $725,000 to cover the costs of certifying in various countries so they could sell outside of Japan. MSRP on the phone was $400, but early pledges could snag it for $270. They only received 489 pledges for a total of $142,368 or about 1/5 of the goal. My pledge was one of the 489 and I made it early on. The whole campaign was surrounded by negative comments from the user base. Ugly, bulky, not high enough spec, not a low enough price...

Say what you want about the Neo, ugly or beautiful, but it is one of the most unique phones we've ever seen. Not only did it not get out of Japan, we soured them on the platform and their next device will be Android.

And now this... I don't even want to get into the negativity and complaints. They are out there, go look at them if you want. It's just more of the same. Even the Executive Editor is infected now.

Why should developers and OEMs support us? We clearly don't support them. I don't care what you personally bought, how much you paid for it or what you think you are owed. This is my opinion. As a whole, the user base is stingy and apathetic. They like to sit around complaining about how it is all dissolving rather than doing something about it. If there was any money in this for anyone, wouldn't the developers and OEMs come get their share?

Y'all sit around talking about chickens and eggs. I tell you what, we don't lay any golden eggs and that's why there are no chickens.

I've had it. I really can't take it any longer after seeing the rush to boo and hiss Cerulean off the stage when they are simply trying to help the platform stay viable or to even grow down the line. This will likely be my last hurrah with Windows Phone.

I think I'm taking my $300 I'll get back when the Cerulean Indiegogo closes and getting a Sony Xperia X so I can put it on Sailfish.

Happy sailing, y'all.
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It's not confusing at all, it's downright irritating. It's Vista on a phone. Only on Android does it make sense that a default setting becomes null if you download another app. Apps with similar functions are supposed to be complimentary.

Okay do you know how to reset defaults?? You need to go to settings >apps > select the app > clear defaults...

Now you wanna say that every time you install a new app you wanna do that step??

For the use experience its better this way...
I've hung in since the WP7 days on my good ol' Samsung Focus. Quite a few workmates and I all sported WP's for years, but I'm just about the last one left. Yesterday I picked up a Samsung Galaxy Express Prime at Best Buy for $70 to replace my wife's 640. I got tired of her complaining about bring unable to run her company's apps.

I spent most of the day setting it up for her and I must admit, while the OS appears rather cluttered and disjointed compared to W10M, it's a rather capable little phone, especially given the price. I'd liken it to the Android version of the 640, and I think it's even snazzier looking. I could see myself carrying one.

The predictive keyboard is better, and the numbers are always available without needing to toggle. It even memorized our email addresses as we had to sign into apps over over and over again. How many times have I wished that Windows would allow you to add custom words and phrases over the years, after having typed <REDACTED> probably 10,000 times. My next email addy will be <REDACTED>

I'm going to see how well it works with BT and the head unit in my car, and if I can once again browse my music library from the head unit without touching the phone (Xbox Music did this, Groove does not, WTH?!?!), then I may reluctantly move on. If WM survives, I'll always be willing to give it another try. But MS will have to convince me that they are committed to the platform first. This experience has left a very bad taste in my mouth.
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The predictive keyboard is better, and the numbers are always available without needing to toggle. It even memorized our email addresses as we had to sign into apps over over and over again. How many times have I wished that Windows would allow you to add custom words and phrases over the years, after having typed <REDACTED> probably 10,000 times. My next email addy will be <REDACTED>

I don't know if those were your real email addresses, but I removed them as email addresses and other personal contact information should never be posted on open forums for your own safety.
I hate to say it, but I think my time on this platform may be winding down.


It's not the platform. I still LOVE how everything I want to see on my phone is close to the surface and the stuff I don't want isn't in my face. I like how smooth and seamless it is as I move throughout my day and from phone to PC and back.

It's not the apps. I honestly don't need or use many.

I came to Windows Phone in 2013. I've used many phones from Lumia and others. I've liked the hardware, the OS right up into W10M and the experience (for the most part).

When I first came to Windows Phone these forums were filled with complaints about apps. Where are they all? Why don't we have x, y, z? Why doesn't Microsoft throw money at developers to bring apps here? Why does the developer want me to pay for their app? Why aren't all apps free? How can I cheat and install paid apps for free?

Windows Phone peaked for market share in late 2014 and early 2015. It was never big in the US, but several European and Asian countries had double digits for % share of mobile. In January of 2015 I started an initiative to help encourage developers by getting them an annual bonus. Buy an App Day was borrowed from webOS Nation and the premise is simple: one day every year is set aside for users to buy as many apps as they can. This way the user base makes their presence felt in one big mass, developers get money and encouragement and we hopefully keep the whole ball rolling...

