Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Re: May be my last windows phone

It will depend on what is available at which time I need a new phone, I am pretty pleased with my 950XL. It would take a 'death blow' from MS, or 'the' panacea of phones from a competitor, to which from Windows; especially at this point, with Windows making the improvements it has over the last year...not bad for starting at zero. IMHO
They say idle hands are the devil's workshop. I took some PTO to replace my A/C compressor and the job went much smoother than anticipated sooooo I decided to do a hard reset on my bastardized G5. I set up each feature and app one by one to make sure no stone was left unturned. The battery responded to this as it lasted about 6 hours mostly screen-on. The phone is zippy, as it should be with 4 gigs of RAM and a SD820 chip. But it would be insanely fast if Android didn't require 10 extra steps for anything iOS or Windows could do in 3. I never realized how clunky Gallery is compared to the stock photo app on Windows. Google Photos is even worse. The stock LG file manager is very well stocked with features but culling files from OneDrive is worse than watching grass grow.

App switching is quick and without fancy animations, the camera has always been a strong suit of this phone and the display is very nice, if not a tad dim for my taste. In short, Android is keeping Windows 10 Mobile alive. If they ever get their act together there will be a reckoning. Until then, this heap of junk is going back in the drawer.
They say idle hands are the devil's workshop. I took some PTO to replace my A/C compressor and the job went much smoother than anticipated sooooo I decided to do a hard reset on my bastardized G5. I set up each feature and app one by one to make sure no stone was left unturned. The battery responded to this as it lasted about 6 hours mostly screen-on. The phone is zippy, as it should be with 4 gigs of RAM and a SD820 chip. But it would be insanely fast if Android didn't require 10 extra steps for anything iOS or Windows could do in 3. I never realized how clunky Gallery is compared to the stock photo app on Windows. Google Photos is even worse. The stock LG file manager is very well stocked with features but culling files from OneDrive is worse than watching grass grow.

App switching is quick and without fancy animations, the camera has always been a strong suit of this phone and the display is very nice, if not a tad dim for my taste. In short, Android is keeping Windows 10 Mobile alive. If they ever get their act together there will be a reckoning. Until then, this heap of junk is going back in the drawer.

You know, the problem with you is you don't tell us how you really feel. 🤣

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
They say idle hands are the devil's workshop. I took some PTO to replace my A/C compressor and the job went much smoother than anticipated sooooo I decided to do a hard reset on my bastardized G5. I set up each feature and app one by one to make sure no stone was left unturned. The battery responded to this as it lasted about 6 hours mostly screen-on. The phone is zippy, as it should be with 4 gigs of RAM and a SD820 chip. But it would be insanely fast if Android didn't require 10 extra steps for anything iOS or Windows could do in 3. I never realized how clunky Gallery is compared to the stock photo app on Windows. Google Photos is even worse. The stock LG file manager is very well stocked with features but culling files from OneDrive is worse than watching grass grow.

App switching is quick and without fancy animations, the camera has always been a strong suit of this phone and the display is very nice, if not a tad dim for my taste. In short, Android is keeping Windows 10 Mobile alive. If they ever get their act together there will be a reckoning. Until then, this heap of junk is going back in the drawer.
Wow, that's impressive!
Camera is painful

I have a 950Xl and not to start arguments, but I plan on leaving for the new Galaxy for so many reasons (other than the app gap). I feel like the bugs and glitches not only aren't being fixed, but each build adds more issues. I think the final straw for me is I am on vacation with my family and the camera has been worthless. It hangs, it crashes, it won't fire the shutter until seconds after I press the button, it locks up, the photos become un-viewable, the pictures that are viewable aren't available for up to an hour sometimes through the photo app, pressing burst mode will take only two or three pictures then stop or will freezing on a 'saving' notification. I just do not understand how something as upfront as the camera is still such an issue this much later. Sadly, this has been like this on each other the phones have installed Windows 10 Mobile, including my 1520 which was camera-fantastic before Windows 10 Mobile. Even though I plan on leaving, can anyone tell me why they have such a hard time get the camera to even be functional?
But it would be insanely fast if Android didn't require 10 extra steps for anything iOS or Windows could do in 3.

I must be doing something wrong! :straight: I've switched to Windows phone a couple times, but one of the things that always drove me away was the infinite amount of scrolling and tapping required to do basic stuff that on Android takes a simple tap or two. Android is much more organized and efficient.

