Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Wow that G5 must have really been a pain for you. Yeah the S8+ is an interesting phone. If you do try DeX, share your thoughts and impressions please.

The Nougat update ruined the phone and the "fix" update from T-Mobile did nothing. Battery life is only 5-6 hours, overheats like crazy and USB connections are an adventure. Nice camera though, one of the better Android cameras I've come across.
The Nougat update ruined the phone and the "fix" update from T-Mobile did nothing. Battery life is only 5-6 hours, overheats like crazy and USB connections are an adventure. Nice camera though, one of the better Android cameras I've come across.

Wow, that sounds like a terrible phone. Can't say I blame you at all for your statement.
Wow, that sounds like a terrible phone. Can't say I blame you at all for your statement.

On the charger and I started at 100%. Doing updates from the Play Store and the draw is overwhelming the charge. The iPhone I'm posting on is at 38% and it started fresh at 5:30 this morning.

Do a video!

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Wait, not so fast. I discovered something extremely useful last night. While tinkering with this abortion I saw that while on Remote Desktop to my company server the Android C drive shows up. Windows doesn't do it, BlackBerry 10 doesn't do it either and iOS.....yeah ok. While using RDP from my slate I can upload files from the HDD to the remote server but I could never do it from a phone without first having to use OneDrive. Downloading to the phone involved the same process.

I may grant a stay of execution to keep as a test bed. This could potentially be game changer since I'm on RDP half the time.
I'm having second thoughts about my Pixel. I think I have a problem. :grincry:

It hits the spots in all the right ways but when I went to scream my lungs out last night, a good amount of it was out of the pocket. Not as bad as the Honor 8 was but not as good as the SE. I'm trying to talk myself out of my thoughts. LOL.

The X Compact had a weak camera but that was very close to the SE in how well it fit in my girl pockets. At the same time, I can't see myself dealing with a weak camera for this reason when I could just get my SE to use instead.
I'm having second thoughts about my Pixel. I think I have a problem. :grincry:

It hits the spots in all the right ways but when I went to scream my lungs out last night, a good amount of it was out of the pocket. Not as bad as the Honor 8 was but not as good as the SE. I'm trying to talk myself out of my thoughts. LOL.

The X Compact had a weak camera but that was very close to the SE in how well it fit in my girl pockets. At the same time, I can't see myself dealing with a weak camera for this reason when I could just get my SE to use instead.

The struggle is real..
I'm having second thoughts about my Pixel. I think I have a problem. :grincry:

It hits the spots in all the right ways but when I went to scream my lungs out last night, a good amount of it was out of the pocket. Not as bad as the Honor 8 was but not as good as the SE. I'm trying to talk myself out of my thoughts. LOL.

The X Compact had a weak camera but that was very close to the SE in how well it fit in my girl pockets. At the same time, I can't see myself dealing with a weak camera for this reason when I could just get my SE to use instead.

Went to a Justin Bieber concert last night? 🤣
Yes it is! Chronic switcher problems. xd

Ha, not even. You're not going to be able to guess who I was screaming for but I enjoyed myself with most of the artists, aside from the one who was just entertaining even though me and my friend were both confused.
If it's not Earth, Wind & Fire it ain't worth hollerin' for.
If it's not Earth, Wind & Fire it ain't worth hollerin' for.

For you, yes. For me, I have a number of favorites, and I saw my top favorite of all time last night who is so worth screaming for.

As a self-proclaimed concert head, screaming is just part of the deal with most of the people I see, unless their music doesn't fit that.
For you, yes. For me, I have a number of favorites, and I saw my top favorite of all time last night who is so worth screaming for.

As a self-proclaimed concert head, screaming is just part of the deal with most of the people I see, unless their music doesn't fit that.
C'mon, just bustin' on you. I love all genres but I'm looking forward to Steve Miller & Peter Frampton in June and Panic At The Disco in 2 weeks (if grandparents are available for babysitting the Psycho Circus).
C'mon, just bustin' on you. I love all genres but I'm looking forward to Steve Miller & Peter Frampton in June and Panic At The Disco in 2 weeks (if grandparents are available for babysitting the Psycho Circus).
Haha, I should have known xd

Ooh nice, hopefully you'll be able to go to all of those!
As for my Pixel second thoughts, I'm considering selling this one and then getting a silver one because that white front makes it a lot easier to pick out cases, and just in general really. I'm having a hard time with the black front. Probably going to see if I can bite with a trade first though because that would be way easier.

True first world problems...
The shoes, will it match the shoes? Memorial Day is coming so you can get away with the white front. But what about after Labor Day?
The shoes, will it match the shoes? Memorial Day is coming so you can get away with the white front. But what about after Labor Day?
White front for the win (for me). I finally understand the people who try a different color of the iPhone and then feel weird about it.
The shoes, will it match the shoes? Memorial Day is coming so you can get away with the white front. But what about after Labor Day?
Can't show up to a Cinco de Mayo party with a Space Grey iPhone either.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
May be my last windows phone

I am thinking it may be my last windows phone.These days things goes worse day by day for windows.Thought of other windows phone users.
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