And the silence was deafening. Few people cared or participated. With 7 weeks time pushing the concept in the forum we only had 9 participants including myself. 9 out of the thousands that come here daily. The view rate on the thread was low as well. Users didn't want apps, at least not if they had to pay for them and they didn't want to support developers with even $0.99. I was saddened for the future of our platform after the effort closed.

Fast forward to July of 2016. Lumia has been officially buried. No first party phones are coming until whenever "Surface" decides to surface. The 950/XL, the 650 and the 550 all underwhelmed and the user base was here posting again. Where are the phones? Why aren't they subsidized? I don't like the prices. Where are the other OEMs? Why can't I get 1st gen, top tier spec for $300 or less?

Nuans Neo launched their kickstarter campaign. Their goal was $725,000 to cover the costs of certifying in various countries so they could sell outside of Japan. MSRP on the phone was $400, but early pledges could snag it for $270. They only received 489 pledges for a total of $142,368 or about 1/5 of the goal. My pledge was one of the 489 and I made it early on. The whole campaign was surrounded by negative comments from the user base. Ugly, bulky, not high enough spec, not a low enough price...

Say what you want about the Neo, ugly or beautiful, but it is one of the most unique phones we've ever seen. Not only did it not get out of Japan, we soured them on the platform and their next device will be Android.

And now this... I don't even want to get into the negativity and complaints. They are out there, go look at them if you want. It's just more of the same. Even the Executive Editor is infected now.

Why should developers and OEMs support us? We clearly don't support them. I don't care what you personally bought, how much you paid for it or what you think you are owed. This is my opinion. As a whole, the user base is stingy and apathetic. They like to sit around complaining about how it is all dissolving rather than doing something about it. If there was any money in this for anyone, wouldn't the developers and OEMs come get their share?

Y'all sit around talking about chickens and eggs. I tell you what, we don't lay any golden eggs and that's why there are no chickens.

I've had it. I really can't take it any longer after seeing the rush to boo and hiss Cerulean off the stage when they are simply trying to help the platform stay viable or to even grow down the line. This will likely be my last hurrah with Windows Phone.

I think I'm taking my $300 I'll get back when the Cerulean Indiegogo closes and getting a Sony Xperia X so I can put it on Sailfish.

Happy sailing, y'all.
I'm so sorry I don't even know what to say aside from saying that I can only imagine how hard all of this feels.
I'm so sorry I don't even know what to say aside from saying that I can only imagine how hard all of this feels.

I understand how he feels, he's one of the biggest and most positive fans on these forums. I only hope its a temporary setback and he finds his fire again, or if he moves on gets the experience he's looking for.

I refuse to give in to the haters and negative focused posters. While I understand frustration and the emotions it can create, things are currently out of hand. While its not perfect, I love Windows 10 and using my SP4 and Idol4s. I won't let anyone take this experience away from me. If MS turns the lights out, I'll make a decision but, until then, I will continue to use what works best for me and hope that MS has new exciting things coming soon. They do need to speak up more and bring some light on to what is in store.

We all have to make decisions and do what's best for us. That's what I will continue to do.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I understand how he feels, he's one of the biggest and most positive fans on these forums. I only hope its a temporary setback and he finds his fire again, or if he moves on gets the experience he's looking for.

I refuse to give in to the haters and negative focused posters. While I understand frustration and the emotions it can create, things are currently out of hand. While its not perfect, I love Windows 10 and using my SP4 and Idol4s. I won't let anyone take this experience away from me. If MS turns the lights out, I'll make a decision but, until then, I will continue to use what works best for me and hope that MS has new exciting things coming soon. They do need to speak up more and bring some light on to what is in store.

We all have to make decisions and do what's best for us. That's what I will continue to do.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

Can I get a witness up in here?
I read Rumored Now's post and then read it again and still again. I find nothing wrong with what was said or how it was said. I see the same thoughts and feelings that I had after 30+ years of getting in airplanes, rental cars and strange beds each week. After a while I had had enough.

Over the past four or so years I have been an active and participating member of this forum. I find that the only comments I want to make is more of a sarcastic vein than useful feedback. I have a 950xl and a 650 backup and will continue to use them for as long as they serve my needs or they die; which ever comes first. I just won't feel compelled to defend or crucify MS, WM10 or I want everything for free posters. I'm just going to enjoy what I have and slowly move on.

Love you guys.
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