I've always said that I love the looks of WP's UI, but I don't like to use it because it's inefficient.
I must be doing something wrong! :straight: I've switched to Windows phone a couple times, but one of the things that always drove me away was the infinite amount of scrolling and tapping required to do basic stuff that on Android takes a simple tap or two. Android is much more organized and efficient.

I've always said that I love the looks of WP's UI, but I don't like to use it because it's inefficient.

I'll give you an example. You want to put a custom ringtone for a contact, Android then asks which app do you want to perform that task. Windows knows which one to use, so does Apple. You open an email and it has some attachments. Again, Android will ask what app to use. Speaking of attachments, besides BlackBerry which opens everything file type under the sun natively, Windows doesn't require you to install different apps for different file types with only one exception - zip files. Apple is the worst but Android is not far behind. You could make an argument that for some tasks, Windows doesn't have to worry about an app gap because the capabilities are baked in. When it comes to PIM, only BB surpasses every platform simply because of native capabilities. With the zip file exception I noted above, Windows is the more complete OS - out of the box.
Re: Camera is painful

the camera has been worthless. It hangs, it crashes, it won't fire the shutter until seconds after I press the button, it locks up, the photos become un-viewable, the pictures that are viewable aren't available for up to an hour sometimes through the photo app, pressing burst mode will take only two or three pictures then stop or will freezing on a 'saving' notification.
I agree they made a mess of this, at least on the 950XL. I picked it up for some pictures recently, and I promptly missed an important moment because the camera button didn't open the app. I have no idea how this slips through the testing. It's almost as if the testing on this platform is not very thorough.
I'll give you an example. You want to put a custom ringtone for a contact, Android then asks which app do you want to perform that task. Windows knows which one to use, so does Apple. You open an email and it has some attachments. Again, Android will ask what app to use.

Ah yeah I can see your frustration. But as a Windows desktop user you should be familiar with this. These choices are a one time thing (unless you choose to Ask Each Time).
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I must be doing something wrong! :straight: I've switched to Windows phone a couple times, but one of the things that always drove me away was the infinite amount of scrolling and tapping required to do basic stuff that on Android takes a simple tap or two. Android is much more organized and efficient.

I've always said that I love the looks of WP's UI, but I don't like to use it because it's inefficient.

I'll agree with you on this one... When comparing my LG G4 to my 950 (very similar spec'd devices) for every day tasks/chores, those things one does on regular and daily basis, my G4 is so much more refined and smoother. There's delays on my 950 when doing just about anything which makes it feel lacking, and it is.

As an example opening Photos/Gallery, 950 always takes time to render thumbnails along with a wee bit more time before you can interact with the photos themselves (pinch to zoom and so on), basically G4 trumps 950 in just about every aspect of normal usage, has for me anyway.

There's lots I like about Windows phone yet it feels way too far behind the times making the fun of using it short-lived. Now that the app-gap has infringed upon my needs it has gotten tough depending on it.
Ah yeah I can see your frustration. But as a Windows desktop user you should be familiar with this. These choices are a one time thing (unless you choose to Ask Each Time).
I haven't seen constant "requests" since Vista but at least you could disable that.

Yeah, you can set "always" but it's almost every app, every task. If you do enough things on the phone you pretty much can get 'em all out of the way but for chronic switchers like me, it's a royal PITA each time on a new phone or recovering from a hard reset.
As an update, I did end up getting a silver Pixel and also selling my black one. I hate how expensive Google makes their accessories. :straight:

I can finally say that I'm done with phones for a bit. Using my SE in the process of putting up the Pixel for sale and receiving the other one, made me realize how much I did miss the Pixel. It's ridiculous how long it took me to arrive to that conclusion.
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You're my HERO!
Nah, just stupid. I'm not a grease monkey anymore and any thought of EVER returning to the profession quickly evaporated. Certain trades ought to be illegal for people over 50. Mechanic and plumber should be 1 & 1A on the list.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
Feature of windows mobile 10

I am a fan of windows mobile. But now I move to android. Waiting for many years. Bt not big improvement of this platform. Very sad and bad. My first phone is lumia 520. Now I am using Lumia 730.finally creators update not supported my phone. Very bad news. Android platform is much more better than windows. Windows developer can't improve the level of android.
Re: Feature of windows mobile 10

I am a fan of windows mobile. But now I move to android. Waiting for many years. Bt not big improvement of this platform. Very sad and bad. My first phone is lumia 520. Now I am using Lumia 730.finally creators update not supported my phone. Very bad news. Android platform is much more better than windows. Windows developer can't improve the level of android.

You're a Windows fan but you're mocking it and moving to Android. Got it.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
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